Chapter 8: The power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

The next morning, H Twilight woke up first to her friends. At his side, P Spike was still asleep curled up near his mistress. He caressed it and then pulled the spectrometer out of the drawer.

H Twilight: Let's see if I can re-trace that energy.

She turned on her device, but there was no luck. The spectrometer did not shine like the one again, as if its presence had vanished along with the creature they saw in the Forbidden Zone Everfree Camp.

H Twilight: No activity.

Suddenly, she heard the voice of his companion from above.

Sunset Shimme: Twi, you woke up. Did you go over your spectrometer?

H Twilight: Yes, but nothing. It is not a malfunction but the evil magic has disappeared.

Sunset Shimmer: There are no portals here, just in the school statue. The evil magic was obviously coming from the creature. Surely on leaving, the trail also left.

H Twilight: It's possible.

At that, P Spike woke up.

P Spike: (yawning) why are you making so much noise?

Then they were waking their friends one by one.

Rarity: I agree with Spike (he removed the mask) There are certain people who need a restful sleep, especially after what happened last night.

Applejack: Rarity, I think the beauty break was enough.

Rainbow Dash: I think the same, it's our second day of camping, there will be new activities to do and I do not want to miss them.

Fluttershy: As long as they're inside the camp, I would not bother.

Pinkie Pie: Oh I wonder what activities do not wait. I hope it's a competition to make cakes, cupcakes, muffins ... ohhh that would be great.

The chat was interrupted when the door was opened by the interns of their cabin chief, that is, sirens or Dazzlings.

Rarity: Gee, you guys do not know how to knock.

Adagio: Anyway, dress up because breakfast will be served in the dining room within 10 minutes.

Sonata: There will be waffles with honey ... Mmmm ... waffles with honey.

She looked lost as she imagined them.

Aria: Yes, then you end up with sticky hands in either your wardrobe or hair.

Sonata: Oh yeah? Well, I think this time it will be you that ends with sticky hands.

Adagio: Ahh, just go (referring to the girls) in 10 minutes to the dining room.

Adagio and his companions withdrew by closing the door.

Rainbow Dash (sarcastic): We had to see them again.

Applejack: I do not know, I'm already feeling sorry for them.

Sunset Shimmer: With the destruction of their charms, they do not longer have their powers, I think that having them so long and losing them in seconds was a hard blow for them.

Rainbow Dash: Are you serious? Those 3 almost take the whole school and destroy our friendship.

Sunset Shimmer: Rainbow Dash, you remember that I also did that, right?

Rainbow Dash: Yes, but... but...

H Twilight: Feeling sorry for someone going through difficult times is not bad. The only thing we can expect is that they get used to it and overcome it.

Fluttershy: I agree with you, Twi.

Rarity: Oh, my dear, you spoke like an expert on friendship.

H Twilight: Me? Heh, heh, heh, but I'm just applying it.

Pinkie Pie: Yes, but it was good advice.

Sunset Shimmer: Twi, you and Princess Twilight know about friendship even if you do not think so. It is something that is seen in both worlds. Different mirrors, different forms, same personality.

H Twilight smiled at Sunset's comment. However, she was still a little nervous about the friendship lessons she was receiving and also frightened by the nightmare she had last night about her dark side telling her that the further she passed, Midnight Sparkle would still exist.

At the ranger cabin, P Twilgiht began to open his eyes and stretched out his hands. D Spike was still sleeping on her side.

P Twilight: Wow, what a night. Hopefully that creature did not wreak havoc.

D Spike: No, but you're interrupting my sleep, Twilight.

P Twilight: Ha ha ha. I'm sorry, Spike.

At that, they knocked on the door. P Twilight got up and opened it: It was Zecora.

Q Twilight: Good morning, Zecora Ranger.

Zecora: Good morning, young Twilight. All will meet in the dining room 10 minutes for breakfast.

P Twilight: Thank you. I'll be right there.

The ranger withdrew from the room and P Twilight sat on his bed. D Spike approached her.

D Spike: Did you suspect anything about our departure last night?

P Twilight: No. I just hope we do not cause problems to come out like that.

D Spike: There is a creature that lives in that part of the forest. Besides, she knows that you and I are not from here. Surely you will understand.

P Twilight: I hope so, Spike.

In another cabin, there were the guys Micro Chips, Norman, Sandalwood, Planet Captain, Brawly Beats and Flash Sentry. The first 5 had already risen, were about to leave when Brawly Beats noticed that Flash was still asleep.

Brawly Beats: Flash, wake up. We have to go to the dining room.

Flash was moving until he finally opened his eyes.

