Chapter 1: The Truth

"Goodnight Uncle Qrow," Ruby said as she started drifting off to sleep.

"Sweet dreams kiddo," Qrow replied, quietly shutting the door as he left the room.

Qrow sighed heavily. He hated faking this uncle crap. He hated lying to the girls, specifically Ruby. He always felt guilty not telling her the truth. As he turned to walk down the hall he saw Taiyang waiting for him at the end, leaning against the wall.

'Oh great, time for yet another exciting shouting contest,' Qrow thought, rolling his eyes and uncapping his flask to take a drink, 'If I'm gonna be in an argument, I'm not doing it while sober.'

Qrow brought the flask to his lips and took three gulps before removing and sealing it, returning it back to his pocket. He then proceeded to walk down the hall until he was only five feet away from Taiyang.

"You're lucky I'm letting you stay here for awhile to help them," Taiyang told with a stern look and tone.

"I know, Tai," Qrow replied, accepting the facts.

"You're even more so that I let you go see them at Beacon," Taiyang told again with the same tone.

"I know, Tai," Qrow replied once more.

"And you know you're out of here the moment they get better," Taiyang went on.

"Tai, please," Qrow spoke up, "If this is happening, can we please not do it right outside of their rooms? For the girls' sake?"

Taiyang saw the look on Qrow's face. It wasn't sorrow, it wasn't anger, it was pure acceptance of what was happening. But he was not going to let that wake Yang and Ruby, especially after what they went through at Beacon.

"Okay, outside," Taiyang simply answered.

The two of them walked through the house, crossing the living room to the front door. Taiyang opened the door as Qrow reached for his scythe which was currently leaning against the wall.

"Leave your weapon here," Taiyang said.

Qrow looked to Taiyang, but reluctantly agreed to his terms and withdrew his hand from the scythe's hilt. He followed Taiyang outside and shut the door behind him.

"So what's this about Tai?" Qrow asked in a sincere tone.

"What it's about is that I don't want you around the girls anymore," Taiyang demanded.

"What?! You know it's best I stick around! Outside of you, I'm the closest thing those girls have to family!" Qrow bursted, "Who you gonna get to help you out when I'm gone? Raven? Please, she left your ass with Yang when she was only a couple months old! That's when you called to me and Summer for help."

"Yeah, and then Summer had Ruby, then you left and she died!" Taiyang shouted back.

"Don't you dare act like that's my fault!" Qrow got louder, "I already feel guilty everyday about having to lie to them! Having to lie to Ruby! Everyday, everyday I want to tell her the truth! And you know what?! I think it's about time I have!"

"Qrow, calm down!" Taiyang told, "They could hear you!"

"Good!" Qrow stated, "It's about time! She's almost sixteen for fucks sake! She should have known by now! I'm not allowed to tell her, and of course you won't! You're too scared of what she'll think of you! To think, daddy's little girl is-"

"Qrow, we can't tell her, not after what just happened at Beacon!" Taiyang brought up.

"Then when?! When she loses more of her friends to the coming war! When she's on her deathbed! When Tai?! When do we tell her the truth?!"

"When it's good!"

"Good is never coming! She just lost two good friends the other day! And in case you haven't noticed, YANG LOST AN ARM! Like it or not, times are only gonna get worse from here on out! It'd be best to tell her now!"

"If it weren't for you they would never had gotten into fighting and would have never gotten hurt!"

"If it weren't for me they'd be dead a long time ago! She deserves to know the truth! I'm not her uncle!"

"Qrow keep quiet!"

"Yang's not her sister!"


"And you're sure as hell not her father!"

"You were hardly around for her, and when you were, you were drunk! Why do you suddenly care now!?"