Chapter 1 The End Of An Age.

I walked towards the fog wall of the Kiln of the first flame dressed in Havel's helmet, gloves, Ornstein's chest plate and Black knight leggings. In my left hand I wielded the infamous lifehunt scythe given to me by Priscilla the crossbreed in exchange for a small doll I had found earlier that day and a escort out of the painted world that held her prisoner. In my right I held the shield of draconia a small black shield with a picture of a elder dragon painted in red. I also had a rare katana strapped to my waist: the katana name was bloodlust it was a five inch long and three inch thick blade one side was smooth and precise enough to cut a hair off a drake's head. The other side had razor sharp teeth that calling it vicious would be an understatement I had cut down hundreds of hollows in my way with this demonic blade. I when in human form had Raven colored hair that went to my ears, bright Amber eyes and a tan complexion, I was also 6'3 with a semi chiseled frame.

When I walked through the fog wall I was immediately attacked by a flaming greatsword wielded by the lord of sunlight Gwynn: I blocked the massive blade barely taking damage from it. Gwynn charged at me as I was blocking all his strikes Gwynn then brought his weapon down but I dodged out of the way then slashed at the back for moderate damage. The I rolled away from my opponent's next strike but was grabbed by the lord before a burst of flames hit me in the face I then rolled backwards before taking a sip from my estus flask. The lord of light attacked with a vertical slash before he was parried by me then I switched to my katana right before stabbing the giant in the chest. I finally switched to my scythe and swapped out my shield for my talisman before murmuring" may the light of the sun strike down my enemies." my scythe was imbued with the power of lightning and I aggressively slashed at the hollowed lord before angling my scythe behind his head and pulled. Effectively decapitating the lord of light.

I kneeled before huffing on the ground my scythe a makeshift crutch I had just killed the head God of my world. I couldn't stop a grin appearing on my lips when I looked back up I saw the soul of Gwynn and picked it up before dropping it in my bottomless box. I now saw the flame take shape of one of the countless bonfires I've used on this journey. I then walked up to the fire before putting my hand towards the coiled sword then I was barely covered in the ancient flame my whole body felt like I layed in izalith for a fortnight with the ring on. My legs went into a criss cross fashion then the weak flame covered myself completely I then closed my eyes for what I hoped to be the last time and thought. "Sorry Priscilla guess your going to have to take the leap yourself." Then everything faded to black.

Chapter 2 Rude Awakening

I unfortunately woke up from my dirt nap when I was fully awake I realized I was alive then I groaned loudly before yelling," Oh my Gwynn I was supposed to die but no this damn world wanted me to keep living ug this is worse than the time I was nearly given a heart attack ..parents.. gave me-." I broke down crying tears of joy when I could remember my life before the curse. It was still a bit hazy but I could remember a majority of my life including my family and my name." I'm Spencer.A Alabaster of Catarina I love food, battle and my family even though they're dead ,they're still here." I cried pointing to my head then my heart. I quickly took off my gloves to see that my hands weren't hollow I couldn't believe it I was in human form. I checked my chest to see if the dark sigil the mark of an undead was still there. It was still present but had faded to a large degree it could easily be mistaken for a birth mark if it wasn't moving slightly. I picked up my gear to see it was almost falling apart. The scythe was coated in a very thick shell of ash and had hairline fractures running from blade to handle looking like a relic from an age gone bye: the rest of my gear wasn't faring much better. I reached into the bottomless box I had on me at all times and pulled out a large handful of repair powder I had gotten from Andre of Astora (bless his soul) sold me as much powder as possible. I sprinkled some powder on my equipment then good as new.

I stood and searched for a way out of this dusty tomb. I felt a faint breeze coming from a wall I followed the breeze to a tiny crack in the wall. I rifled through my box to find a solid pick axe I put it in my hands and then whacked at the wall the ash wall became dust on impact. It revealed the outside world: the first thing I did was to bask in the sunlight and do the praise the sun stance. " Alright that's done now time to find humans if they still exist." I looked towards the west trees just trees the east was more of the same the south had red trees but no village. But when I glanced towards the north I saw a settlement that could rival anor londo. 'Hopefully it's more friendly than Anor Londo' I thought.

It took me half a rotation of the sun to get to the settlement and I was not impressed. Not a human to be seen undead or no: before I could leave a loud girlish scream rang in my ears I sprinted intensely towards the scream. after a second of running like a Capra demon was after me what I saw was a sight that both confused, intrigued and angered me all at once: large wolf men in a pack of twenty or more are attacking a group of teenagers. I immediately went into to kill or be killed mode and charged at the wolf men.