Brawly Beats: Hard Night?

Flash Sentry: Honestly, just a strange dream.

Brawly Beats: Well, hurry up.

Flash Sentry: Yes, I'm coming.

Flash dressed and before putting on his jacket, he remembered.

Flash Sentry: Wow, what a strange dream. To end up in the forest with a kind of ... dark blue and purple costume? My improved reflexes? These matters of magic in school are affecting my head.

Flash grabbed his jacket and noticed something unfamiliar.

Flash: My jacket is not blue-black.

In fact, it did not have the white and red stripes. It was completely blackish blue. Suddenly, he noticed that a kind of liquid of that color fell off his jacket leaving it as before. The liquid moved. This surprised him.

Flash: But what...? Then everything was real.

The liquid moved like a worm, but it did not look like it was going to hurt Flash.

Flash: You were the one who gave me those powers?

The liquid was again glued to Flash's jacket by turning it once again in total blue-black color. Flash did not know why, but he grabbed it and put it on as usual. Suddenly, the liquid spread throughout his body and reshaped him with the form he had the night before.

Flash Sentry: Wow, this is weird, but awesome.

He could feel the change of voice like the other time.

Flash Sentry: Well, you know, I would like to return to my former appearance.

The liquid simply obeyed what he said and turned into his new black jacket again. Flash examined himself and saw that everything was normal.

Flash Sentry: Not bad. I think you can come with me this time. But, I'll ask Twilight if she knows what you are.

Flash went out from his room to the dining room where the students were. The same with P Twilight, who already met with her friends. She sat down with them and began to eat waffles with honey with their glasses filled with yogurt. On the left side of the table were Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie; on the right, P Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and H Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer: Was there a problem with Zecora?

P Twilight: No, she did not suspect anything. I think we have to go out again tonight.

Fluttershy: Again? But, yesterday was scary, today will be scarier.

Sunset Shimmer: Fluttershy, we're all afraid; but it cannot stop us if we want to save the camp from that evil creature.

Rainbow Dash: Afraid? Ha, I did not feel afraid. I wanted to kick that creature to show who is boss in the camp.

Applejack: Oh really?

Rainbow Dash: Oh yeah.

Pinkie pie wanted to do a test by grabbing a fork, bathed it with honey and put it behind Rainbow Dash's back.

Pinkie Pire: Watch out, Rainbow Dash, the creature is behind you.

Rainbow Dash turned her head a little and saw the honey-covered fork, believing it was the creature's claws.

Rainbow Dash: Ahhhh!

Pinkie Pie pulled out her fork and showed it to her. They all started to laugh. Rainbow Dash blushed with embarrassment at the cry she gave and then turned annoyed when she saw Pinkie Pie.

P Twilight: By the way, Twi, I left my Spike in cabin 105 to have fun with yours.

H Twilight: Sounds good, they had their drawbacks at first but they get along,

Fluttershy: Do not forget Angel, he'll feel very good company.

In cabin 105, D Spike was chasing P Spike and Angel. The last two went up to one of the beds above.

D Spike: No, Spike, my Twilight is better.

P Spike: Of course not Spike dragon, mine is better, right, Angel?

Angel nodded because he was having fun with their argument.

D Spike grunted and tried to catch them biting a savannah but it fell on top of him…wrapping him.

P Spike: Ha ha ha ha, well done dragon Spike.

Angel also laughed.

D Spike stepped out of the savannah and glared.

D Spike: Ahhh ... pets.

Back at the diner, on an away table, Flash was eating along with his cabin friends: Brawly Beats and Ringo on one side and Mirco Chips, Sandalwood and Noman on the other. After eating his last piece of waffle, Flash saw his reflection on the fork. Then he lowered it until he focused on his new black-blue jacket formed by that strange liquid. As he did so, he felt a kind of trance, he could feel the same power he had that night in the woods. Slowly, he switched the expression from his trance eyes to a frown (as some villains do). However his thoughts were interrupted by a call.

Micro Chips: Flash, I like your new jacket.

His friend's voice came back to him and put down his fork

Flash Sentry: What? ... Oh thanks.

Brawly Beats: Yes, where did you get it?

Flash Sentry: In fact, it could be said that it was an unexpected gift.

The boys did not understand well, but they decided to leave things like this. They continued to eat breakfast while Flash still tried to understand what he felt a trance moments ago.

With the girls, P Twilight remembered what she was going to say to Sunset.

P Twilight: Sunset Do you have your notebook here?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah. What happen?

P Twilight: Let's send a note to Princess Celestia about the creature, maybe she knows something about it.

