11 months later …

Spencer and Derek were walking towards Emily, who sat at her desk reading a folder. Derek grinned as he placed a stack of folders on Emily's desk.

"Nooooo. No more! This is boringggg," Emily whined.

"Well, you should've thought about that before missy," Derek teased her as he walked off.

Spencer chuckled as he leaned over and gave Emily a quick kiss. She leaned back in her chair smiling at him.

"It won't be much longer now," he said as he laid his hand on her large belly. "The baby is due in two weeks."

"If I don't die of boredom before then," Emily said pouting.

"You won't die of boredom, I promise," Spencer said giving her another peck on her lips.

"I miss the action. The most action I have now is trying to maneuver myself out of this chair," she said half joking.

"Babe, you have a very important job of protecting our child. You are on security detail 24/7," Spencer said sitting down at his desk.

"Leave it to you to figure out a way to make pregnancy sound fun," Emily said giggling.

"Here, give me some of your files. I'll help you," he said.

"No, it's fine. If you do them all I'll wind up following Garcia around the office and as much as she loves company, a grumpy pregnant woman is not fun," Emily said.

Spencer chuckled as he reached into his satchel and pulled out a blue wrapped item. He tossed it to Emily and a smile broke out on her face.

"Rice Krispy Treats! Oh, sweetie you know the way to this woman's heart," she grinned as she ripped open the paper. "You don't happen to have …"

Spencer held up a container of Peanut Butter.

"Damn you are good. I'll reward you for that later," she said as she dipped the Rice Krispy Treat into the Peanut Butter. "Mmmmm, that shit is so good."

"Yo Prentiss, give me a bite!" Derek said walking over to steal some of her food.

"No way! Back off or you lose a finger," she growled.

Derek looked at Spencer who held his hands up.

"I would not mess with her. Last week I took a bite of her pizza and she almost castrated me," Spencer said.

"Bring it on girl," Derek teased as he reached down to break off a piece of the treat.

Emily swung her hand at him and the two playfully wrestled, with Emily still firmly seated in the chair. Spencer laughed at the two.
"Don't hurt my baby," Spencer called out as he leaned back in his chair.

"Thanks hunny," Emily said as she swatted Derek in the head.
"I meant, the actual baby. You can take care of yourself. I should ask you not to hurt Morgan," he teased.

With that Emily grabbed her stomach and grunted. Spencer and Derek both stopped.

"Are you ok?" "What happened?" The boys said simultaneously.
Emily shoved the rest of the treat into her mouth.

"Hahaha sucka," she said with her mouthful.

"Oh, that was low," Derek said shaking his head.

Suddenly Emily grabbed her stomach again.

"Hahaha, very funny. Not falling for it this time," Derek said rolling his eyes.

Emily grabbed the trash can and spit the treat into the can. She grabbed her stomach again and grunted. "Shit, no it actually hurts," she said massaging her belly.
Spencer jumped up from his chair and ran to her.

"Where's it hurt?" he asked.
"My stomach it's … it's really tight. It keeps squeezing and getting tighter," she said trying to breath.

"Morgan, can you go get J.J.?" Spencer asked.
Derek nodded and ran off toward her office.

"How long has this been happening?" Spencer asked.
"I don't know. Off and on for the past couple of days, but today has been the worst. It's getting more frequent and more painful," she said.

"Babe, I think you're in labor," he said holding her hand.

"No, my water didn't break," Emily assured him.
"Just because your water didn't break, it doesn't mean you aren't in labor. Many pregnancies the doctors have to break the water for you," Spencer said.

With that Emily shut her eyes and squeezed Reid's hand tightly. He looked at his watch and timed how long she squeezed his hand for. When Emily opened her eyes again, she saw J.J. kneeling in front of her with Derek standing behind watching.

"How long are the contractions?" J.J. asked.

"That last one timed at 56 seconds," Spencer stated.

"Emily how long in between each one?" J.J. said rubbing Emily's knee as Emily took deep breaths.
"Uh, I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I just figured it was those braxten hicks things," Emily replied as she rubbed her belly.

"Your water didn't break?"

"No," Emily said.

"Spence, I think it might be time to take her to the hospital," J.J. said standing up.
Spencer nodded and started to help Emily stand up, when she dropped back onto the chair groaning as another contraction hit.

"That was less than 5 minutes," Derek said looking nervously at his watch.

"Definitely time to go," J.J. said.
"You want me to go get the car?" Derek offered.
"Yes, please," Spencer said as he threw the keys to Derek. "Come here, put your arm around me."

Emily draped her arm over Spencer and they started slowly walking to the elevator.
"I'm going to go round up the team," J.J. said grinning.

Spencer nodded as he kept walking with Emily.


At the hospital, Emily was already hooked up to the machines, had her water broken for her, and refused epidural's numerous times, by the time J.J. and Penelope arrived.
"Babe, there is nothing wrong with getting an epidural," Spencer assured her as he watched her wince in pain.
"I. Don't. Want. It," she said through gritted teeth.

Spencer had to try not to laugh at the face she made when she said it. He ran his fingers through her sweaty hair and smiled.
"Alright, I won't say another word about it," he said.

"How are you feeling?" J.J. asked as she walked over to the side of Emily's bed.
"Like I'm about to try and shove a watermelon out of my vagina," Emily said irritably.