I sliced the first three in half without looking at them I stopped for half a second to actually identify my enemies. The wolf men as I called them were about 5'3 had black fur, red eyes and white bone like armor protecting their vital regions not unlike the darkwraiths in new londo. I began cutting my enemy's into ribbons they were nothing compared to the horrors I killed in my realm. my surviving enemies were fleeing for their lives. I yelled to the monsters."Git Gud devil dogs." I felt a presence behind me and swung my weapon to face it. Unfortunately I swung at a girl: a young girl. I immediately stopped my scythe from beheading the girl,'that was too close' I thought. I took a moment to a analyze the girl i'd almost beheaded: she wore a red jacket over her red clothes she also had dark red hair and silver eyes. I instantly scanned her to see if I had wounded her to my relief and peace of mind I stopped the scythe just in time. I tried to introduce myself," hi nice to meet you I'm-." Before I could finish my sentence I instinctively blocked an incoming first from a blond haired lady with light purple eyes who shared some resemblance to the other girl I put two and two together real fast and tried to explain myself." Look there was a misunderstanding let's talk it out I prefer not to kill anybody yet I just got here." That however did not dissuade the blonde from trying to attack again but the redhead jumped in front of me and tried to talk." Yang calm down I'm not hurt see just fine." That calmed Yang greatly I sighed in relief but was then bombarded with questions by the redhead." Ooh I love that scythe it just cut through those beowolves like butter. Plus that armor so cool. Where you'd get it? Can I look at your scythe? Just so cool." I just sweatdropped at the young girl's fascination with weapons. I glanced around the girl to see two other females besides that Yang girl. On my left I saw a white haired teenager wearing a white combat skirt and had crystal blue eyes: she also had a pearl colored rapier with what I thought were resins in four colored slots. The other girl looked like a Shadow warrior with black clothing around her lower half and white mesh on her chest. She had cadmium eyes which reminded me of a cat: she wore a black bow on top of her long ebony hair. I decided to weigh my options on one hand I could run from these ladies and never figure out what is going on or talk to these girls and risk getting killed again. I chose the later option," Hey and please let me finish a sentence first." Three of the girls nodded their heads but Yang just scoffed" why should we trust you? You could just attack us with our backs turned." I just sighed," if I wanted to do that would I have stopped myself from adding yet another corpse to my conscious." That seemed to shut her up to think I decided to apologize" Now then first off i'm sorry for nearly beheading your friend." I took a deep breath," my name is Spencer A Alabaster I come from the land of Catarina what may I ask is your names."

The redhead went first" I'm Ruby this is my partner Weiss Schnee and this is my sister Yang but you already met." Yang then proceeded to smile hugely," Yep that's me and this is my partner Blake and if you even think about hurting my sister or my friends then you're screwed." She finished with a threat at the end. I smiled at this 'she sure is protective they wouldn't last a day in lordran' I thought cheerfully. " What is Catarina i've never heard of it and I've went through more or less the entire history of Remnant," Weiss finished with her arms crossed. I sighed deeply and said sadly," I thought this would happen seems I was asleep for a long time." The girls were confused by his statement I saw this and explained." What I mean is i'm not from this time period" the girls were even more confused but before I could explain further there was a flash of green and next to Ruby was a middle aged man that was a literal twig with green spiky hair and wore spectacles. The stranger talked in quick succession." I would like to know about ancient history from a first hand source." I stared dumbly at this man shrugging my shoulders guessing it couldn't hurt." Now before any more interruptions can occur" he waited for anyone else that could interrupt " In the beginning there was the age of gray were nothing changed where ancient immortal Dragons ruled from their arch trees. Then there was the first flame where the flame originated from was unknown. With the flame came conflicting elements heat and cold, light and dark, life and death. Four humanoid beings found powerful souls in this fire: Nito the first of the dead, The witch of izalith and her sisters, Gwynn the lord of light and the furtive Pygmy the first human and holder of the dark soul so easily forgotten. The three powerful beings waged war with the eternal dragons of above but there stone scales made them all but kill able then Seath the scaleless betrayed his kinds secrets because he was born without the stone scales of immortality his dragon brethren had. Gwynn peeled apart the stone scales with lightning, the Witch of Izalith burned their homes the arch trees and Nito landed the death blow with a miasma of plagues and sickness. Thus the age of gray was cast out and it's place the age of light was created founded on the first flame and its powers: but alas even the brightest flame is destined to sputter and fade. I took a break for a second to breath and to see if they were listening to my surprise they were hanging on my every word, especially the green haired man who was drooling at this rare historical cleared her throat," what about the Pygmy and what is a dark soul?" I just said " you'll understand after I'm finished." Blake then respectfully nodded and sat down patiently waiting for the answers to her questions.