Sunset Shimmer: It seems good to me.

Sunset opened his notebook and started writing.

Sunset Shimmer: Dear Princess Celestia...


At p Twilight Castle, her friends and the princesses continue to wait for the princess of friendship to return or leave a message.

Rainbow Dash: I cannot take it anymore, I'll go into that mirror and help Twilight.

Applejack: Well, you will not do it by yourself.

Princess Celestia: No, I already told you last time the risk you can see if they all cross the portal.

Rarity: We know it, but we are very worried.

Princess Celestia: Have faith that Twilight and Sunset will be able to solve this.

Rainbow Dash: I have faith in Twilight; not in Sunset Shimmer.

Princess Celestia: I know that my student made mistakes, but I can feel that she has changed for the better. More than I could have done for her in those days.

Rainbow Dash: Anyway.

Starlight was the one who had the book of Sunset and felt his left front vibrate. She knew it was the book.

Starlight Glimmer: There is a message!

They all approached her and opened the book. Starlight gave it to the Princess of the Sun

Fluttershy: What does it say, princess?

Princess Celestia: "Dear Princess Celestia, last night Twilight, our friends from the Canterlot High and I met a strange creature in the forbidden area of the Everfree Camp, we knew that evil magic emanated from that thing. We thought it could be a Timberwolve, but it wasn't. Its color was blackish blue and his eyes were red and he had deer antlers. Princess, honestly, we don't know what it was. Whether it is from Equestria or not, all we know is that it is the source of the dark magic in the camp. We will appreciate your help if you know what we are facing. Sincerely, your former student, Sunset Shimmer"

Pinkie Pie: Wow, a strange blue-black creature. That is new.

Fluttershy: I know all the animals, but the one that Sunset talks about, I've never seen him, not even in the Everfree Forest.

Princess Luna: Sister, this creature that describes your former student ... can it exists?

Princess Celestia: Dark magic takes many forms, sister. Whatever it is, we have to find out and send any information we have.

Applejack: We'll start looking, princess.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, that's for brains.

Applejack: It says the one that became obsessed with the books of Daring Do.

Rainbow Dash: It's different.

Applejack: Just check the books in that part of the library.

So, P Twilight's friends and the princesses were looking for information about the blue-black creature to help both ponies with this new task.

Alternate world, Everfree camp

Sunset Shimmer: That's it, let's hope they send us an answer.

P Twilight: I hope so.

When everyone finished breakfast, they gathered outside. Flash saw P Twilight and her friends. He approached them.

Flash Sentry: Eh ... Twilight.

P Twilight blushed a little.

P Twilight: Oh, hello Flash. It... was brave what you did last night with that creature. By the way, cute jacket.

Flash Sentry: Yes, hehe, thank you. Ehmm ... I have to tell you something.

P Twilight: What's wrong?

Flash Sentry: You see…

Flash could not finish because Principal Celestia started talking. Around him were Vice-Principal Luna, the Ranger Zecora, the workshop coordinators, the cabin chiefs (among them Discord and his interns, the Dazzlings).

Principal Celestia: Attention students, today we have other activities to do so tomorrow we have the day off in any activity. Sports games will begin within a couple of hours. We have soccer, basketball and volleyball, also climbing game, among others. Those who wish to participate in one or more events can do so and their cabin managers will write them down.

The students shouted with excitement about the sports activities that would take place.

Rainbow Dash: Did you hear that? Sport activities! A good way to show how amazing I am.

Applejack: Sure, why does not that surprise me?

Rarity: Well, I'm not going to sign up. For the Friendship Games it was okay since we wanted to beat the Shadowbots but now, I think I prefer just watch.

Fluttershy: Me too, sports are not my thing.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, I'll be happy to participate. I am so full of energy that I want it to start right now.

H Twilight: After the Friendship Games, I think I'll go with Fluttershy and Rarity.

P Twilight: Yeah I prefer to watch sports.

Sunset Shimmer: I'm in. I think it would be good way to relax and have fun playing any sport.

Applejack: Guess we're Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Sunset and me.

Rainbow Dash: Very good, girls. Let the sporting events begin.

On the other hand, Flash could not tell P Twilight about that strange liquid that was now his new jacket. However, he looked at it and felt that he could use it for other things. Flash moved a little away from the crowd. He approached a cabin and verified that there was no one around him.

Flash Sentry: Ok, this is already weird. What exactly are you?

The liquid simply returned to surround Flash's torso and transformed it into a sports shirt. The same color as the jacket.

Flash Sentry: Can you transform into other garments, too? Well, you're a cool thing. Do you want me to participate in the sports? I cannot believe I'm talking to a liquid that is attached to me.

