There was something wrapped around him, a warm figure. Gentle hands holding him together in tight assurance. The child was crying, it took him a while to realize that child was him. Desperately gripping onto the other's clothing, the older figure could only give assurance.

"Red. . .Red. . .Red. . ." He whisper, gentle fingers combing through the child's lock. "Don't cry. It's okay, you are not the one at fault here. I'll eat devour all the scary things."

"So. . .don't waste anymore of your precious tears. . ." he said slowly, calming the sobbing child.

". . .and tell me all the worthless things the needs to be destroyed. . ."

It was that dream again, the same one he kept on having these past few days. But no matter how reaccuring these dreams was, he can't remeber the face or the name of the people in his dream. It was frustating.

". . .You're not listening to me aren't you, Allen?" Lavi sigh suddenly , stopping in the middle of one of his rants.

Allen disregarded him, clearly unconcerned, only humming in reply as he closed his eyes again. "Shut up!" the person besides him said harshly, and Allen hummed in agreement.

Lavi crossed his arm over his chest and puffed his cheeks, sulking, and there was a sigh of exasperation from somewhere in front of them, probably Lenalee, cause only she had that high toned of voice in their group. And Lavi, not quite done yet at trolling them, whilst being the bastard he was, reminded them:

"Had you guys finished the 'Roses' Thorns' yet?"

Kanda groaned in annoyance besides him, being Allen's partner in their class with Tiedoll, they never actually did anything early and instead procastinates to the end. Allen snapped his eyes open and pushed himself from his desk to glare at Lavi. "Why should you care? As far as I know you're taking Alchemy and not Sorcery,"

Lavi took that as his answer, and instead cried out dramatically, "You guys! Don't you have to present next week?"

"It's too hard!" Allen nearly shouted in mocked anger. "We can't do that and Kanda doesn't want to kiss Tiedoll's ass so we don't have any progress,"

"There's no way I'm doing that-" Kanda cutted in.

"-You see? No progress at all!" Allen finished.

"Well, "Kanda drawled out sarcastically. "If you had just did what I had planned at first, we would had be finished, by now,"

Allen shuddered, crossing his arm around his chest as if to shield himself. The thought of him, being in the middle of the circle and Kanda outside of it to cast the spell. . ."No way am I letting you test on me," he stated ridiculously, nearly choking of that idea.

"Well you're bad at casting spells," Kanda retorted back, shouting now.

"You're bad at saying spells," Allen counter-attacked, not wanting to loose to any she-man.

"At least I don't mess with my pronounciations, and it's not even my native language," Kanda replied immeadiately, not missing a beat.

"I'M BRITTISH YOU BLOODY TWAT!" Allen cried out, jumping from his seat.

Then, there came silence and a few dissapointed glance, Allen didn't appologize. After all, he regret nothing and it was honestly the truth. It was Lavi's fault to be honnest, starting the problem in the first place. That cursed ginger, always trying to cause chaos.

"Allen," A voice called monotuosly, demanding, his blood starts to boil.

Without hesiatating, he stood up and walked towards the source of the voice. Meeting the disaproving gaze of the CROW'S, he glanced down at Allen. "Follow me,"

And with that order alone, Allen followed. Such a good dog he was.

There came that foreboding destination, and Allen went towards it, twisting the doorknob and pushing the door. It was a surprise to see Link there instead of Leverrier, after all, that man was the head of this dammed organization. But, he prefers Link over Leverrier, cause no matter how blindly Link follows that man arround, Link will never steps any boundaries; only doing what he was told too. And plus, Link was also his assigned mentor, so that was a bonus.

"I'm sorry, but master Leverrier is busy at a sudden meeting," Link said from the other side of the room, holding a stack of paper in his hands as he sits behind Malcolm's desk. Currently going through a mountain sized stack of paperwork.

Allen snorted and walked towards the table, where he pulled a chair and sat on it. He sneered, and slumped against the chair, gazing at Link with humor in his eyes. "Are you sure he isn't just fooling around with some women?"

Oh, that was Cross, his Cardinal. Leverrier only fools with the other side of the spectrem.

Link glared at him, clearly angry at Allen's careless mouth. "Hold your tongue boy. . ." he said threateningly, the tone of his voice foreboding a punishment.

"And what?" Allen ask ridiculously, raising one of his eyebrows. Daring.

One of Link's hands shot up, pointing directly towards Allen. "Red," he said sternly.

Ah, this was also one of the reasons he hates Link. And most people here in this cursed company. After all, once they gotten a hold of a person's weakness. . .it's either to use or be used, and Allen was always the latter.

"Yes?" came his immediate reply, his voice came surprising, never did he willed himself to speak.

He cursed himself mentally for being such a child, that part of him that would never die down. Link gaze hardens, handing Red the papers that he was currently holding.

"Purging," Link states simply.


"No question, just do." Link said sternly, ushering him away with his hand.

He didn't say anything and just stand up, pushing the chair backwards and exited through the door. Even with other Exorcist glancing at him with mild curiousity and even with some with hints of concern, he didn't even falter in his steps. And they don't stop him. Cause they know.

No question, just do.

There was a child under the red archway, so little, that he could discarded it as trash and not a human being. And for him who's related to someone who's very existence was unintentional, an anomaly, he wonder why this child, who does not belong here, could sleep so soundly. It was dangerous for him to be so unguarded in this kind of place, even if he was a harmless child. But then again, who was he to care?

But still. . .? Can he not?

He bends down, inspecting the sleeping child. The hair was a vibrant colour, of crimson blood and dying amber. So vivid, he hadn't such a lively existence in a long time. Out of curiousity, he reached for the child's ruby locks, freezing in surprise at the sudden jolt between the contact. Ah, this child was no normal existence. It was as if he was seeing his dearest friend, after all, they were so heartbreakingly similar.

He reached out for the sleeping child, hands wrapping around the lithe body. It was dangerous, this was a dangeruos place for someone who doesn't belong.

He cradled the child in his arm gently, and slowly stood up, not wanting to wake the child. Along the red archway, he walks towards his destination of a world of black and gold. This child couldn't stay in that world any longer, so he will bring him to a safe place. . .it was probably the first mistake he had made.

The child woke up slowly, eyelids fluttering open to reveal a set of silver eyes. He thought this was a dream. This scenery. . .this world was so beautiful.

He couldn't help but ask;

"Who are you?"

The man simply smiled at the child's curiosity, he couldn't help but predict that this child will be the white and silver in that world of black and white. Such an anomaly, his friend wouldn't be lonely in the future once he was gone.

"My name is Mana, and like you, I'm a Dreamwalker. But for my name. . ." he thought of it for a moment, never did he thought of his last name before.

"Just Mana Walker. What about you?"

So I didn't have any autocorrector for this or any type of grammar checks, so I'll apologize beforehand in case I did anything wrong.

Please leave a review and favourite my story.

With love,