I continued," but it is fires nature to fade and fade it did. The furtive Pygmy began spreading his dark soul at the decline of the first flame and in doing so fathered Pygmy after spreading his soul decided to sleep eternally but generations later his children dragged him out of his coffin and was tortured for his primeval humanity one day he snapped because his torturers took his pendant that had all his most valued memories inside and broke it in two and became a monster renamed Manus the father of the abyss and plunged the kingdom of oolacile into 'gods' power faded with the first flame. The witch of izalith tried to use her soul to create a clone of the first flame she succeed in creating a copy but failed to control it. It then devoured her and most of her sisters transforming them into the first demons and the witch became the bed of chaos which mothered the race of demons. Gwynn took his remaining silver Knights from the war with dragons to combat the demons but they came back heads hung low and armor charred black from the chaotic flames. In that moment Gwynn split his lord soul amongst his children and left for the kiln before linking the fire for the first time making sure his age of light lasted just a bit longer. In doing so he doomed humanity to the curse of the undead. I took a break to catch my breath and see if anyone had questions: Yang then bombarded me with her questions." How come being a undead is a curse? wouldn't you just live forever? man I wouldn't mind having that power." Most of the girls nodded their heads except Weiss who just ferociously shook her head no." You dolts being undead means that you never die which means you have to watch those you love die in front of your eyes. Am I right?" I just shook my head no" you have the right idea but it's much worse than you think." I said ominously, that caught the girl's attention I just smiled under my helmet before finishing the story." The curse of the undead is not unlike a plague of horrifying proportions. When you are branded with the darksign the mark of the curse you are doomed to come back to life after death, but such a power comes at a price each time you die you lose more and more of your memory until you are nothing but a hollow: a husk of your former self. But it has its advantages if you fight for a reason you stave off hollowing a bit and you become a vessel of souls which the undead can use to become stronger, the remaining gods feared this power and a prophecy from a now dead land stated 'thou undead are chosen maketh pilgrimage to the land of the lords and ring the bell of awakening then the fate of the undead thou shalt known' the gods then shepherded the humans and imprisoned the undead wary of those who carry the darksign but there is a final saying to the prophecy which especially scared the gods ' those who are born with a pure dark soul is of Manus's blood and commands the power of the abyss within him and will bring ruin upon the lords of light.'"

I finished my story and the shocked faces everybody had told volumes to me even the mystery man was so shocked that his glasses fell off his face. I cleared my throat." Did that answer your questions." Yang like everyone else was shocked but she voiced her doubts." How do we know anything you say is the truth do you have any proof?" I nodded sagely before reaching into my bottomless box and pulled out a humanity sprite." This is a humanity sprite the treasure of a undead like myself." I gave the priceless treasure to Yang whose jaw dropped at the information and the evidence given so quickly. When the treasure was in her hand she felt a calming sensation almost as if it was absorbing the stress from her body. I grabbed the Sprite before dropping it into the bottomless box: " is that suffice enough evidence or do you need more." Everybody just shook their heads more than satisfied by the information, the green haired man shot up looking slightly less shocked than the others." Well that was fine I think we had a very long day and I think we should take him to beacon in the morning and we can get him signed up to be a hunter if he so chooses." I considered it greatly, a choice that actually mattered who wouldn't love that. Nobody could see me smile under this helm I then stood up and nodded towards the stick man who got the message." By the way I'm Doctor Oobleck" Oobleck said with his hand out I grabbed his hand" Spencer A Alabaster of Catarina pleasure." Oobleck then took a drink from his canteen and led the way to camp I took off this helmet to see the sun without anything blocking its radiance I could already tell this was going to be a very comforting world indeed.

Chapter 3 Fangs versus Titanite.

After two hours they arrived at the campsite I saw a campfire and relaxed greatly to a point where I almost fell asleep. But then I realize they needed someone watch the campground I immediately volunteered to watch the camp. Ruby huffed since she wanted to watch first but she wouldn't argue with the guy especially after seeing him kill those beowolves so easily. " Alright nighty night we have a long day tomorrow" Oobleck said quickly before sleeping against the wall. I stared out into the ruins of the city daring anyone to attack my new allies because they would have to go through me . An hour of silence passed my vigil remained unbroken then I heard the girls talking about what made them go down this road: I honestly wasn't surprised that they had thought being huntresses would be different than they thought. I originally thought being a knight was basically being the hero that saved everyone 'how wrong I was' I thought bitterly. As I listened in on why they became warriors I liked Blake's reason the most: fighting against prejudice is a fantastic reason to become a huntress 'whatever that means' I thought. " Hey Spencer you awake?" Yang asked: I nodded before I turned to face them I then sat down in front of the flames. " is something the matter?" I asked, Yang told me "no" but then she asked" did you choose to become a undead?" I was taken aback by the sudden question I searched my newly discovered memory for an answer but couldn't break through the remaining fog inside my mind. I shrugged my shoulders somberly" I do not remember but if I had to guess then yes. I was and still am the type of person to sacrifice life and limb for those I care about." They all stared for a second before smiling warmly Yang stood up and swapped out for guard duty I though hesitant realized I had to relax sometimes so I took a cot and shed my armor except my leggings before sleeping.

All the girls couldn't help but stare just for a split second at the surprisingly young man in front of them his face settled into a relaxed state then they either went back to bed or in Yang's case stood guard.

Minutes later Ruby snuck out of the camp after her dog and My Amber eyes snapped open I casted hidden body on myself and grabbed my armor and went after the girl I was pleasantly surprised when nothing bad happened but then I heard footsteps, human footsteps I then saw two men wearing white masks disappear around a corner. Ruby also saw this and followed the strangers but unfortunately fell into a pit but stopped falling when she felt a hand pull her up back on the black top when she guessed it was Yang who saved her it was actually Spencer. " By Gwynn's beard that was close." i sighed in relief I made it just in time: I would not want to see Yang angry again.

Normally I'd go on a tirade on how dangerous that was but judging by the multiple footsteps behind me I can safely sit this out. " Ruby thank oum you're alright and what the hell do you think you were doing?" Yang asked, Ruby went on about something called a White fang; I didn't catch that I was currently calculating the odds of me surviving such a fall. I noticed Ruby's scythe on the edge I went to retrieve it only for the ground to give way and for me to fall through. It took me a few seconds to reach the ground then I heard a sickening crack and noticed my legs were bent at different angles. I sighed in annoyance before sticking them back into place and using my souls to heal any internal damage then I noticed the girls were falling-. 'THE GIRLS ARE FALLING' my inner voice shouted I immediately went to catch them luckily I was successful I didn't even noticed that the doctor was on the ground already surveying the surroundings.