He look once again at the new shirt that had been transformed.

Flash Sentry: Well, what can happen?

Flash went back to the students and enrolled in each of the sport games. He did not know why but it seemed that the thing in his chest told him to do that.

A few hours later, when the students had already enrolled in sports, the soccer event began. First it was with the girls: Blue vs. Green, the green team was formed by Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Lyra, Bon Bon and Pinkie Pie as goalkeeper, the blue one by other students. They started to play and Rainbow Dash, as a front, showed off as always. In the seats, her friends encouraged them.

P Twilight: Come on, girls!

H Twilighr: Go on Pinkie Pie and Sunset!

Rarity: Go Applejack!

Fluttershy (whispering): Come on Rainbow Dash.

Even all the students gave shouts of emotion. On the other side, Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, the teachers, Zecora, the workshop coordinators, the cabin chiefs, Discord and the Dazzlings watched the game, too. Although two of the Dazzlings, Adagio and Aria, did not care, only Sonata seemed excited.

The referee blew the whistle to end the game, the green team had won 3 to 0 with 2 goals from Rainbow Dash and a goal from Sunset Shimmer. Now, the boys with the same shirt color (Blue and green). The blue was formed by Curly Winds, Health Burns, Indigo Wreath, Teddy, Flash Sentry and Bulk Biceps as the goalkeeper. The game started and, surprisingly, Flash felt that his reflexes had improved. He felt that she was faster and more agile as he managed to take the ball away from the opposite team several times. A few seconds later he scored the first goal. His team was amazed, even the students, the girls and the others. Flash blew when he saw how amazing he was. The minutes passed until the match ended the blue team had won with an incredible score of 7 to 0 and all the goals were from Flash. He could not believe what he just did. Then, he left for a while alone and looked at the shirt formed by the liquid.

Flash Sentry: I… we could show them what we can do.

And so the hours passed with different sports: basketball, volleyball, among others. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were the ones that participated in almost everyone. They were amazing, but they all focused their eyes on Flash, in each sport it seemed to have no limits, scored scores in basketball more than anyone, in volleyball he devastated it and in climbing he was the first to arrive (nobody noticed it, but while Flash dominated every sport, a strange smile formed on his face). Everyone clapped, while Rainbow Dash became jealous. The girls and Flash's friends came over to congratulate him.

Pinkie Pie: That was awesome!

Sandalwood: You wore it, buddy.

Micro Chips: I think it's scientifically impossible, but ... science does not solve everything, right?

Teddy; You have to teach me that movements.

Bulk Biceps: YES!

Flash Sentry: Thank you all, but it's nothing.

Applejack: If you continue like this, you will surpass Rainbow Dash as an athlete.

Rainbow Dash (sarcastic): Ha, yes sure.

Everyone laughed.

Flash Sentry: Yes, well, listen, I have to go. I must do... some things.

They did not understand, but just let him go. However, he was stopped by P Twilight.

P Twilight: By the way, Flash, what were you going to tell me at breakfast?

Flash Sentry: What? Oh yes, it was about...

Suddenly, Flash felt a sensation of not telling P Twilight the strange liquid attached to him. A part of him wanted to tell her, but another, stronger, it was saying no. He simply obeyed the strongest.

P Twilight: Flash?

Flash Sentry: Oh, about... about the great adventure of the last night looking for that magic. I don't think I can go with you the girls again, I'm still a little hurt by the attack.

P Twilight: Oh, well, it does not matter, thanks anyway.

Flash Sentry: Yes, goodbye.

Flash left. Moments later, his left too leaving only the girls.

Applejack: You know, if Flash had injuries from the last night, how he was able to do all of that in the sporting events?

P Twilight: Maybe, he didn't want to show them.

Rainbow Dash: Since when is Flash so athletic?

Pinkie Pie: I do not know, but it seems that he has surpassed your scores that any other in the school.

Applejack: I knew he was good at sports, but not so good.

Sunset Shimmer: I guess his yesterday action against that creature inspired him.

Fluttershy: That could be it.

Rarity: Although I feel that he will come to show off as a certain person we know.

Rainbow Dash: Hey!

H Twilight: I must admit he played well.

P Twilight: Me too, I think he was impressive.

Applejack: Of course you two think that, after all, you two were the ones who cheering him most.

Both Twilights blushed a lot.

Sunset Shimmer (whispering to Rarity): They are so different and so equal, even with the same feeling.

Both laughed. Then, both Twilight returned to reality.

P Twilight: Well, girls. Remember, tonight we have to go back to the forest to look for that creature and stop the magic that it's emanating.

