"What are we looking for?" Castiel asked Sam as they walked through the forest. "Is there some kind of 'thing' that we are hunting that I don't know about?"

Sam smiled to himself a moment and took a sidelong glance toward Castiel. Maybe the other day had been a fluke…curiosity or something. In any event, Castiel had not mentioned it and Sam had not either. They had seemingly resumed their normal routines in life.

"No, I thought it might be nice to- you know- look around and stuff."

Maybe this was a mistake. He obviously has not thought about what happened…even though that's all that has been on my mind.


They walked on in silence for a while more.

"Can I ask you something?" Castiel ventured in slightly stilted tones.

"Of course, you can." Sam stopped and turned to Castiel. Castiel did the same, though he did not look Sam in the eye, but chose to look just off to the side at a tree.

"You date girls?"


"I'm in a man's body."

Sam looked at Castiel as he furrowed his brow trying to put everything together.

"So, you see me as a man."


"You kissed me."

Sam waited.

"So, you like me too." He concluded.

Sam gave a slight chuckle before speaking.

"Never- like that, until you."

Castiel seemed surprised by this information.

"But you're a good-looking man. Surely other men must have…tried to."

"Occasionally," Sam conceded, "but I was never interested in them."

"So why me?" he asked seeming to be genuinely stumped.

Sam gave a quick dismissive shrug.

"You- you were- you seem so…" he extended his hands at the vastness of all that he wished to convey. Castiel seemed to come to some kind of understanding and gave a slight smile. Sam dropped his hands to his sides and Castiel took the opportunity to grab hold of one. Their eyes met and just like before the sparks were there. They both leaned in and as their lips met, their eyes closed so that each could savor the feel and tastes that they would uncover. The warmth of their kisses spread like a comforting blanket over them making them each feel awash with fresh excitement over what would come next.

Well, well…look at this…

The spectator laughed quietly.

He's gonna love this…

With a flamboyant turn the spectator sashayed away humming an upbeat tune.