Hello, my homies! Since it's October, I decided to give myself a little challenge. Some of you may remember last year, when I did a challenge around Christmas time, where I wrote 12 mini holiday-themed drabbles over the course of 12 days. Well, I've decided to do 13 Halloween-based drabbles this year! They won't all be shippy, and some might be in different AUs. The way it works out, the last day will be the premiere of Volume 4! (For sponsors, anyway.) Enjoy!

"Yeah, no." Jaune's voice was flat as he continued to stitch a red interior to his black vampire cloak. "I know you all wanna see it, but it's not happening."

"Aw, come on!" Nora whined. "Add a wand and a crown, put some sparkles on that dress, and you'll be the best fairy princess ever!"

"The dress was a one-time thing."

"Then why do you still have it?" Weiss asked, glancing away from the mirror for a moment so she could smirk in his direction.

"It's a memento," Jaune muttered. "That was my first dance with Pyrrha."

Pyrrha leaned over to kiss his cheek. "That's very sweet, Jaune."

The members of Teams RWBY and JNPR continued to talk and tease each other as they took up most of the common area. Sewing machines, Weiss's mirror and nightstand, several different colors of fabric, fake blood, and face paint littered the area. It would be their first Grimm Night together, and they intended to make the most of it.

Ruby had a binder nearby. "So, we'll do Trick or Treating first. Then, we can go to that party Team CFVY is throwing in the auditorium. When we come home, we absolutely must sort and trade our candy. It's tradition!"

"Aren't we a bit old for Trick or Treating?" Weiss asked, carefully applying a layer of glitter to her eyelids. She had decided to dress as a blue fairy, though the others enjoyed saying that she was donning her "Ice Queen" persona.

"Uh, no!" Ruby gasped. "You never outgrow free candy!"

"Yeah, we're training night and day to save people from Grimm attacks and bad guys," Jaune added. "The least they can do is give us candy, right?" He noticed Weiss squinting and rubbing irritably at her eye. "Need help with that?"

"I'm fine," Weiss sighed. "It's just been a while since I've used this much glitter…"

Jaune walked over, looking at the makeup. "Maybe you could use the shimmery blue stuff on your eyes, and just dab the glitter on your cheeks. There's no way to keep it from getting it in your eyes if you put it on your eyelids."

Weiss raised an eyebrow. "You carry fashionable dresses, and are knowledgeable concerning makeup and glitter? What else don't we know?"

Jaune laughed. "Just that I'm the best big brother in the world. Seriously, my parents should make me a saint or something." He picked up the blue eyeshadow. "May I?"

Weiss considered for a moment, then nodded and shut her eyes. She held still as Jaune carefully used a wet paper towel to remove the glitter. He dabbed lightly with a dry one before taking the eyeshadow and gently brushing it over her eyelids.

"My little sister Jenny was actually a fairy princess last year. I did the makeup for that too," Jaune murmured as he concentrated on applying the eyeshadow. "She was way more pink, though. She was so hyped to be allowed to wear makeup for a day. She bragged to her friends about it for weeks." He dabbed Weiss's face with a tissue, and stepped back. "There you go!"

Weiss opened her eyes and checked the mirror. The pale blue eyeshadow added just enough of a shimmer around her eyes without being too obvious. Jaune had also applied some beside her eyes, so it looked like the blue was streaming from her eyelids and fading into her skin. "That does look better. Thank you, Jaune."

"No problem. Now, if we just lightly brushed on the glitter like this…" He took a piece of cotton and dipped it in the silvery glitter, running it carefully over Weiss's cheeks. "There! That looks perfect."

Weiss admired her reflection as a thought occurred to her. "You know, I have some red rhinestones that might look nice on your cape."

"I might take you up on that." Jaune grinned. "I can be a vampire with some class!"

Pyrrha smiled fondly at Jaune as he returned to work on his cape. "Since you're so good with that, maybe we should figure out something you can do with that dress, after all."

"Come on, Pyrrha," Jaune said, smirking mischievously. "That seems a bit cruel. I wouldn't want to outshine any of you lovely ladies."

Nora snorted. "Now, you're just making excuses."

"Hey, say what you will about the dance," Jaune said, tossing his hair dramatically. "But I was totally the prettiest girl in the room. I'm not mean enough to upstage you all twice!"

The afternoon passed quickly, the sound of talking and laughter interspersed with the occasional snip of scissors. At one point, there was a splash as Nora spilled a jar of fake blood, prompting everyone else to scramble to salvage their materials. This was followed by a rapid cleanup, a rug being hastily put over the stained area, and some innocent whistles whenever a teacher walked by. Overall, it was a promising start to an incredibly fun-filled Grimm Night.

I have a Tumblr account (and am beginning to wonder whether or not this is wise), and have been seeing a lot of hate toward Jaune lately. Like, people ranting about how prominent he's going to be in Volume 4, and even saying he's a creepy jerk who harassed Weiss. That just drives me insane! First of all RWBY Chibi isn't canon. Second, let's look at what he did in canon: He flirted with Weiss before initiation, saved her when she fell from the Nevermore during initiation, tried/failed to ask her out, did a goofy song to ask her to the dance, was all ready to tell her his feelings straight-up, saw that she liked someone else, backed off, and even encouraged the guy she liked to dance with her. Was he oblivious for a while? Yes. However, at no point did he harass her or act like he was entitled to anything. Let's all save the creep-hate for Adam, shall we?

That's what prompted me to make this first drabble a Jaune/Weiss friendship scene. I just wanted to put some positivity out there. I'll see you tomorrow with my next piece. Peace out!