Florallover - Interesting comment there. :) Anyhow I will explain that here about Yokozawa. My girlfriend and her friends always do the same thing. She has a friend in Australia where she'll feel like something is wrong with her and vice versa. So they'll automatically ask one another what is happening. It is the same with a friend she has in L. A. There are a few others, but I have a few guy friends that I've been friends with and I've gone through those same weird feelings. I have a feeling it is because I've known them for a very long time, just like my gf is the same with her friends. Sorry if I threw you off.

All right the parts in italics is in flashbacks of what is going through Ritsu's head. The next chapter is the last chapter will be my last chapter of this story. Thanks for the reviews. :)

Those smug eyes just continued to gaze at him as, Ritsu continued to hold Hasegawa. Takano just stood there as that vile hand grazed up and down that beautiful back of the one he treasured most in this world.

"Ritsu." He whispered. "You remember everything."

"Don't listen to him. He is just trying to lure you away from me." Hasegawa continued to press himself against this man. "I love you."

Takano continued to speak in a even voice. "All our moments together are special."

Ritsu felt himself pulled to Hasegawa's lips in a hungry kiss. His eyes were open trying to process the words behind him before he closed them, and that's when he began to dream.



After heading into the funhouse, Ritsu laughed at the silliness surrounding them. Masamune took his hand seeing that they were safe to do so, and they went down the path. They saw various objects in what you expected in a place like this, but not something where, Masamune was able to sneak them into. A place where they were all alone.

"Masamune?" Ritsu's breath caught just from that expression from him.

Coming closer, Masamune kissed him greedily. His hand reaching up his shirt. Another hand down those pants. He wanted that erection. Ritsu could see that as his head tilted back. His eyes remained open a bit though as he watched their surroundings. Afraid of any interlopers as, Masamune pumped at his hardened member, and peppered marks on his skin.

"Ritsu." He breathed out.

Each breathe he exhaled against his skin, Ritsu knew he could of produced more for him. This man knew exactly how to reach him. "Oh." Was all he could manage as he came for him.


In Hasegawa's arms, Takano noticed a flinch from Ritsu. He hated that man for kissing what belonged to him, but he knew that, Ritsu was stronger then the shit they put him through. He had to keep trying.

He had to ask. "What is the difference between Hasegawa and myself for you, Ritsu? It is all up to you."

His Ritsu is a strong minded individual. While he sometimes sounded indecisive. Sometimes stubborn. He was strong. Takano knew this from all the time he spent with him.

"From your childhood with him to your adulthood with me." Takano saw the tension in, Hasegawa's hands. The man was trying so hard to keep his hold on him. "You are the only one strong enough to know what is right." That was the key. This was just for, Ritsu.


Takafumi was held back by Zen as rapid gunfire was aimed directly towards him. As they were cornered, and their men were fighting off the others, they just gazed into one another's eyes.

"This shouldn't be romantic." Takafumi reminded his boyfriend. Why in the hell did he have to chose this time to look so insipid towards him? Zen was crazy.

Brushing a bit of his hair back, Zen kissed him lightly before pulling away. "Can't help it. Protecting the one I love makes me feel this way."

'Don't you dare fucking blush, you fucking idiot!' Takafumi berated himself as he felt another kiss upon him. Why in the hell did this man do this to him? "Zen, we have to..." Cut off with a hand to his mouth, he now glared at him.

"We have to run off now." Zen grabbed his hand. "Bomb. The crazy fuckers are setting off a bomb."


Hearing a bomb rattle the upper section of the building, the three men glanced up to wait out to see what will happen. As Ritsu pulled away from, Hasegawa he was pulled back with a possessive need towards him again.

"What?" Ritsu hissed. "You did hear that explosion."

Unconcerned, Hasegawa looked at all the controls. "It hasn't affected this section. So we are fine. Right now I want you to know that we have to still eliminate him."

There was a flash in his head. A flash that had, Ritsu stumbling. The flash consisted of his son before Takano was there playing happily with his son. With Ritsu grabbing his own head in confusion, Hasegawa brought him towards him once more to hold him.

This was just suffocating desperation. Ritsu felt it as something began slipping into his hands, and Hasegawa whispered in his ear.

"You have to kill, Takano Masamune. He is the cause of your pain. End him. End your pain."

