As the woman in black armor limped with the support from her companion, and Sheila followed close behind, soon they reach the group and the platinum-haired woman Sheila had met just before. When the platinum-haired woman saw the shape of the woman in black was, she rushed over to help and took her free arm and slung it over her shoulder.

"Shepard, you're hurt bad, we need to stabilize that wound." The Platinum-haired woman said while she laid Shepard down, next to the woman with blue armor, "I managed to get Ashley stable, she should be fine."

The Platinum-haired woman laid Shepard next to an unconscious Ashley, soon the heat of the moment caught up with Sheila, slowly she turned to the ship that she grew up saving the galaxy with, was right in front of her, crumbled, contorted and engulfed in flames. She ran her hands through her hair and stared in awe.

"Excuse me, but do you live anywhere nearby?" The Blue woman in white asked kindly despite the situation.

"Y-yeah, I live up the road, the big white one," Sheila said with a stutter as she pointed to it, "Come on, I'll take yo-"

As Sheila started to her jeep, she fainted and fell onto the cold ground, the world was quickly consumed by darkness. Hours ago by and what was once cold and hard, was now warm and soft. Sheila shot up from her covers and saw that she was in her bed then she rubbed her eyes, clear out any eye boogers.

"Was that just a dream?" Sheila said, as her eyes were drawn to her clock on her bedside table, that read 10:30 am, "Oh shit! I'm late!"

Sheila quickly threw on her N7 joggers, sports shoes, and a shirt that read' Strength of the 9-Tails'. She grabbed her duffle bag, and exited her room when she got into the kitchen, she didn't even see the mass of people standing in her living room. Sheila ducking into the fridge, and took out a jug of orange, while she looked for a cup.

"Edi, what's the weather like today?" Sheila said as she found a glass cup that had a symbol of a red three-headed dragon on it, that read 'Fire and Blood' and started pouring a juice into it.

"That weather is 65 degrees today with a 2% chance of rain, it should be sunny for the remainder of the day." Said an Alexia speaker that sat on the counter spoke in Edi's voice, "Also you have a meeting with Ms. Abigail, at 10:45 am."

"Thank you, Edi, I'm leaving now," Sheila said as she turned while drinking her juice until her eyes met the crew from last night.

Sheila's eyes went wide, and she gasped, which was a bad idea while drinking juice. As she coughed her juice back into the cup and caught her breath.

"It wasn't a dream," Sheila said as she took it all in, then she looked at the characters she played and interacted with as a kid, "You're real."

"Of course we're real, kid," The guy with the optic said, "Allow us to introduce our selves,"

Before they could start, Sheila spoke up.

"No need, Garrus," Sheila said, as she looked up into his eyes, then slowly to the others, "I already know all of you.".