AN: Leia's death-don't worry, I tried to be kind to her.

"Goodnight, Mom," Poe whispered. "I'll come by to check on you in the morning."

"Goodnight, son." Leia leaned back into the pillows when she heard the door lock behind him. Something like sleep began to overtake her, and she didn't resist its tugs, knowing somehow that it was leading her closer to where she wanted to be.

She was walking through the open-air landing field of the abandoned base on D'qar. Instead of feeling haunted and lonely, however, it felt peaceful and welcoming. It was nearing dawn or dusk—which one, she could not tell—and a low-hanging fog was gathering down the long strip of mossy tarmac.

A figure emerged from the fog and she knew immediately that it was him even though she couldn't see him clearly. Despite their prolonged separation, she was not anxious about their meeting. Instead, she felt the serenity that he had brought her for years. He smiled gently and extended a hand to her. She accepted it and looked over his face. The signs of age and stress were gone; he gave her the soft version of his lopsided grin.

"I've been waiting for you, sweetheart," he said in that gruff-but-sweet way he had.

"I knew you would be," she replied. He pulled her close to his side and they turned and walked towards the light.

AN: Reviews are always appreciated. Especially positive reviews will encourage more of these...