It was such a final decision in those words, that Ritsu's foot felt like cement. His hand that held that hilt, grasped on tighter as a memory flowed through him.



There was laughter filling the room as Ritsu watched a failed attempt of feeding gone wrong, with Tama. Looking at the always impeccable Masamune, there was nothing but baby food all over him. At least his boyfriend was laughing about it. That included, Tama as he crawled on top of, Masamune while he was laughing.

As Ritsu was trying to clean everything up. He couldn't help himself. "Now when did I get a full grown baby in the mix here? Now I have to clean you up. Does that mean I have to change your underwear too?"

Masamune, always to his credit, never wanted to flirt in front of his son. Never wanted to be crude. So Ritsu smirked at him playfully finding he won this round as he came over to pick Tama up. "I'll go and clean up in the bathroom. Thankfully I brought a clean set of clothes with me."

As he left, Ritsu watched him depart. "I'm in love with him, Tama. Are you? Do you want him to be your other daddy?" To see his son smile largely for that, Ritsu took that as a sign. "Well here's hoping, huh?"

As one memory drifted away, another came through...

"No! Stop!" He painfully cried out. His body tried to hide deeper into the corner, but still he just couldn't do so. "Get the fuck away from me!"

Ritsu's body was being touched in ways he felt demoralizing. He tried to fight him off, but Hasegawa was much too strong for him. He bit his lip against the pain, but the bastard would kiss him. Forcing him to stop that as his fingers forced its way into the tight confines of his inner sanctum.

"Stop." He bit out.

"No. You will be mines." Hasegawa was absolutely evil in so many ways.

72 hours ago after Ritsu was pushed into the chair, and confined into it.

His arms pinned him even if it wasn't needed. Ritsu's arms were already placed in straps, along with his legs. Coming closer, Hasegawa kissed his neck. "You'll forget him, and after we'll celebrate our honeymoon."

He tried to struggle in spite the pain. Ritsu tried to bite him as he neared his mouth, but the bastard pulled back. He will fight. "Even if you manage this, I will come back. I refuse to have my son be one of you."

Uncaring of the audience in the room, Hasegawa straddled him in the tight chair. He pressed himself against him. He trembled with excitement. "You'll forget everything. I'll have your body after this. You'll enjoy me. If I want." He pointed to the ones behind him. "I can make it possible for them to make you pregnant."

"You are fucking crazy." Ritsu knew that was impossible. "This isn't science fiction here. I will get my son back. I will save him from you crazy bastards." He paused knowing how well this had to be said. "I'm still in love with, Takano Masamune. Yes he lied to me, but he was truthful about everything else. I trust him. He would never do this to me. To us."

Turning his head back to the men behind him, Hasegawa screamed out. "GET OUT NOW!"

As men scrambled out, Hasegawa left the chair to begin unzipping, Ritsu's pants. "You will remember only me. I'm the only one."


"No." The strangled out sound escaped from, Hasegawa. He stepped back, no he stumbled back, only to fall to his backside. His hand slowly went to the hilt of the blade that, Ritsu twisted inside of him. His eyes went up in desperation towards the one he thought was too innocent for this, but there he was: Stunned.

Ritsu stood there with his hand still out. His eyes were wide as he watched the blood come out of that man. His hand began to tremble from the damage he just inflicted. All those memories that flew into his mind. How they assaulted him. The harshness of his past with his family. With even Hasegawa.

Then the gentleness of, Masamune. Ritsu found himself falling to the ground to his knees. Comforting arms surrounded him, and he knew of the source as he slowly began to sob.

Takano wrapped him up closer to him. Shielded his face from the man dying before them both. He only raised his gun up to the door when it opened, just to place it down when it revealed his friends.

"We have to go. We set this whole place up to explode." Kirishima informed him.

Nodding his head, Takano lifted his beloved up. Ritsu averted his face away from a former friend to now villain. He wanted out of here.

Eyes opening up halfway to see Ritsu carried out, Hasegawa coughed up blood while he reached out. At least he had some of his final tastes of him.

Outside, they rushed to the helicopters. Takano brought Ritsu with him. Placing him down next to him, he buckled him in as, Ritsu just sat there practically unmoving. Cupping that face, Takano needed to say something that would help bring him out of it. "You will see Tama very soon."