This time, Spencer did laugh, but thankfully Emily didn't see it. Penelope slapped him on the shoulder, but she, too, was smiling.

"Did the doctor say how far along you are?" J.J. asked Emily.

"8 centimeters," Emily replied before squeezing her eyes shut and gripping the rail on her bed.

J.J. rubbed her back soothingly until Emily relaxed again.
"Where's Reid? I wanna punch him in the balls," Emily said as she wiped a strand of wet hair from her face.
J.J. shot Spencer a sympathetic look. He seemed unfazed by her words. She figured he probably read a lot of books regarding pregnancy and births. The door to the room opened and the nurse walked in.

"How are we feeling Emily?" the nurse asked as she looked at Emily's numbers and wrote them down.

"I'm great. Ready to go for a run," Emily said sarcastically.
The nurse chuckled. "I know darlin', had me 5 kids and all of them natural," the nurse replied as she slid over to the bed. "Alright, let's see how we are doing here." The nurse lifted the covers and slid her hand along Emily's entrance. A smile came to her face. "Well, it looks like it's time. Anyone who doesn't want to stay for this delivery, I suggest you exit now. Emily, I'm going to go call your doctor and we are going to start pushing this baby out. Are you ready?"

"No turning back now," Emily replied.

"You've got that right," the nurse grinned before walking out of the room.

J.J. and Penelope gave Emily quick kisses before leaving the room. Spencer walked over to the bed and grabbed Emily's hand.

"I'm sorry you are hurting. I wish I could take your place," he said gently.

"I wish you could too," she said before letting a small smile show.

"It's almost over. I'm so proud of you," he said kissing her forehead. "You are the bravest woman I know."
Another contraction hit her as he held her hand after a minute she relaxed and turned to him.

"I'll say nice things to you later," she said causing Spencer to laugh.

Just then the room began to fill with nurses and the doctor came in last.

"Alright Emily. Let's do this. Let's get that baby out," he said as he scooted to the end of her bed that was being transitioned into a delivery table. "You ready to push?"

Emily nodded as Spencer and a nurse took their places holding her legs.


An hour and a half later, J.J.'s phone pinged. She looked down.
"It's Spence! The baby's here!" she said jumping up and down. "He said we can come to the room now."

Once they knocked on the door and heard come in, they swung it open. Spencer was leaning over Emily smiling down at the small baby laying in Emily's arms.

"Well, is it a girl or a boy?" Penelope asked. Her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Guys, meet Hope Elana Reid," Spencer said smiling at the group.
"A girl!" Penelope and J.J. squealed.

"Where did you get Elana from?" Rossi asked.

"It's a combination of our mom's names," Spencer replied.

The girls awed before rushing to Emily's side so they could look at the sleeping baby. While Derek, Rossi, and Hotch each gave Spencer a hug of congratulations. When Spencer pulled out of Derek's arms he had tears in his eyes.

"Way to go kid," Derek said ruffling Spencer's hair.
"I didn't do anything. She did it all," Spencer said looking at Emily as she fawned over their daughter. He could see the love in her eyes. The pride and joy. It's like the second the baby exited Emily's body, Emily instantly morphed into a different Emily. A mom. She looked up for a second to smile at Spencer. Her eyes glistening as tears dripped from his eyes.

"I love you," she mouthed to him.
"I love you too," he mouthed back.

"Ok, ok, move over. Uncle Derek wants a turn to hold his goddaughter," Derek said walking over to Emily giving her a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Um, no way, the godmother is first!" J.J. snapped.

"Don't you two start, we all know I will be the first to hold the baby," Penelope said joining the fight.

Spencer laughed as they all argued jokingly about who should hold the baby first.

"I'm going to put this out there. I didn't fire you two for breaking the fraternization rule and was able to convince the Assistant Director to allow you both to stay on the team," Hotch said with a smirk on his face.

"Well son of a bitch," Derek said as he stepped back.
"Hey watch your mouth around my daughter, Morgan," Emily joked.

"Looks like Hotch is the winner guys, sorry," Spencer laughed as Hotch stepped up to take the baby from Emily.

"She's beautiful," Hotch said allowing a smile to grace his usually serious face. "Hard to believe that Jack used to be this small."

"Time flies," J.J. agreed as she leaned over Hotch's arms to peer at the baby.

Emily tried to hide a yawn, but Rossi noticed it.
"Alright, guys. We can fight over this baby some more tomorrow. Let these kids get some rest," he said.

Emily shot him a grateful glance. He nodded as he gave her a quick hug and a kiss.

"Sleep well," he said. "Congratulations."
"Thank you," Emily said.

One by one the group said their goodbyes leaving the room quiet.
"Get some rest. I'll keep an eye on her," Spencer said as he held Hope in his arms.
"I love you so much," Emily said as she looked at him holding their child. Her heart was melting at the way he stared at the bundle in his arms.

"I love you too. More than words will ever be able to express," he said leaning over to give her a kiss. "Now get some rest. You've earned it."

Emily smiled before snuggling into the bed. She smiled at the sound of Spencer humming to the baby. For the first time since she could remember she was full of only happiness. Not a single worry or fear in her heart or mind. They were complete.

*** THE END ***