Once I checked everyone was unhurt I let out a sigh of relief unfortunately they had attracted a lot of company. Specifically seventeen men and women all attacking them. I kinda wanted to see how the teens could hold there own and I didn't want to mentally scar them if I didn't have to. Besides they already went into a formation and attacked the enemies. 'The girls seemed to hesitate to kill' I thought to myself the attacks have less force and killing intent then fighting the Grimm especially from Blake. I felt two assailants try and strike from behind fortunately I just cracked their ribs with my fists 'guess they are just bark wait are those cat ears?' I thought confused I was positive I saw the outline of cat ears in Blake's bow for a second I just shrugged as I sucker punched an enemy into the ground I sighed before crushing a poor fools Adam apple with my foot I then proceed to grab my scythe off my back making a show of purposely missing my attack and slice through the building easily. The effect was hilarious I had to say they ran over each other to get away I laughed my head off.

Ruby third person pov

Ruby watched in amazement as he scared off fifty guys so easily "So cool" Ruby remarked with childlike wonder evident but it was cool yet unsettling how brutal he was and he didn't even looked like he was trying and he purposely missed with his great scythe. it was faint but she noticed that pause in his step and the forceful push of his scythe to miss at a close angle. He slipped his scythe on his back and looked towards Ruby with a envious smile. 'That was weird' Ruby thought to herself as she and the rest of the team walked down the stairs into one of white fang's bases. Ruby couldn't wrap her head around his fighting style. He seemed so brutal with the fanuss and he didn't even use his weapons just his fists kinda like Yang but with far more power behind his raw fists. Blake physically cringed each time he smashed someone into the pavement quite literally.

Spencer First person pov

I saw Blake cringe each time I pounded a poor fool into the ground and the fact these people are still semi conscious 'are these fighters even human?!' I thought in quiet confusion. I heard a battle cry from behind me and I had enough with this pacifist bull but I can't kill these people at least not with the girls here. I grabbed the assailant by the throat and lifted the enemy two feet off the ground and ripped off the mask and crushed it in my hands. I saw the woman's face and I was shocked to see basilisk like ears on her head. My shock was mostly because I remember my uncle going on about a land with furries. Humans with animal like traits supposedly something called sexy and in my uncle's words" Hot young ladies with cat ears and paws always gets me horny." "what in the name of Gwynn are you supposed to be? Are you what my uncle calls a furry?" The captive visibly shivered at the name that I called her the rest of girls shared a similar expression I cocked my head in confusion. They all stared in shock and slight disgust I just stared at them confused beyond reason. Blake seeing my complete ignorance on the matter explained."We're actually called fanus and calling us like how you did is incredibly racist." My eyes bulged under my helmet I immediately apologize to the captive before knocking her out then I remembered what Blake said and was shocked to see two very cute cat ears popping out of her head. "Cute" I declare with unseen stars in my eyes. Blake's reaction was also cute she blushed a bit before smiling a little Yang then teased her " aw does Blakey have a boyfriend." Blake blushed a bright red then she put her bow back on too my disappointment. " how come you didn't show me your cute cat ears until right now?" Her mood instantly went downhill fast she sighed " I want people to see me and not a 'dirty, filthy animal.'" She stated bitterly: I immediately went over and embraced her in a hug. "Your an amazing person and anyone thinks differently because you have cute cat ears then screw them to Izalith. Also if anyone ever dares to hurt you or anyone of you girls." My voice dropped down several octaves"I'LL RIP THEIR SOULS FROM THEIR BODIES SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY!" I cleared my voice a bit before continuing" what I mean is you don't have to hide yourself from other people because you'll always have friends who accept you for who you are."

Blake third person pov

Blake couldn't believe her ears: her friends accepted her almost instantly( except Weiss who came around in a couple of hours) but this was better than she ever hoped. She snuggled in the ancient warrior 'who might be my age' she thought hopefully. There was a murmur of aw'sss from the group including the man she was currently hugging back. She would've fallen asleep in his arms of it wasn't for Oobleck saying" what the Grimm are you doing? We have to find a way out." She sighed then squirmed out of his grip and walked towards the abandoned train tunnel.

Spencer's first person pov

I followed the girls towards a tunnel I hoped I wouldn't have to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary. I was deep in thought so when the girls tried to warn me I had already gotten hit by some metal object I looked towards my assailant to see a metal mask in my view expelling a large amount of heat. I reacted quickly by grabbing my scythe and slashing at the mask when I broke through the iron face a wave of heat hit me in the face. I realized I couldn't attack head on so I climbed on top of the metal beast. When I was on top I noticed I was separated from the girls I saw them run after the metal monstrosity. 'Aww they're trying to save me and or stop whatever in lordran is this thing' I thought to myself. I saw a hatch on top of the monstrosity and ripped the hatch off its hinges, there was also a ladder downwards towards the interior and I did what anyone would do i slide down and deal with it later. Not even a second had passed and I was being attacked again by these people course I noticed it was just three this time. I studied my enemies as they try to strike me down. One looked to be a young girl proficient in reversal type spells since my attacks either shatter her or just bounce off her skin. She was about up to my knee cap and had pink hair with two different colored eyes. I dodged a parasol that she customized to be a blade. I brought my scythe down on her head until she swapped herself out with a glass clone. I twirled 180 degrees and kicked the real version in the gut and sent her soaring into the roof of what I guessed to be a vehicle of some sort. She dented the metal on contact.

