When they had arrived in the Far Frozen, Frostbite was more than happy to help. He took blood samples of Sam, Nova and Nox as well as Danny, Lilith, and Danielle's human and ghost forms, and now the two parents were in the lab while Tucker and Jazz waited outside holding a baby each and making sure Lilith stayed in their line of sight and Danielle was in the training area, attempting to develop her ice powers.

"This was the last thing I expected to do when I woke up today" Jazz chuckled.

"Same" Tucker agreed, "what were your original plans?"

"Well I wanted to do some studying, maybe look into some online courses in psychology" Jazz shrugged, "I was also hoping to go on a date."

"A date?" Tucker froze.

"Yeah, I guess its lucky I haven't asked him out yet though, since we might get home pretty late" Jazz grinned, "I'll just ask him tomorrow."

"Who is he?" Tucker asked, hoping to seem casual.

"Someone I've known for a while now, I'm pretty sure he likes me back..." Jazz hesitated, "is a bit of an age gap weird? I mean, he's still going to be in school while I move on to college, that's a bit weird."

"No, no, I don't think its weird" Tucker immediately denied, "you're a good judge in people, whoever this guy is would probably think its a good thing."

"How so?" Jazz wondered.

"Well for one, a high schooler dating a collage girl is pretty awesome, and you're so smart, it'd make the transition from high school to adult life so much smoother, and he could help you relax when adult life is stressful, you know, remind you what its like to be young again."

"You make it sound like its a five year age gap" Jazz laughed, "and I never said he was younger than me, he could be older."

Tucker's face went dark red, he hadn't realized that he was projecting his thoughts to her, "I meant age gaps aren't weird!"

Jazz laughed and stood up to stop Lilith from crawling down the hallway.