A/N: His guys so this is a different way the Captain could have found out about Barry's secret, I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Flash or it's characters

"Allen, are you done with the-" Captain David Singh stopped mid sentence as he came face to face with an unbelievable sight, a whirl of red and yellow lightning swarmed the lab, rushing from one machine to another, to the desk, sending papers flying everywhere.

For one wild moment Singh thought The Flash had broken into the lab to steal something, but quickly realised the man wouldn't stick around if he had.

The blur of lightning stopped abruptly, revealing a quite horrified looking Barry Allen, "Uh, um, Sir, I- It's not what it looks like." he gestured wildly around the room like that explained everything.

Singh raised his eyebrows, unimpressed, "You're the Flash." He deadpanned.

"I guess it is what it looks like." Allen stated, avoiding looking at his boss, rubbing the back of his neck..

The Captain frowned in confusion, "How- how the fucking hell are you always late if you have goddamn superpowers!" He shouted.

Barry looked panicky and shocked, like that was the last question he thought would occur to the young Police Captain. He just shrugged helplessly. Singh threw up his hands in frustration, "Ugh!" He groaned, "Just get the Mileny case done by the end of the day." he pinched the brigde of his nose before starting for the door, pausing just before the exit, he turned, his eyes intensely focused on the younger man, "Thank you."

Barry's eyes widened in surprise, "Sir?" He questioned.

"You saved my husband's life." He said seriously.

"Just, doing my job Sir." Barry sheepishly rubbed his neck, not used to anyone thanking him, Barry, not the Flash, personally.

David shook his head, "No, no you're job is here, what you do as the Flash, that's incredible."

Barry's face turned red at the praise, "Thank you, Sir."

There was an awkward moment of silence before Singh glared at the newly known superhero, "if you're late one more speedin' timeā€¦" He threatened, grinning at his own joke.

"Understood Sir." Barry responded, trying not to smile as his boss left the room.

Sooooo, What did you think? Please leave a review they totally make my day!