The second attacker i saw was a burly man with a mechanized blades tearing through the metal and windows since he couldn't hit me. I however could strike him quite easily my scythe ripping through his shirt with ease drawing some scarlet blood from the slight cuts on his chest. I smashed his nose with my shield before I bisected a piece of his flesh from his arm. Crimson fluid covered my scythe and arm completely staining my armor with the Crimson liquid. " Gwynn dammit I just washed this." I sighed annoyingly I grabbed a cloth from the bottomless box and began cleaning my gauntlets and scythe as the big man was cradling the piece of his arm in his hands.

The last of the assailants attacked from a short distance the man was in his early twenties and shooting some strange pyro orbs at my person. The young man was aggravated to a point where he shouted curses that I dare not repeat. I tossed a knife at the man who dodged but punctured the console of the machine which caused the vehicle to lurch and crawl to a stop. The red headed young man said" shit what's with this kid well better scram, Neo!" Neo compiled and grabbed onto the men; I smashed the replicas knowing full well they weren't there just needed to let off some steam from being ganked by three people "is there no honor anymore to duels." I berated to myself; I felt five familiar souls coming at me and checked myself for injuries and was glad to say nothing is wrong I quickly cleaned the large residues of blood from my armor which apparently absorbed the blood and incinerated the cloth' good now to check- wait where's my helmet.' I thought fearfully it then hit me like a sunlight spear it must've fallen off during the battle I looked around frantically for my helmet to see it wedged in the door. I reached for it only for the door to hit me in the face. I thought I could hear colors for a second when an indent in the door was made with my face.

I could hear random high pitch nonsense come from in front of me most likely from one of the girls reacting to my predicament. I was obviously concussed from the blow to the head and tried to drink my estus but couldn't control my fingers well enough to grasp the handle. I just sat there delirious unable to make out most of what they said.

Yang third person pov

Yang rushed in slamming open the door with all her strength, it for some reason didn't open fully she then saw the face indent and muttered "crap" the same man who got hit by a train somehow made it into the control room and got hit in the face by her. He sat there with a dazed look on his face his fingers trying to grasp something on his belt. The rest of her team arrived shortly thereafter. Blake was pissed about it and letting yang know all about it" Yang how could you be so reckless how did he even make it in here after being hit by a runaway train with white fang members and bombs on board." Yang did try to explain to her what happened" I ran into the room and slammed the door open and boom he was behind the door without is helmet on." Blake was seething she looked close to snapping. "Friends shouldn't fight" a voice slurred from behind them the groups reaction was one of stunned silence: the ancient warrior though concussed was standing up shakily. " No fighting. Words leave wounds that never heal." The young man slurred trying to stay upright his Amber eyes boring through their souls. Yang and Blake couldn't believe what they were seeing: instead of worrying about possible brain damage he was trying to stop a pointless fight between friends. " no fighting between cute kitty and blond pyromancer." Yang cocked her head in confusion just 'what the heck is a pyromancer' when yang looked to her partner she saw that Blake was red in the face from Spencer's comment. Yang would so tease her later; Spencer stumbled forwards and grabbed his helmet before shoving it into a small box he then stumbled to Blake and Yang and pulled them in a soft but firm hug" hug and make up-" he slurred before passing out on the floor.

Yang would've laughed if she wasn't pulled down with him; yang and Blake escaped his unconscious grip Doctor Oobleck ran into the room with a dog next to him he said " What the Grimm are we waiting for grab him and let's leave this tunnel already." Yang nodded along with the rest of her team; she tried to lift Spencer up but she couldn't lift him.' How heavy is he' she thought to herself; so she did what anyone would've done she dragged him out of the train by his arms. Blake grabbed his gear which also was heavier than it looked and swapped loads every so often until they found the way out which for one reason or another lead to the city. Under Ooblecks order Yang obliterated the tunnel door so no Grimm could follow them. Oobleck called for a bull head to pick them up and to take them back to Beacon. Yang grabbed Spencer and continued to drag the unconscious warrior onto the bull head: she leaned him onto the seat. He was mumbling something in his sleep she couldn't make out exactly what he was saying" never-fight-must protect friends- never- helpless-never-again."

Yang didn't know what to think about what she heard hell she didn't even know what to think of this guy. On one hand he almost killed Ruby which thinking back still made her blood boil but not only did he stopped himself he apologized for his actions. Then there's his story and how he punctured the mental fortifications of Blake the most self conscious about her origins. She shrugged her shoulders' if he wants to tell us he'll tell us soon enough.' She thought nonchalantly Yang sat with her team no one saying a word on for several minutes until Blake sighed and said" I'm sorry for overreacting I don't know what came over me." Yang smiled " I think I might know what happened." Yang said in a teasing tone; Blake's reaction was priceless she was redder than a tomato and Yang howled with laughter holding her sides. Things returned to normal rather quickly though no one noticed a small smile spread on Spencer's lips.

