A/N: Hi, you!

I had a sort of a breakthrough today, and realized I haven't written a fluff in quite a while, so I thought to give it a go now whilst I still had time!

So enjoy, and I hope it strikes your fancy!

I recommend listening to "The Kingdom of Bards," from Adrian von Ziegler whilst reading this x

The birds announced the arrival of the day early in the morning before the sun came to kiss the sky, and while Queen Susan did not usually wake up with the birds, a certain blackbird that was perched on the windowsill closest to her roused her from heavy, dreamless sleep with its beautiful song that morning.

It occurred to the young High Queen's mind that it was much too early to begin the day, even for her, and she quickly decided that, no, she was not to get up anytime soon, not before dawn.

And so she stretched liberatingly against the mattress before turning over to her side as she listened to the blackbird's chirping. She nuzzled her face against the fluffy pillows and revelled in the comfort of the sheets.

Just before allowing herself to doze off again, she felt strong, large arms snake around her front, and a muscular, broad chest press against her back. The very distinctive feeling of lips dragged lazily down her neck in gentle, warm kisses, and the faint sound of a very manly morning-groan escaped her bedmate's lips and came out as a warm breath against her shoulders.

Memories from the night before came to Susan's almost-awake mind, and she smiled at the reminder that she was indeed not alone in this bed. No, for she had spent the evening with Caspian, who had absolutely carried her away into the night. (She could tell from the wonderful aches she suffered from their previous actions some long hours ago)

Caspian's arms were large enough to coil completely around her, and she pressed her body against his in response. She shivered at the feeling of his hot skin against hers in the chill early, early morning air that surrounded the room, and she could feel more than hear the appreciative hum escaping Caspian's lips.

"Five more minutes?" he murmured warmly against her neck, and his husky voice subconsciously made her yawn before she could answer, her voice equally tainted with sleep.

"More like five more hours."

"Maybe we might do just that," Caspian agreed with a small yawn, before burying his face into her silky hair and inhaled the smell of lavender and honey.

"Hmm, if only… We have work to do today, remember?" she reminded him with closed eyes, her shoulders slumping slightly under his embrace at the thought of actually leaving the bed. He too, repressed a similar reaction.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot; there's a world outside these doors," he said, his voice tainted with less suitable sarcasm, making her only scoff slightly, and nudge him gently in his ribs as far as she could under his arms that were more than happily coiled around her.

"How awfully disappointing," she agreed humorously before turning in his arms to bury her head against his strong chest and nuzzle against the warmth he provided.

The smooth, milky skin of her back was now exposed to his touch, and as she stilled against his side, he could not resist the desire to touch her velvety skin, and he started to make a trail up and down her spine with gentle fingers, instinctively tracing idle patterns here and there. She purred against him in delight and a blissful smile made its way across his lips at the beautiful sight lain before him.

A Queen of legend, as beautiful as in the tales, (to him, the fairytales he learned as a boy did not do her beauty justice) and stronger than all the women he had ever known. She was a Queen of Old, yes, but so much more than that: and he loved her unconditionally. He loved her sense of humour, her wits, and the fact that she was so very clever. She was like a book, full of knowledge that amazed him time and time again, (An otherwise unusual trait in Telmarine women.)

Some thought her otherworldly, because of her appearance, status and smarts. Well, she was, in a sense. But none of that mattered to Caspian. What mattered was that he had fallen for her, and her alone.

What also mattered was that she was now snoozing peacefully against his side, her body small and lithe against his, and he felt truly blessed for it.

Taking in her form, he ghosted a hand across her back, past her shoulders, and into her hair to feel the silky-black tresses between his fingers. Her hair had grown past her waist, and as of now, it was slightly mussed from both sleep and… other physical acts. Her neck and collarbones had several bruises from him claiming her earlier. At first he had regretted for marking her so severely, but now, seeing her resting peacefully against him with a small tug at the corners of her mouth as he stroked her hair, he did not think much of it. She had reassured him that she had several creative ideas at hand in ways of covering them without raising suspicion. And so he trusted her at that.

Stroking her cheekbones and jaw, he felt her smile widen at his gentle touch and her head lean against his hand as far as her sleep ridden system could manage before falling against his chest again with a gentle sigh.

After a while of tender caresses and sweet nothings, her soulful blue eyes opened to look up at him for the first time that morning. She did not say a word at first, but after a while, he could practically hear the clockworks tick in her head. He read that expression fairly well by now: her gaze looked away from whatever had had her attention some time ago, and even if she was looking at it, she wasn't playing attention to it. Her eyes went sort of blank, and she would bite down on her lip in concentration.

Right now, her eyes went recognizably blank, and her body tensed by the slightest. He was to ask what was on her mind, but not before she spoke:

"Do you think we are being reckless?" she asked him. He had feared as much. Yet her eyes weren't regretful, she wasn't pulling away from him, nothing. Her eyes held honesty with a tinge of curiosity, and her body remained the same against his, her fingernails now brushing against his tan skin in circles.

"Are you having second thoughts?" he asked her, in case he misread her. She could feel him tense under her palm, but reassured him with a soft shake of her head.

"No, definitely not. I came to you, remember? But, I'm just thinking… Since we are not wed yet and all. I know adultery is not a crime, but it certainly is obscene - especially between royals." She told him, her voice gentle and honest. He grew quiet as he thought of this.

"Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. The way I see it," he began after a moment of thoughtful silence. He switched their positions, and she was now on her back with him bracing his weight on his elbows above her as he met her gaze. "I love you, you are mine, and if I recall correctly, you reciprocated with the same wordsast night," he said with a devilish grin upon his face. She rolled her eyes at him teasingly, but paid attention to his words nevertheless.

"And so, I think it is only fair. We aren't traditional, I know, but as far as I'm aware, no one else knows that. So morally, yes, we are being reckless, but between you and me, no, definitely not." He finished by kissing her on top of her nose before locking his gaze with hers.

"Good. I feared you thought otherwise. I mean, had my brothers found out, I can't imagine how any of us, especially you, would come out of this alive. And the council, dear lord, where to begin… Possibly losing our titles, distrust from the people, judgement from our-" Susan did not make it further as she ranted on, for Caspian had claimed her lips with his in a short, yet firm kiss to silence her. When he tore away from her, she was indeed silenced in the most wonderful way. He smiled that lopsided smile she loved all too much, before leaning down for another kiss.

"You think too much." He murmured warmly against her lips. She hummed in response as she caressed his beard.

"However, if your chambermaids are gossiping about your unmade bed, it's too late to rectify the situation," he said with a grin.

"Well then, I'll simply have to bribe them to keep it to themselves, don't I?"

"It would seem so," he agreed with a chuckle as he slumped against her and brought her closer to him in a loving embrace. He sought out her lips and kissed her hungrily and whilst she weakened in his arms, his passion for her only grew.

However, their moment was soon interrupted as they heard an incisive knocking on the chamber door, resulting in them breaking apart with a startled gasp. Caspian sat up in alarm whilst she hugged the sheets up against her chest, as she leant her back against the headboard on the bed.

"Yes?" Caspian said, his voice firmer than he had intended it to be.

"An urgent matter, my lord." The guard voiced from outside the door. Caspian sighed heavily, and it was no doubt heard from the other side of the door as well, for the guard enhanced the issue further:

"General Glenstorm has requested your presence in the Grand Hall." Caspian looked at Susan, who of course stayed perfectly still in fear of being caught.

"I will join him in a few moments. Please carry the message forward." Caspian spoke his voice firm, if not still ridden with huskiness from before.

"Yes, my lord," the guard said, and it wasn't before they heard the sound of his boots walk against the stone floor that Caspian released the breath he didn't even know he was holding in.

"Well, that was too close to comfort," Susan said as he turned back to her as she lay against the mattress, looking less tense than before.

"You've got that right," he said as he draped a hand over his face.

She surprised him by laughing at the whole situation. Her merry laugh, turning more into a husky chuckle, was a delight to his ears, and he could not help but laugh along. He leant forward and kissed her, before standing up to dress.

Susan was more than enjoying the view of his muscled and refined, yet lean body as he moved around the room to dress, naked as the day he was born. She bit her lip at how the muscles rippled as he tugged at the belt of his trousers, and how they tensed as he stretched. Lost in admiration of his masculine form, Susan suddenly remembered that she too had to face the day, without being spotted leaving his chambers.

"So, how do we do this, Caspian? I have to get to my own chambers to get ready for the day," she asked as she sat up in bed, the duvet up against her frame.

Caspian turned to her in only his trousers, looking as mouth-watering as ever with tan skin and dark, tousled hair.

"As I leave, I will dismiss the guards outside. That should give you a moment to slip by unnoticed before the new watch arrive," he told her with a smile as he found a grey shirt.

"Brilliant," she said underneath a stretch of her arms, and in that moment, she looked too desirable for him to resist temptation, and he made his way back to bed and crawled over her body to kiss her. He cupped her jaw as he kissed her deeply, and she fisted his loose shirt to bring him closer.

Breaking apart when air became a necessity, they locked gazes before she planted a loving kiss on the tip of his nose.

"Now, go," she told him, giving him a slight nudge onto his shoulder.

"I shall see you tonight, my Queen," Caspian said, no, vowed, and took one of her hands in his, lifted it to his lips, and placed a kiss upon it, before tearing away from her.

"Count on it," she agreed with the smile that he was so fond of.

Susan looked after him as he closed the door behind him and then turned her gaze to the weak sunlight that peeped over the mountaintops, and she closed her eyes and sighed at the feeling of the warm rays against her face.

It meant a new dawn, and a new day.

This morning, however, had been Susan's best morning in a long while, if not the best morning that she could ever recall.

She smiled as she ghosted her fingers across her lips, recalling the imprint her King's soft ones had left, and the girly, un-queenly, illogical part of her head couldn't wait until they met again.

Maybe it wasn't so illogical after all, as she had found out and accepted a long time ago that Caspian was more than her King – he was the man that made her a better person, he opened her up and made her feel alive and truly, the luckiest Queen of them all. He might not be a perfect man, no, but he was perfect to her. He challenged her, he saw her as Susan Pevensie, not High Queen Susan of the Horn or any other of the titles she bore.

Moreover, he completed her.

And she was ever grateful for that.

A/N: I think that turned out okay! This snippet might have been an unnecessary addition to the story, but frankly, I love small fluffy moments like these, and I don't think this ship has nearly enough of them.

So, feel free to leave me some feedback, be it you liked it or hated it!

And I will return with more later!