H Twilight: My spectrometer will help us find it again.

Rainbow Dash: It's a plan. How about we practice a bit for the musical presentation of the day after tomorrow?

Rarity: I think that's fine, I can think of new dresses for that.

Applejack: Oh, Rarity, you and your dresses.

After that conversation, the girls decided to go to the stadium to practice their music. Without them knowing, someone was spying on them behind a cabin. Better said 3: The Dazzlings. They listened carefully the conversation. Adagio gave a sinister look.

Adagio: Girls, did you hear that?

Aria and Sonata nodded.

Adagio: Do you know what that means?

Aria: Ha, of course.

Sonata: Yeah... they will go to the forbidden area of the forest and broke a rule of the ranger. They are in trouble.

Adagio, irritated, put her hand on his head, Aria moved her eyes as a sign of irritation.

Adagio: Ah, it doesn't matter. They said that in the forest there is magic. It means that we can use it to recover our powers and at last we will stop being interns in this horrible camp.

Sonata: Oh, sure.

Aria: Oh yes Adagio, I will add it to the list of plans that have failed you.

Adagio: This is not going to fail, maybe the Everfree Forest's legend is just an exaggeration about the magic there. So, to save us the job, tonight we will follow the Rainbooms. They will lead us to the source of the magic and finally we will recover our power and, even, we could obtain new abilities.

The Dazzlings smiled malevolently as before, but they were interrupted by someone.

Discord: Ahem, interns, why were you spying on our campers?

The Dazzlings got nervous.

Adagio: Oh no, boss. We were not spying on them. We only made sure that they were safe, you know, to avoid getting into trouble.

Aria: Yes, you know how some troublemakers are.

Sonata: Yes, especially since they entered to the for...

Adagio and Aria covered Sonata's mouth. Discord arched his right eyebrow because he was confused.

Adagio: What she is trying to say is that ... we have to make sure that they follow the rules of the ranger, so we avoid doing silly things like entering the forbidden area of the camp.

Both removed their hands from Sonata.

Sonata: oh yes, what she say ... I wanted to ... say.

Aria: What you would have said if you were not the worst.

Sonata: Oh, yeah? Well, I think you are.

Adagio: Well, you already know that you are idiots.

Discord: You know, Adagio. If I did not know you well, I'd say you're lying to me.

He brings his face close, especially his right eye to the face of the dazzling.

Adagio: Lying? Me? No, sir, we are not…

Discord laughed.

Discord: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, I love when people put scared faces when they think they are interrogated. Well, continue. We do not want them to be like the camper who entered the forbidden zone some time ago.

Adagio: Of course not boss.

Discord: See you later, I have some new videos to put on my jokes web.

Adagio: Goodbye.

Aria: Anyway.

Sonata: Keep going with the videos, I always see them and they make me laugh.

Once he left, Adagio released his evil look.

Adagio: Once we get that magic, we will free from him.

Meanwhile, on one of the soccer fields. Flash wore his normal clothes, except for the blackish blue jacket that was strange liquid. He was doing acrobatics because of what the liquid had given him.

Flash Sentry: Wow, this is really amazing. I never felt so agile, fast and strong in everything in my life. It's like if... you and I are one. What do you say if we move into costume mode?

Suddenly the liquid began to expand until it was already in the whole body of Flash forming the suit last night and morning.

Flash Sentry: Ha, although I do not get used to the voice, I must say that when you transform me, I feel that my reflexes increase more.

He made a great leap and ended up in the forbidden area of the forest.

Flash Sentry; You know? I think you can help me to find that creature that almost attacks my friends. Let us begin.

Flash, using his new form and powers, ran, climbed trees and jumped all over the forest in search of that creature, but only found bears, deer, birds, among other animals.

Flash Sentry: Where can it be?

He end up climbing on the branch of a tree watching the sunset (still with the suit). It was when a question ended in his mind

Flash Sentry: That's weird. Why did not I tell Twilight about you? She is a princess of that Equestria, surely she could tell me what you are.

However, his confused face changed to seriousness.

Flash Sentry: But ... What would she know? I mean, does she have an answer for everything? I've seen her fighting Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings, not to mention the Twilight of my world, she and her friends ... with her magic. I know what you are (he looked at his transformed hands), you are the one who has given me power... I could say magic... stronger than Twilight's.

Unbeknown to him, the suit's white eyes became very red and claws came out of his hands.

Flash Sentry: What do you think if we continue practicing?

