I'm writing this as an explanation, an apology, and a hope.

For now, just for a while (I hope), this is where I'm leaving I Won't Love You.

An explanation:

I currently have seven works in progress. I have a schedule for which chapters to write and when. For the last several months, every time it's I Won't Love You's turn to get a new chapter, I find myself honestly filled with dread. This story doesn't speak to me anymore, I'm not motivated to see these characters through their arcs and their timelines like I used to be. Maybe it's because of the AUs I've started to write. Maybe it's because this story is almost two years old now, over 60 chapters in. For whatever the reason, I'm just not feeling my heart in I Won't Love You anymore, and it's making it hard to write it. I don't know if anyone else has, but I've definitely noticed the decrease in writing talent in these chapters. I honestly feel like I'm doing Chrys a disservice by continuing.

An apology:

I'm so sorry. For those of you have been with me and these characters forever, for those of you who have just come in, and for everyone who falls in the middle. I know how awful it is when an author feels like they have to make this decision for a story, as a reader, and I'm sorry to be putting you through it. I'm sorry that I'm not able to continue writing this story…

A hope:

… for now. While I really feel like I'm not doing Chrys, Sam, Dean, Cass, and Bobby any justice right now, I really think that won't always be the case. I'm going to put this down for a while, tag it as "on hiatus," and see where life takes me. I really hope it will lead me back here.

Thank you, as always, for reading, and for loving these characters as much as I do. I hope I see you back here soon.

(If you are a subscriber, you will see a similar chapter on I'll Wait For You. I feel the same way about that story, about Piper, and about hoping that I can come back to it.)