Yes, I know this isn't the most original plot idea around but... I love writing angst, so I wanted to do my own take anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Tougou Shinozaki?" They say his name like it tastes bitter, like it makes bile rise in their throat just trying to get it out.

Tougou taps his fingers against the table impatiently, the metal cuffs make an unpleasant sound. He does not deem to answer.

The man across from him just stares for a moment, before grimacing awkwardly and writing something down. They bend downwards at a weird angle, as if they're not sure if they even want to take their eyes off him.

Maybe they're smarter than they look.

The plastic bag is put on the table between them and the warden proceeds to retrieve items from it one by one, naming them as he lays them out.

"One fake leather wallet, 3200 yen in notes and 125 in change. Passport and driver's license. One pen, one notebook and..." There's a pause when they pull out the switchblade.

His hands itch to hold it again.

"... And one Rizzuto knife. I'm afraid we'll be holding on to this one." The warden winks in what he might assume is good humor, but only makes Tougou want to strangle him. "Does this look alright?"

He raises an eyebrow and shrugs, not even looking at the belongings. "Seems so, yeah."

They frown at him as they stand, walking around the table until they're just besides him.

When the cuffs come undone, Tougou rubs his wrists slowly, rotating them to get the blood flowing again. It feels nice.

The warden has already returned to his papers, noting something else down as their eyes move frantically between lines. "Your first appointment with your personal parole officer will be on the 23rd of June."

When the doors open the light is almost impossibly bright. He has to squint his eyes, looking into the sun until they water simply because it has been so long. The warden lays one hand against his shoulder and Tougou has to refrain from breaking their wrist.

"It's been 15 years, Mr. Shinozaki. I wish you a worthwhile fresh start." The man bows towards him. Tougou does not bow back.

He smiles thinly as he shoves his hands in the pockets of his suit. "Of course. But first, I think I'll visit an old friend of mine."

He's running as fast as his tiny legs can carry him, but it's not enough. It's never enough.

He knows the monster is right behind him. It could get him at any moment.

Maybe he should stop running. Maybe he should just give up?

But Osomatsu knows that if he does, it will kill his entire family. His mother. His father. His brothers.

He runs harder, until his lungs are burning and tears are fucking up his vision.

Until his muscles ache and he sinks to the ground, defeated.

It is on him in seconds, whispering in his ear, telling him what it will do.

Kill them first, make you watch.

Then, it's your turn.

Its claws scratch his skin and all Osomatsu wants to do is scream. It grips his throat, squeezing, and he can't breath, can't see.

He tries to fight back, punch and claw and kick.

Until he kicks Choromatsu's leg.

"Hey, watch it!" The third born grumbles, half-asleep, shoving an elbow in his ribs and fuck – yes- Osomatsu is definitely awake now.

His breath comes out in small gasps, the blankets are tangling around his legs and he's covered in a thin layer of sweat.

Something shifts to his right, and he can see Todomatsu pushing himself onto his elbows in the darkened room, blinking at him with bleary eyes. "Osomatsu-nii-san, what's wrong?"

His voice is soft, an edge of worry not often heard in day hours, and Osomatsu can't help but smile a bit, even if his heart is still trying to beat its way out of his chest.

"It's fine, Totty. Go back to bed now." He mumbles, hoping the youngest can't see him shaking. Todomatsu blinks at him a few more times, before lying back down, rolling over until his back is facing Osomatsu again.

The eldest lets out a relieved sigh, rubbing one hand down his face. He tries to close his eyes, but there's only him behind the lids. His grin. His eyes. His hands around Osomatsu's throat.

With a shudder, Osomatsu turns over onto his stomach and gets on hands and knees, crawling off the futon, careful not to wake his brothers again.

He tiptoes past Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu until he reaches the door, sliding it open softly. Looking over his shoulder, they're all still asleep, unaware of his distress. Osomatsu will do anything to keep it that way.

Breakfast is hectic as usual. There's rice on the floor and soy sauce on the table and somebody may or may not have stolen Totty's yogurt.

"I'm just saying that as long as it's in the fridge, it's anybodies game." Osomatsu can barely contain his laughter at Todomatsu's indignant face. It looks more like a toddler pouting after they lost their favorite toy.

"It literally had my name on it. In marker. Underlined." Todomatsu is swinging his chopsticks around as he talks to emphasize and Choromatsu quickly takes them from his hand before he stabs somebody in the eye.

"Can't you just buy some new ones?" He tries to reason, brow creased in his perpetual frown.

Todomatsu scoffs at him and rolls his eyes. "Of course, but that's not really the point."