Once again, Flash performed acrobatics and exploration. It was almost night, but in the camp some students went to the stadium to see some bands practicing. First, there were the Rainbooms with a song that is well known to most. The ones that played were Pinkie Pie with the drums; Fluttershy, the tambourine; Applejack, the bass; Rainbow Dash, the guitar; Sunset Shimmer, also the guitar and Rarity, the keytar. Both Twilights only sang along with Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash.


Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, P Twilight, and H Twilight: Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!


The students clapped, not only for the music, but the girls, with the exception of H Twilight, transformed their ears and tails, of course P Twilight got wings, just like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. When they finished, they returned to normal and left the stage.

Rainbow Dash: That was awesome.

Rarity: Even I must admit it. By the way, you sing very well, Twi.

H Twilight (blushing): It's not that bad.

Sunset Shimmer: Really, you do it great.

P Twilgiht: You do not have to be ashamed.

Applejack: Right, you're one of the Rainbooms now.

Fluttershy: of course.

H Twilight: Something that impressed me the most were your transformations. I wish I could do it, but... I do not want the incident of the Friendship Games to be repeated again.

Sunset Shimmer: That's not going to happen, Twi.

Pinkie Pie: I could not agree more. You know, after this played, we deserve a celebration.

Then, the one that speaks of itself in the third person appeared.

Trixie: Do not celebrate yet Rainfools, the great and powerful Trixie is going to rehearse and you will see that the audience applauds 10 times stronger than when you were on stage.

They looked irritated at Trixie as she and the other two from her band climbed onstage and began to play their song.


Trixie: Ya better believe

I got tricks up my sleeve

And I captivate

'Cause I'm powerful and grea-ea-eat

Ya better believe

I got tricks up my sleeve

See me dominate

'Cause I'm powerful and grea-ea-eat!

(MUSIC interrupted: We're not going to listen to it all)

The girls went to see the other bands while they talked about Trixie.

Rainbow Dash: Same Trixie as always.

P Twilight looked at the bands, but saw that in Flash's band, the Flash Drive, he was not there. She approached his friends.

P Twilight: Flash will not play?

Brawley Beats: I do not know, we're supposed to rehearse, but he's not here. We have not seen him in all day after he said he was going to do something. We thought he would be practicing but his guitar still in the cabin.

After the speech, everyone (the girls and the Flash Drive) saw Flash walking towards his cabin, his friends went towards him.

Brawley Beats: Flash, where were you? You disappeared after what you said you had something to do.

Flash had a serious look.

Flash Sentry: What I do, is not your business. I am the leader of this band, I am the one who decides when and where we are going to practice. So why you better stop bothering me since I have better things to do than concentrate on a silly music practice.

That surprised his friends, they had never seen him act like that. Not just them, P Twilight and her friends were nearby and they listened to what he said. Flash, without more to say, continued his way to his cabin, but was followed by P Twilight and her friends.

P Twilight: Flash, what was that? Why did you treat your band, your friends, that way?

Sunset Shimmer: I must say that very rough on your part.

Flash Sentry: Well, the princess of a magical world spoke, not only her, but also the one who wanted to dominate the entire school and her own world because she could not control her thirst for power or for not feeling accepted in anywhere.

P Twilight was surprised for what Flash said. However, Sunset was very hurt by what he said to her. So much hurt, that her eyes were wet and it looked like he was going to drop tears. She was going to cry. That bothered everyone, P Twilight and H Twilight were speechless because of Flash's attitude.

Applejack: Flash, you'd better apologize, because if you mess with one, you mess with all of us.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, nobody insults one of my friend that way.

Rarity: It was horrible what you said.

Fluttershy: Coming from you, it's unexpected.

Pinkie Pie: Especially because you're kind.

Flash Sentry: Anyway.

He simply entered his cabin and closed the door.

Rainbow Dash: Oh no, sir, you do not turn the back on us just like that, come back and apologize fo...

Sunset stopped Rainbow Dash. She wiped her eyes to keep from crying

Sunset Shimmer: No, Rainbow Dash, it's okay, anyway he's right.

Rainbow Dash: Right? Sunset, you changed, you're not a bad person anymore, I say pony, I mean...

Applejack: The point is that we cannot let anyone hurt you for your past mistakes. I do not know why he cannot see who you really are: A loyal, honest, affectionate, funny, teasing and magical friend.

P Twilight: Sunset, it's true, you represent the best of us and sooner or later, I know Flash will notice it.

Rarity: Without a doubt.

Fluttershy: She's right.

Pinkie Pie: Exactly and while we are with you, no one will say the opposite.

That made Sunset smile, despite not having the approval of all, rather of her ex-boyfriend, it was enough with her friends.

