This was written purely for entertainment. I only own poor Adam! I own no aspect of the Dragon Ball Franchise(s). They belong to Akira Toriyama! I hope you enjoy.

I've seen man eating plants before, on planet Gaboon when I was a boy. They were so large that they could swallow that ignorant woman whole. In fact, I've seen them much bigger than this little insignificant twig held captive by her in this window. Even the floral life is pathetic here- how fitting. The little weed is only moments from death; I'm sure that she knows to feed it, doesn't she?

"You're just another trinket. Die with some dignity. Go ahead and give up your ghost if you have one. As if you hear me…"

The woman has at least a thousand pieces of clothing in that abyss of a wardrobe that humans call a 'closet'. Silk and fur, 'precious' is the word they use, but I can vaporize it all in an instant. What is the point of this collection? In a blink of an eye I can force their last breaths. She may be ignorant, but she is not a fool- surely she knows that.

"Hey Vegeta, there you are! Do me a favor, please. Answer the front door… my hands are full"

How can you wave at me if your hands are full? The only clean thing on her was her smile.

"What the hell is all over you? Your hands don't look too 'full' "

"First it's grease from my lab. Second, you have still yet to master the use of air quotes… use two fingers to do that. Third, go answer the damn door! I'm busy!"

She'll understand this.

"I can't believe that you were a prince! If you want to be such a jerk, go flip off whoever is at the front door!"

Damn she looks good when she's mad at me.

"I am true royalty. Not an imposter bitchcess!"

I've seen this face many times before, but I can never read is she is angry or inquisitive.

"Vegeta, what are you doing in my room anyway?!"

Fuck this; I will answer the damn door. That took longer than I thought...

The front door is the same deep red as her self-idolatry station that she refers to as a 'vanity'. Vain… now this makes sense.


He reeks of confidence... oh yeah a real winner.

"State your business."

"My name is Adam. I hope this is a good time."

"Speak now, while I allow it..."

"Ms. Briefs and I were in a conference together. I live just two blocks away, and I figured I would just stop by. May I speak to her if she is home?"

I smell your intentions. She's going to eat you alive. You'll be her new favorite toy if your lucky.

He can't be any more than five feet tall. Bulbous black framed glasses weigh down his small snubbed nose. His hair hangs just above his shoulders in oily strands. His brown slacks are tightened high above his thin waist. His red checkered shirt is stuffed into his pants; not a button is out of place. His smile is awkward, even pedophilic. Either he cannot be trusted, or he is just this unfortunate. She will not be interested…

"Adam, you're here!"

The only thing she is proficient at is sneaking up on me and busting my eardrums. She's so pushy for a small weak creature.

"Excuse you woman!"

"Pay no mind to Vegeta. I'm so glad you came by!"

And she ignores me. I will take my exit here. maybe I can get back to training!

"I've brought you those flies you asked me about at the conference!"

"Thank you so much. The florist thought it was dead and insisted that I let her throw it away. I bought it and brought it home, but I can't get the poor thing to eat."

"These will definitely help."

"Would you like to come inside and have some tea?"

"No thank you. I must be off now".

She always slams the door so hard. She must be coming up the spiral stairs; I can smell her perfume floating into the corridor. Why couldn't she just walk by me, like the stranger that she is? No, she has to touch me as she walks by. I can't bring myself to complain…

"Thank you, Vegeta"

I can still feel her fingertips glide across my shoulder and down my forearm. My hand feels like it's on fire.

Could this be what kindness feels like? Maybe my hands can't make stupid 'air quotes' or understand human gestures. They do understand touch, however.

Stupid woman- maybe she's not such a man eater.

Thank you for reading. Please read and review! I'm desperate to know what you think. ^-^