Spencer first person pov

'Whelp this is something' I thought as I floated in a dark abyss. I could hear the whole conversation going on and a smile tugged on my face as I heard they made up. " Now how in lordran do I get out of here." I said to the endless void, 'maybe I could will a door into existence' I hummed in thought I focused on wooden door to appear. At first I saw nothing but darkness then poof a mahogany door came into existence a few feet away from me. I was stunned that worked but didn't ask questions as I 'swam' to the strangely familiar door. When I reached towards the knob I realized why this door was so familiar it was the door to my family home. I grasped the gilded door knob and pulled away; for a second I thought I heard a child crying as I stepped into the door.

I jolted awake on a metal beast that I did not recognize my first thought was of the girls safety; I relaxed greatly when I saw them asleep peacefully. I saw my gear in the lap of Blake I didn't want to wake her so I didn't retrieve it my second thought was of my helmet and checked my bottomless box to find it was there I sighed softly in relief as I tried to guess where we were headed. " Ah finally awake" Doctor Oobleck's said in a whisper. I nodded in agreement trying to keep the noise level to a minimum. Doctor Oobleck smiled when he saw the girls sleeping" they are just children and their being flung out into a world of evil that would like nothing more than to chew them up alive and spit them out." I nodded in agreement 'this world is still the same after all these years' I thought sagely in silence. Oobleck seem to grow more serious" they wouldn't kill a person unlike us." My eyes narrowed" how long did you know." My voice serious " since you almost killed Ruby. Thought I didn't know about that did you" My eyes widened slightly at this information before going back to normal." How many have you killed Doctor?" I asked my voice monotone, the Doctor not all that surprised answered" ten unfortunately." He said sadly I sighed before giving my answer." Fifteen without their sanity two with and countless hollows that were originally human" my voice tired as I admitted to my sins. Oobleck was surprised at my honest answer" you're not a-" " sociopath no I only kill in self defense." I interrupted a sad smile on my face. Oobleck calmed down almost instantly he smiled genuinely before saying." That's good now I don't have to drop you off in the middle of nowhere and break the girl's hearts." I nodded in understand I would most likely do the same thing. " you know my offer still stands if you want" I nodded happily accepting his offer; the doctor smiled again and went towards the front of this machine. I smiled somberly when I saw the peaceful expression of sleep on their faces blissfully ignorant of the horrors this world has to offer. I shook off my thoughts of impending doom 'for now i'll live in the now and then protect those who are important to me and to them.' With this silent vow I told myself this time I'll keep them safe, this time I won't have to see my friends suffer and be helpless to stop it.

Roman torchwick third person pov

Roman supported his allies as they made it back to base with their lives. He couldn't wrap his head around that kid' what the hell was he.' That question clouded his thoughts almost completely if it wasn't for Neo's semblance they most likely wouldn't be standing. He walked towards Cinder scared out of his skull; his voice wavered ever so slightly" Cinder there's was a problem the plan failed horribly." His knees were quaking underneath Cinder's scowl" was it team Rwby that once again foiled your seemingly foolproof plan." Cinder said with exhaustion in her voice; Roman shook his head furiously " it was someone else" with that one sentence Cinder's eyes peeked in interest" who foiled you this time Torchwick." Roman tried to keep his voice calm," it was a another kid except he looked like he crawled out of a fairytale gone wrong: he had no trouble with killing us hell I think the sob enjoyed it." Cinder's eyes narrowed greatly," are you saying when a person wants to kill you then you shut down? And what do you mean came out of a fairytale?" Torchwick responded" he looked to be a knight but instead of gold armor he came in with a scythe and armor I swear was made out of stone." Cinder's eyes widened at this new information he could swear he heard her gulp" did he have a shield with a red dragon on it?" Her voice shaking slightly; Torchwick nodded his head" how did you know about the shield boss?" He asked hoping for a answer. But what he got was Cinder who was hyperventilating rapidly her hand over her face a fearful expression in her orange eyes. "This is bad so very bad, I didn't expect HIM to show up I thought he was nothing more than a myth." Roman wanted answers and was about to get them" why are you so freaked out?" What he got was an expression of pure terror." If what you say is true then you survived an encounter with a being stronger than all the maidens combined, someone who killed gods to kindle a dying flame. Who destroyed immortal dragons because they got in his way" Her answer couldn't have been more vague but what he got was he and his team survived and encounter with a god slaying monster. He gulped at the severity of the situation he was in; in a few days he would have to go against an enemy far stronger than him who had no qualms over killing. He collapsed on his knees unable to think, overwhelmed by this soul crushing fear. Cinder looked on the verge of this as well, stray tears escaping her eyes and landing on her fall dress. "What do we do?" Torchwick asked hoping for something that could bring hope. Cinder replied with a fearful look in her eyes." Pray to God or whatever you believe in that you never face him in combat other than that the plan will be carried out as normal; I need to make a call." She finished trying to regain some composure after the groundbreaking news. Roman nodded numbly before seeing himself out he'll have nightmares for months.