Sunset Shimmer: Thanks, girls. Come on, we have to prepare us to go out into the forest again and stop that evil magic.

They all nodded and withdrew. However, P Twilight was worried about Flash. She liked him but she did not understand his change of attitude, she was still shocked by those words. It could not be a spell because she did not feel anything around him. H Twilight were also surprised, she could not deny that she was beginning to feel something about Flash.

The hours passed until everyone was already asleep. At midnight, once again P Twilight got up and grabbed D Spike and walked slowly until they left Zecora's cabin. They tiptoed to the 105 hut where their friends were ready, even P Spike.

P Twilight (whispering): Okay, do you have your lanterns?

Her friends nodded.

P Twilight: (whispering): Twi, your spectrometer.

H Twilight (whispering): It is activated. Let's go.

The girls and the Spike went on tiptoe to the area fenced with wood and entered again to the forbidden zone. They did not realize that a little far from them, the Dazzlings were watching.

Adagio (whispering) All right, girls, it's time for revenge. We will follow the Rainbooms in a different path and when they reach that magic, we will take it.

Adagio and Aria let out a sinister look, but Sonata was somewhat scared.

Sonata (whispering): But what about the Camp legend? A horrible creature lives there.

Adagio (whispering and annoying): There is no creature in the forest, it is just an urban legend invented to attract campers. Surely the creature is a manifestation of the magic there.

Aria (whispering): Do not be so chicken, Sonata.

Sonata (whispering): Oh, yeah? Well, I think you're more chicken than me.

They bothered each other. That irritated Adagio.

Adagio (whispering and annoying): Just follow them to get the magic.

Thus, the Dazzling followed the Rainbooms slowly and far as possible from being detected. They took a different path (the Rainbooms were on the right and they, on the left not to be seen)

In Flash's cabin, his friends were already asleep. Suddenly, he woke up because he wanted to try his liquid suit's skills again. He got up and grabbed his jacket composed of the liquid, as always, expanded and covered him with the suit. He went up to the ceiling and went out through the window above. It could be noticed that it formed a sinister figure due to the light of the Moon. He jumped back to the forbidden zone, only deeper than before. That part of the forest had dry or leafless trees. He began to swing, to climb and break things. Then he felt rejection about what happened hours ago.

Flash Sentry: Why did I say those things? I didn't mean it to make Sunset cry or sadden Twilight

However, his eyes turned irritated and annoyed.

Flash Sentry: What does Twilight know about these things? She always has luck for her magic. Because she is a princess, she thinks she's better. Same Sunset Shimmer, just because she saved the school, she thinks she is an expert in magic and friendship? The worst, those silly Dazzlings are here. What's more, what are Twilight, Sunset and the Dazzlings doing here? THEY DO NOT BELGONG HERE!

His grave voice rumbled the place. Suddenly he heard a voice, also serious, but calm.

Voice: I could not agree more with you.

Flash looked around, but there was no one.

Flash Sentry: Hello? ... Who is there? ... Show yourself

Voice: In fact, I am here and at the same time not, Present physically and mentally. In fact, I am in you.

Flash looked at his body and understood ... the liquid was talking to him

Flash Sentry: You? You can talk?


Parasite: Sure, but I speak not with my mouth, but in your mind. You hear me, I hear you. I am part of you, as you are part of me.

Flash Sentry: What are you?

Parasite: I'll show you.

Suddenly, the suit seemed to dissolve and began to form a cocoon around Flash. Once everything was wrapped, Flash saw that it was instead blackish blue.

Flash Sentry: It's the only color you have.

Parasite: I am unique in my species, the color that I have represents me. I have to tell you Flash Sentry, I understand you. I feel your anger and jealousy.

Flash Sentry: Really?

Parasite: Sure. Like you, I also think that those ... creatures of Equestria should not be here. I'll tell you, I come from there. However, my motivations and desires are more... simple.

Flash Sentry: How did you end up here?

Parasite: Oh, the memory of that event is… nothing but suffering. I thought that by giving strength and abilities to those who joined me, I could bring greatness to that. I was a misfit, that's why... they banished me. They did not understand me. The beings with magic thought themselves superior. Do you know what it feels like, right?

Flash put a face of annoyance and bitterness.

Flash Sentry: Sure, this whole magic thing has only brought problems. I feel sometimes...

Parasite: That you are a pawn in a game that you do not want to be part of. I know, I was like you, thousands of years ago in Equestria.

Flash Sentry: But... Twilight has always been there to...

Parasite: Exactly... she has always been there to cause problems. Whether the Equestrian Twilight or the one from your world. Not to mention her... friends, your ex-girlfriend Sunset Shimmer and the sirens.