"The point is that you rather whine at us and give us a headache?" Ichimatsu asks, one leg pulled up beneath him. Todomatsu scowls at his reaction but doesn't say anything.

"It's alright, brother. Our dear mother has asked me to accompany her to the convenience store today. While we're there, I shall-"

"Thank you." Todomatsu doesn't let Karamatsu finish the sentence but he smiles anyway. "At least one of our eldest brothers isn't total shit." He adds, sticking his tongue out at Osomatsu and Choromatsu, who bristle at the comment.

"Shitty brothers!" Jyushimatsu intones loudly, still eating so rapidly he's almost inhaling his food. Naturally, he's the first one to finish as well.

Seconds later he's dressed in his usual baseball outfit and swinging his bat around. "I'm off! HUSTLE HUSTLE, MUSCLE MUSCLE!" the chant slowly grows quieter as the fifth born leaves the house, but doesn't completely fade until he's out of the street.

Karamatsu is the next to get up, spending unnecessarily long at making himself presentable, but only ending up looking as painful as ever, before bidding them all goodbye in an overly eloquent way that nobody acknowledges.

Ichimatsu leaves with barely a word, mumbling something none of them quite catch. Then Choromatsu and Todomatsu and before he well realizes it, Osomatsu has the house to himself.

This is a rare opportunity, and one he might put to better use, but his porn magazines are still in the other room and Osomatsu is simply too lazy to get up and fetch them.

He sprawls on the couch instead. "I'm bored." He complains into the cushions, fidgeting, but unable to get comfortable. He could try and catch up on the sleep he missed last night, but no matter which way he turns, it always feels like something is digging into his back.

He started to wish he had paid more attention to where his brothers went, so he could go bug one of them now.

"Fucking hell!" He curses loudly and gets up, ripping one cushion of the couch in frustration at the thing still poking into his side. There's a mess of dust, half-empty food wrappers and lost socks underneath.

No wonder their mom always complains about pairing their socks.

Oh, and there are also a good handful of 100 yen coins.

Osomatsu needs to blink twice just to reassure himself this is not just a happy illusion.


About two hours later, he's leaving the casino again, pockets empty. Losing is never fun, but if it's not your own money it at least softens the blow.

"Such a waste." Osomatsu complains to no one in particular, shoving his hands down his pockets. He should have tried the horse races instead.

The streets are near empty, anybody sane off at work or school.

Something shoves into his side, and the next thing he knows his back is pressed against a wall.

"Alright kid, give me all your money!" The voice is gruff and trembling, almost nervously so. Osomatsu can't really see their face with the bandana covering almost half of it, but this guy couldn't be more than 30.

"I don't have any." He tries to put his hands up in a placating manner, but this only makes the wanna-be robber angrier, pushing him again so his head bounces unpleasantly against bricks.

"Don't fuck with me, you little shit! I saw you come out that building, now hand me your fucking money!"

Osomatsu laughs hard, loudly. "Dude, are you an idiot? You do know people lose in casinos too, right?"

The punch to his stomach takes him by surprise and he almost doubles over, unable to breath. His knee jerks up out of reflex, hitting the groin region hard.

His attacker makes an unpleasant sound, something between a growl and a whine. Osomatsu tries to shove past him, but this man is stronger than he thought and he's pushed back again, rougher this time.

The back of his head hits the wall hard enough that he sees stars and then, there's cold metal digging into his flesh. "You've fucking done it now..."

The man grabs him by the front of his hoodie, other hand still keeping the knife against his throat. He pulls forward before slamming back a third time, and this time Osomatsu can hear something crack.

His legs give out without his permission and just like that he's on his ass, dirty water soaking into his jeans. The guy hangs like a shadow above him and he can taste blood, faint iron and salt.

Some people say that when you're about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. All your accomplishments. Your failures. Your loved ones.

All Osomatsu can think about is what a stupid way this is to kick the bucket.

Then, there's another shadow. His vision is blurry, shifting too much for him to focus, but the mugger is gone, sprawled on the filthy ground too, and somebody else is there.

"Ah, still getting yourself into trouble, I see..." A chillingly familiar voice muses, making Osomatsu's blood run cold. "You haven't learned anything, have you?"

Tougou is holding the knife, wiping it against the edge of his coat and it leaves a red stain behind. The original attacker is lying motionless behind him.

It's like Osomatsu's entire world grinds to a halt, when those same eyes, that same grin from his nightmare look down at him.

"How about we have a little chat? For old times sake..."

Find me on tumblr: sharada-n