Chapter 4 Welcome to beacon/ memories better left forgotten.

Spencer first person pov

I was deep in thought wondering what this Beacon was.' Maybe it's like sen's fortress except less deadly or frustrating' I thought hopeful that this place was safe. I felt the vehicle slow down before it stopped jolting the girls awake. They stared for a second before I just waved nonchalantly; Yang looked nervous for a second I didn't know why until she said." So how's your head doing and I'm sorry." My mind clicked to her reasoning I just smiled softly." Don't worry it was a accident but think we could spar hand to hand some time?" Yang smiled cockily." Only if you wanna lose then sure, maybe tomorrow we could start our day with a Yang." Yang finished with a Gwynn awful pun I gave her a deadpan expression before several groans came from the other three girls. " Please don't Punish us with those bad puns." I joked their reaction was amazing; Yang had a evil grin on her face, Blake's jaw dropped farther than I thought was possible, Ruby was trying not to laugh at the pun and Weiss's was a spectacular groan as she muttered" great there's two now" under her breath. Yang and I laughed our heads off for a few seconds then the floor gave way to sunlight and cobblestone. I jumped at this and fell face first on the steel surface and slide down the ramp.

I could hear muffled laughter from behind me and honestly I'd laugh to. I picked myself up and saw a massive structure that could easily compare to anor londo in size. My mouth hung open as I saw this massive academy for a second i thought it was Vinheim; the academy that big hat Logan told me about when he taught me sorocrys. My mood darkened when I remembered what happened to my friend/teacher. I wiped the foul mood off my face as I heard the girls come down the ramp." We're home" I heard Ruby exclaim I smiled at her enthusiasm at little things 'that reminds me' I thought interested, I walked towards Blake." Blake can I have my gear back?" I asked, Blake looked a bit embarrassed as she gave me my gear back I thanked her before sheathing my weapons. I reached into my bottomless box grabbing my helmet before putting it back on. I sighed in comfort as my head piece was in place the girls gave me an odd look before shrugging their shoulders. I was a little confused but I wanted to see this academy in all of its glory. But before I could even take a step" Mr Alabaster could you follow me." I heard a feminine voice from behind me. I looked to see a blond woman with a violet cape and a riding crop? I couldn't even think how that was a useful but if my time in lordran taught me anything it is to never underestimate anything. I nodded and began to walk towards the mystery lady after telling the girls I see them later. The lady led the way to a more modernized lift that I couldn't help but gawk at all the buttons in place of levers. The woman glared at me the whole way up as I was fascinated by the closed metal doors; when I noticed she was glaring I just stood there confused before guessing it was her thing the doors flew open I walked into what I guessed to be an office that was set up like a grandfather clock. I saw a man with white hair, blue eyes and a green business suit;with a cane near his desk 'most likely a weapon ' I thought and he was sipping a strong drink that I could tell was made of ground seasonal beans. He was obviously the headmaster of this academy; " Hello there mr. Alabaster my name is Ozpin and this is my assistant Glynda goodwitch please take a seat." I obliged taking a seat; nodding my thanks. Ozpin smiled before saying." I hear you wanted to join this school may I ask why?" I nodded before saying" well I wanted to know more about this world and I wanted to spend more time with my friends" Ozpin nodded sagely taking a sip of his drink" Well you have to go through initiation first then you'll be assigned a team for the rest of your time here. Also after you are assigned to your team Glynda or someone you trust will unlock your aura." I cocked my head in confusion at the last part" how would one unlock this aura thing you mentioned?" I asked curiously; Ozpin seemed tense for a split second then relaxed; to the untrained eye it would seem like shock but to my eyes it shows that he's not telling me the whole truth. As I was about to call his bluff he said" when you unlock someone's aura you live through a couple of each other's memory's." I was aghast I checked him to see if he was lying, he wasn't." By Gwynevere's fertility I will not let the girls see my memory's!" I exclaimed furiously; Ozpin put his head in his hands curiously before saying" Why do you have something to hide." I replied intensely" more like would rather they do not go through the horrors I've been through." This genuinely shocked Ozpin for a moment before he said." Come to the roof for the initiation Glynda can take you there now." Glynda looked at Ozpin for a moment before telling me" please wait by the elevator for a moment Mr. Alabaster." I compiled without problem besides I need to prepare for the unpreparable.

Glynda led me to the roof of the school building I had changed my armor to that of a ninja. Black mesh covered me head to toe completely covered except a small slot on my face for fresh air. I had also switched out my precious scythe for caravan talisman i had bought from Petrus. My kattana bloodlust was as usual on my side holstered in a drake skin sheath I made myself. I stepped on a plate that Glynda had assigned me." Your objective is to retrieve one of the artifacts that is located east of here in the emerald forest you will have limited time for a landing strategy; you will return here with your chosen artifact before the sun rises tomorrow good luck." She clicked her heel and I was sent flying.