The Parasite began to show him his memories of the previous events at the Canterlot High. First, the Fall Formal.

Parasite: Tell me Flash, did you like being part of a group of mental slaves?

Flash was upset to see himself through that memory, possessed and seeing Sunset in her demon form.

Flash Sentry: No.

Then, he showed him the Battle of the Bands.

Parasite: When those sirens arrived, using their music to act in a way you were not. It was not nice, right?

Flash Sentry: No.

The tone of his voice grew stronger. Finally, he showed him the event of the Friendship Games. The battle between Daydream Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle.

Parasite: An epic battle... that almost destroys the barriers of the dimensions. All for the magic those Equestrians brought to your world. Not only that, that magic remained in those 5 students. No matter how many times they try. Magic is a problem for both worlds. They make us look weak before their transformations and magic of friendship. WHAT ARE YOU, FLASH SENTRY? YOU ARE WEAK?

Flash Sentry: No... No!... I'm not weak!

Now his tone had become one of rage, bitterness and hatred.

Parasite: I know, it's time those girls... receive a lesson? Not only do them, both Equestria and this world not appreciate us. We're forgotten, that's over. Don't you think?

Flash Sentry: Yes, they must pay... all of them.

Suddenly, blackish blue tentacles came out of Flash.

Parasite: I've spent thousands of years looking for you, the one who would resist my connection, the one who would adapt to me. Let us unite, Flash, in mind, body and soul.

Flash Sentry: Yes.

Parasite: The time has come to increase our power.

The tentacles began to stick on Flash, expanding.

Flash Sentry: Yes.

Parasite: And together... nobody will stop us!

Flash Sentry: YES!

Finally, the Parasite involved Flash completely. Out of his mind, the cocoon he was in began to break and something new came out. First it seemed that his armor was bigger than before, it had the same colors and attributes. The difference is that now in their hands had fierce claws as animal, was no longer symbol of his shield, had 2 spikes on his shoulders in the form of "L" inverted. On his face, his organic helmet was bigger and black, he had a horn (the same wavy form as King Sombra had) His eyes were redder than before and now he had a mouth, only that he had white sharp and fangs. A new villain was born: DARK SENTRY (so I'll call the union of Flash and The Parasite)



Dark Sentry: For a long time we were misunderstood

He began to throw blackish blue liquid from his hands and cocoons were forming.

Dark Sentry: Separate from others

Strangers among others, like a needle in a haystack

But it is about to end

Then he saw small animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, that were scared and ran to take refuge, but Dark Sentry grabbed them and with the same liquid joined them, the animals were transformed into blue-black creatures with red eyes and stayed there.

Dark Sentry: We were alone against the world,

The animals growled

Dark Sentry: We show our talents to others

That was our talent.

Dark Sentry formed a dark ball and reflected P Twilight and Sunset Shimmer on it.

Dark Sentry: Until these two came

That is already behind because his time is over

Out of the buds came strange things (like the bodies we dissolved that Ursula from the Little Mermaid that she had in her lair), the spores.

Choir spores: We receive the call, we are one only

We obey Dark Sentry, our creator.

Dark Sentry: That ... is more ... than we imagine

Choir spores: We received the call.

Dark Sentry: They will perish.

We feel that our forces are making a

Your magic of friendship will not last.

In our claws they will fall

And it's inevitable ending will be.

We will destroy those ponies and their friends too.

Dark Sentry now had the power to make his arms elastic and began to throw the same liquid throughout the area of the forest where he was. He was building his hiding place, hundreds of eggs or seeds were being formed.

Choir spores: Revenge is coming, nothing else matters

Dark Sentry: We will make them tremble with terror

Chorus spores: They will tremble with terror.

Dark Sentry: We are a nightmare come true.

Choir spores: They will not win.

Dark Sentry: We will succeed!

Chorus Spores: Both our own will be

They will be, while they their slaves will become.

They will return.

Dark Sentry: Their friendship will not last and they will fall

They will fall.

Dark Sentry put his hands on the ground and even more spores left in cocoons.

Dark Sentry: Parasitic spores

The moment is coming.

Rest and prepare to contaminate everyone.

Choir spores: The moment will come

They will not stop, the ponies and the girls will see...

The form of Dark Sentry was dissolved again in the form of the Flash's jacket and as a villain watching the viewer he finished the song with a sinister look and smile.

Flash Sentry: THEIR END!


Dark Sentry's entire plan began, while his malevolent laugh was heard in that area and the spores rested and the contaminated animals growled and praised their new master.