Eyes finally lifting up to him, Ritsu watched as he sat down next to him. Tama. His sweet son. Placing his head against Takano's shoulder, he murmured. "I need to hold him. I bet you'll want me to be looked after."

"We have a doctor standing by. I'll bring him by so you can have him as soon as it is done. I know you want to be with him badly." Takano wanted to embrace him, but he knew that this type of trauma needed not to be rushed. Ritsu never killed anyone before.


Kirishima couldn't help but review this woman as she sat down on the cot as if she was a Queen. When he interviewed her earlier, she was such a snotty thing. Horrible. How did she end up with a son like, Ritsu?

"Your whole operation is over with. Your husband is dead. Your son is now safe. You'll be here rotting for the rest of your natural born life. Do you have anything more you wish to say?"

Head being raised up more. Mouth being drawn into such a smug smile. Arms crossed over her chest, Rinka asked, "You will be better off in just killing me off. I could get myself out of here. I could obtain my son again. I will brainwash him once more."

With one half of his mouth lifting up, Kirishima anticipated that. "True. You could do all of that, but will you be able to do it when surrounded by piranha? I mean, sure it will make feeding you a bitch, but who cares if we miss a day." He lifted his hand up to inspect it. "Or maybe two."

Her laugh was haughty as she thought of how absurd that was. "You wouldn't."

"I would. I mean, you not only did crappy things to your own son, but you drugged your grandson." Glaring down at the woman, Kirishima's tone became far more firmer. "As a parent myself, I don't take kindly to shit like that."

Leaving the room, he wondered how she would react. How she would feel the second it happened. Because the very moment he left the underground section, he heard everything seal off and the water flood the area around the cell.

Within the cell, Rinka slowly stood up as she watched her world drown around her. "Those crazy fuckers." She whispered. As the whole of the area was filled, she then spotted all of those creatures. Her eyes went a little wider as she saw food get dropped in, and those creatures feed on it in a frenzy. They were serious about keeping her in there.


"I'm going to move as soon as I can. There is no way I can live there anymore." Ritsu was speaking softly so his son can sleep now. After his son was happy to see him, he didn't want to sleep till he finally managed to settle him down. "I feel so violated by them."

Takano couldn't take his eyes off of them. After Ritsu told him that, Hasegawa violated him forcibly, he held him. "Do you have a clue where?"

He shook his head. "No idea where. I wonder if I still have my job."

Sighing, Takano answered that. "We took it upon ourselves to fake a doctors note to excuse you from working." Reaching into his pocket, he brought it out for him to see.

Taking it, Ritsu read it along with another one for him to return to work. "I really appreciate everything you guys did for us."

"I love you. I would do everything in the world for both you and Tama."

He had to catch his breath at hearing those words. Ritsu placed the notes down to come closer to him. "I know that. Especially now."

Takano felt it coming though. He tried to properly anchor himself at such a terrible word. 'But.' How he hated that word at times.

"But with what my parents did to me." Ritsu held himself after the memory of what, Hasegawa did to him, he forced his hands to touch the man in front of him. So placing his hand on that handsome face, Ritsu needed to say it. "What that asshole did to me." He shuddered, and there was Takano placing his hand over his. This helped calm him. "Please give me time, Masamune."

"You called me by my name."

He gave him a tiny smile. "I do love you. I do, but please give me time. I have a feeling you will know when to approach me again when I'm ready." Ritsu enjoyed the feeling of the skin under his finger. "Those flashbacks I was experiencing in there, showed me so many positives about our relationship. So I hope we can..."

Cutting him off with a kiss, Takano wanted him to know that they will have a future together. Of course he didn't want to scare him, so he pulled away just to see a dazed look in those eyes. Of course they were the sweet daze he was familiar with. "I won't push you. I will give you space, but I won't be away for long. I want a future together with you and Tama. I know we can be a great family."

Moving closer to place his head against him, Ritsu sighed. "What will you do while this is happening?"

Smiling, Takano wasn't about to reveal that until later. "You will find that out in a very pleasant way. I promise you will love it, Ritsu."

Hearing that tone of voice that was so confident, Ritsu did enjoy hearing how his voice resonated as his ear pressed against his chest. "Just as long as it is legal." He snickered lightly.

"It is. I swear it."