I realize I haven't updated this story since December. It's shameful, I know. I promise i'm actively working on it again now. Thanks for the comments guys!

Everything after that happens in a blur. There's terrified whimpers, a few more shots in the ceiling and then money is exchanging hands. Osomatsu feels like his entire body is shaking, like a current of electricity is running through him and there's nothing he can do to stay within reality.

Tougou hits him.

It isn't hard, more like a shove than anything else and his mind reels back to the present.

"Wha-" His breathe fogs in the air in front of him. They're outside somewhere, though Osomatsu wouldn't know where and his mask is pulled down again. There's a distant sound of sirens and the noise makes something awful crawl up his back, settle somewhere deep inside him with a primal fear.

He's a fugitive now.

"Your cut." Tougou groans, rolling his eyes at the way Osomatsu's fingers clench around the money awkwardly. He wasn't that wrong before, he is shaking. At least his hands are.

Tougou throws an arm around his shoulder, squeezes just a bit too tight for comfort and if Osomatsu was in any other state of mind he would have shrugged him off already, but right now he uses the weight to ground himself.

"Kid- Relax." There's a hiss in his ear, heavy breathing at the side of his face and Osomatsu wants to gag. He wants to hurl and go home, get under the blankets like a little kid hiding from the boogeyman and never get out again.

He wants his brothers-

The thought of them steels him. Cold and harsh and suddenly he nods, his shoulders slumping in defeat. Tougou smirks sharply.

"That's better." His voice is full of mock sympathy and he pats Osomatsu on the back condescendingly. "There's nothing to worry about, son."

Osomatsu nods, clenches his fingers tighter still. Nothing to worry about.

Nothing to worry about at all.

"Oh good, you're just in time." Todomatsu says as soon as he opens the door and Osomatsu blinks, forcing his thoughts back to the present once more. All his brother's are standing in the hallway, bustling with coats and shoes.


"Please tell me you haven't forgotten." Choromatsu remarks, frowning and Osomatsu can see Jyushi deflate in the corner. The sight is more than a little painful, and not in the Karamatsu way.

"No, I'm just- I just-" He stutters. His head hurts, he's tired and he wants nothing more than to go upstairs and collapse on the couch. This is just too much.

"Let's go before we're too late." They don't let him finish before they're herding him out the door once more.

With a sigh, Osomatsu can't do much more than follow.

It's a baseball game.

The important thing, the thing they simply couldn't be late to, was a baseball game.

You've got to be kidding him.

"Good luck." Ichimatsu mutters, a rare smile gracing his face and that's when it hits Osomatsu like a ton of bricks.

He forgot about Jyushi's game.

The fifth brother had actually joined a club not long ago, something Osomatsu had completely disregarded until just now, but they rarely played official matches.

"Oh." He breathes, before regaining his composure. Jyushimatsu is already turned around but Osomatsu grasps him by the shoulders before he can speed off, giving him a quick thumbs up.

"Hit it out of the park." He jokes lightly, hoping it makes up at least slightly for his inconsiderate comment earlier and it seems it does because Jyushimatsu lights up like a fucking Christmas tree.

He speeds off to his team while the other Matsuno brothers look for a place in the stands, Todomatsu pulling his scarf closer around his face.

"It's freezing." He complains loudly. Karamatsu laughs.

"I could lend you my coat, brother." He says, but Todomatsu throws one glance at the horribly unfashionable leather jacket his brother is wearing and shudders.

"I think I'd rather freeze."

Osomatsu chuckles, relaxing back against the concrete slabs serving as a stand as the field comes to live in front of them. Jyushimatsu waves at them from the bench he's currently still seated in and Osomatsu waves back.

He has missed this. Just being with his brothers and relaxing. The past few days with Tougou almost made him forgot how nice it could be.

They watch the game for a while, either in silence or brotherly bantering, as they're so wont to do, and Jyushi is just up for pitching when Osomatsu feels his leg vibrating.

Or not his leg, rather. The pager in his pants pocket.

He tries to look at it discreetly, but the short message only relays a location.

One tiny second Osomatsu hesitates. His brothers are laughing at something, he can feel their warmth against his side and every ounce of him wants to stay.

But he remembers the cuts and the bruises and the knife.

Then he gets up.

"I have to go." He says quickly, not looking any of them in the face, before rushing off. It hurts, a pain less real and more imagined blossoming inside his chest. Curling inside his ribcage.

Whispering about what a horrible big brother he's being.

Choromatsu catches up with him just outside the perimeter, grabbing the edge of his sleeve and Osomatsu turns around, facing him with downcast eyes.

"Choro, please just-"

"No." His brother doesn't sound angry. He sounds worried more than anything and that too hurts. "Please just tell us what's going on."

"I can't."

Choromatsu lets go in exasperation, holding up his hands. "What does that even mean?!"

"It means I can't tell you." Osomatsu spits out. "Now please just go back. And tell Jyushi I'm sorry."

He runs off without another word, ignoring the way his brother calls after him.

Tougou is waiting for him, eyes closed and head tipped back against the wall. More than anything Osomatsu wants to jump him. He wants to lash out and rip his throat out. He wants to destroy this man.

Osomatsu huffs as he reaches him, trying to catch his breath. Say what you will about his acquaintance with Tougou, at least it has improved his condition.

He has almost gotten used to running.

"You needed me." He says bitterly, not bothering to conceal the distaste in his voice. He feels like some lackey, at beck and call of his master with the snap of a finger.

Maybe he is just that.

Tougou smirks down at him. "I didn't. I was just testing you."

Osomatsu doesn't say anything, stunned speechless. Tougou chuckles at his expression, before patting him on the back in passing.

"Go home and get some rest, son. It's another bright day tomorrow."