Day 1: Beginning

Agatha clasped her hands in her lap and glanced sideways at Guinevere, who was smiling, but she looked tense. Agatha could understand why. Right now, all eyes were on her, the lost Queen, returned with her knight, seven years after she'd fled. There was nothing to distract or stop the nobles and envoys present, so, right now, there was a good hundred eyes on her, and whispers soared around the high-ceilinged chapel.

Agatha caught the older woman's eye and smiled reassuringly. Guinevere returned it, but she still looked nervous.

Then some kind of priest, likely the Archbishop, stood at the front by the altar, cleared his throat.

"Please stand."

The assembled rose to their feet in a wave. Agatha swallowed hard, feeling nerves building in her chest, despite the fact she was safe in the pews and, really, the only person who should be nervous was entering now.

Tedros's eyes were fixed ahead, and as he walked, Agatha detected the slight clench of his jaw and how tightly his arms were fixed behind his back, and knew he was nervous. But his handsome face was perfectly neutral, and, although the heavy cloak and high-necked jacket looked uncomfortable, Tedros walked with his head held high as he approached the dais, flanked by several officials, knights, Lancelot included, and Merlin.

Agatha tried her hardest not to focus on how good he looked, as he stopped in front of the Archbishop, and his entourage fell back to stand on either side of Arthur's son.

"Please be seated." Boomed the Archbishop's voice. They sat, and he turned to Tedros.

"If my lord would kneel."

Tedros pushed his cape back and knelt before the Archbishop. There was dead silence as the priest continued to speak.

"Sir, is your Majesty willing to take the Oath?"

"I am willing." Replied Tedros calmly. Agatha was surprised by the clarity and formality in his voice.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Camelot and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

"I solemnly promise so to do." Replied Tedros.

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will."

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in Camelot?"

"All this I promise to do."

The Archbishop stepped back and retrieved both a heavy book, and Excalibur, from the altar. The book he placed in front of Tedros, which he rested his hand on.

"The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God." He vowed.

The Archbishop looked relieved, Agatha thought, as the book was removed, and Tedros stood. The Archbishop held out the sword to him, which he took.

"Do you vow to use Good's holy sword, Excalibur, to exact justice, defend the defenceless, and protect the country and kingdoms of Camelot?"

"This I vow to do."

The Archbishop presented the sword to Tedros, which he took carefully and held by the hilt in both of his hands, before turning to where another man was stood, bearing Arthur's crown, the twin to the one Agatha had worn throughout the War. It was a full crown, rather than the diadem, but it was made similarly, and to the same standard. If Agatha's had been heavy, Tedros's had to be ten times worse.

The bishop took the crown, and turned back to the son of Arthur.

Tedros knelt again, but this time, he rested his hands on the hilt of the sword, and held it vertically in front of him, tip of the blade resting on the flagstones.

The Archbishop lowered the crown onto Tedros's head, and stepped back. Tedros stood, and sheathed Excalibur, before turning to face the crowd.

"I present to you now, his majesty, King Tedros Arthur Pendragon. God save the King. All hail the King of Camelot."

"All hail the King of Camelot!" repeated the crowd.

Agatha looked away from where Merlin was standing behind Tedros, and thought, with a jolt, that he was looking right at her. And she could have sworn he was, but before she could look properly, the crowd was cheering, and Tedros had stepped down from the dais and led his entourage down the aisle and towards the doors of the chapel.

Later on, at the banquet, Agatha was surprised to find herself seated to Tedros's immediate left, with Guinevere and Lancelot on his right, and Merlin next to Agatha. Tedros was last to enter, so, when he was seated, the room, which had been respectfully silent, erupted into chatter as the first course was served.

Agatha glanced over at Tedros, and saw him watching her.

He met her eyes and grinned, turning to talk to her.

"You alright?"

"Uh, I'm fine." She paused, and could see from Tedros's arched eyebrow that he expected an extension on the reply. He probably didn't believe her.

"Uh, it's just that… am I supposed to address you properly or something?"

"Oh, right. I wondered why you looked so worried. No. If there's someone nearby like an envoy or noble, maybe, but not now."

"Okay. I think." Mumbled Agatha, watching him refill his glass. He did look really good in the crown and jacket.

She blinked, and realised Tedros was smirking.


"You didn't mean to say that out loud, did you?"

"Say what out- oh."

Tedros's smirk widened.

Agatha's neck rash flared up.

"Thank you. I haven't been reassured I look as great as I usually do today. Good to know."

Agatha glared at him.

Tedros snorted.

"I'm joking, Agatha. Thank you, even though you didn't mean to say it."

Agatha huffed as Tedros chuckled to himself, resuming eating. Agatha went back to her plate for a bit, then decided to breach the subject she'd been wondering about.

"How come I'm seated next to you? I haven't got any status."

Tedros grinned impishly.

"I played the spoiled and entitled brat card, and demanded I got to choose who was on the high table. I'd much rather talk to you for the whole banquet than, say, Adrian of Jaunt Jolie, or half of the envoys from Maidenvale."

Agatha smiled weakly.

"Oh. Thank you."

"Not a problem. Besides, I felt maybe you'd prefer to be seated with me and Merlin than some of the other girls who are here."

"You mean the ones who were drooling over you earlier?" asked Guinevere mildly.

The newly crowned King and his Princess both choked in tandem.

"Oh, did neither of you notice?" continued Tedros's mother innocently. "I shouldn't imagine Agatha will be too pleased, will you dear?"

Agatha gaped at her. Lancelot and Merlin started chuckling quietly.

"Most of them will be pretty jealous of you, Agatha. But Tedros is too smitten with you to give them a second glance, so I wouldn't be too concerned."

"Mother!"protested Tedros.

Lancelot and Merlin roared with laughter. Agatha groaned. Tedros scowled at his mother, who smiled sweetly at him.

"Come on, mother, that wasn't-"

"That's my Gwen!" boomed Lancelot. "Never expect it, would you?"

Tedros gave up and went back to his food. Agatha smiled wryly.

"Your mother has a point, Tedros."

"Don't you start, Agatha! You're on my side! Just because it's true, doesn't mean they have to make fun of us!"

Agatha flushed. Tedros smiled weakly.

"It does, actually." Said Merlin matter-of-factly, breaking into their embarrassed silence.

Both Evers groaned and admitted defeat at the same time.

A/N: "Beginning" is today's prompt- I struggled with this one, so I made it the beginning of Tedros's reign and Tagatha at Camelot. The vows are the vows made at the coronation of the British Monarch, only I had to change them a little. I didn't make them up, just changed them, apart from the Excalibur line, which I did come up with.

Tomorrow's prompt is "Smiles"! Find the full list on Tumblr or Instagram in the Tagatha tag.