One thought went into my mind" weee" I exclaimed laughing as I flew towards the horizon. I was gliding down towards the trees so I equipped the pyromancers glove and casted fire whip: the whip grabbed onto a tree slowing me down before it snapped sending me into a wayward branch effectively removing a arm as I and the branch fell on the ground with a thud. I stood up and dashed to my arm before the pain could knock me out and put the dismembered arm on my stub and used a estus flask. It took two seconds of pure agony before my estus took effect; effectively sewing my arm back in place. I sighed in sweet relief I could break a few bones without worry but a dismembered arm was still mind numbingly painful. I grabbed my talisman that fell out of my hand and marched eastward for the shrine. I found it relatively fast all things considering must've been from my armor and light equipment. As I approached the shrine I saw a dark feather in front of my foot; I then heard a shriek of anguish coming from above. I saw a giant bird like creature that for a second I thought it was a friend of Velka's; on closer inspection I saw it was no crow but a massive bird like creature with glowing red eyes and a massive beak. I activated my talisman and summoned a sunlight spear; a spear of pure lightning and chucked it at the creature. It disintegrated on contact and I didn't feel the usual influx of souls I got when I killed something. I shrugged and walked towards the shrine; when I reached it I saw two sets of chess pieces white on the left and black on the right. I felt drawn to two knight pieces as I grabbed both pieces I felt like I should take both but the test is to grab one piece so I had to chose. In the end i put back the black piece and pocketed the white piece. I was ambushed by more of those wolf men I fought with the girls I noticed one was much bigger than the rest and was bipedal and covered in far denser bone armor. The giant devil dog held his pack back from engaging me; 'so some of these demons are intelligent' I thought. I gave the monster a curt nod as I left the pack alone.

Two hours later and I had found my way back to the school I climbed up a freaking mountain to do it. I saw on the lawn and with the girls and some other random people. I gave the knight to Glynda and was then tackled by the girls in a vice like grip." How long was I gone for?" I asked confused by the bear hug. " we were worried about you, you big dolt." Weiss said, I was warmed by the sentiment and hugged the group back." Look who melted the ice queen." Yang teased; I smiled before Glynda cleared her throat" mr. Alabaster we still need to unlock your aura here will suffice." I sighed before I slipped out of the group hug. She looked me in the eyes before undergoing an ancient chant.

Glynda third person pov

Glynda landed on an invisible platform in the middle of a dark void. 'This is new' Glynda thought as she walked on the invisible ground. A mahogany door floated towards her; she inspected it to see it had a crest of a dragon on it and a gilded door knob. Hesitantly she made her way towards the random door before it flung open and sucked her inside. When Glynda came out on the other end she was in a warm murky liquid. She gasped in horror when she found out it was blood; fresh blood and she was covered in the Crimson fluid. She saw a child hunched over three corpses that were cut into ribbons barely recognizable; entrails sliding out horrifyingly slow. The child was a young boy no older than seven clutching a katana with a demonically serrated edge the blade covered in fresh blood and pieces of flesh. " my god" she whispered in horror even though she wasn't here it was still a memory no less; a memory of a teenager' is this what he meant' she thought in horror. The small child noticed her presence 'impossible' Glynda thought she was in a memory she should have no actual presence. The child had a dead look in his eyes, his Amber eyes. The child swung the katana and attacked Glynda at blinding speeds. Glynda dodged the agile child but didn't fight back because she couldn't strike a child. The child was talking in a malicious voice." Intruder you killed my family, you raped my mother my sister is that not enough for you?! you will pay for your sins in blood." Glynda faltered at the killing intent radiating from the child; the child slashed her across the arm easily dismembering it. Glynda cried as her arm was destroyed she couldn't think she tripped on her blood as she landed next to what she thought was the perpetrator. She pleaded" mercy please I didn't do it" the child didn't care he responded coldly" Never. DIE!" The child cut her in down the middle covering himself in gore. Her screams were drowned out by her blood filling her lungs and heart slashed in two. Her vision went dark after a few seconds of pure agony.

New pov third person

Glynda reared backwards in the real world shaking in fear. Spencer saw this and tried to help" hey ms. Glynda are you okay." She reared back in fear of his eyes. " I'm fine just shocked that's all. You have some powerful mental fortifications." Spencer was confused by this statement; before he could figure out what she meant she said" Maybe if the girls go in my stead-" Spencer shut that idea down" No if you were so scared from what you saw then the girls will be mortified. I will not put them through anything related to the Izalith I've been through." Ruby spoke up" come on we can take it." Spencer wouldn't relent" out of the question Ruby." He knew he couldn't win against a lady when they wanted something his sister put that in perspective plenty of times. Blake now joined the argument." We want to help you." He was cracking and they knew it. Weiss added her two cents to" come on you dolt let us unlock your aura it can't be that bad." Spencer tried to talk back "but-" Yang landed the finishing blow" come on Spence are we your friends or not." That did it he relented with a sigh." Alright but please try to be careful." He told his friends with a small smile; Ruby fistbumped in victory with Yang, Weiss had a genuine smile with a bit of a smirk and Blake had a small smile on her face.

Glynda broke the mood" well are we doing this are not? Chop, chop." Spencer was still adherent to the whole thing but couldn't fight against the girls. " how are they supposed to go into my mind at the same time?" Glynda responded quickly," same way I got in except they'll be using their aura to synchronize their timing." The girls nodded before they stepped close to Spencer. He was a bit surprised that they were glowing slightly but they seemed to have it covered. 'Is this the power of aura?' Spencer thought in silence. The girls got close enough that he could feel their breaths through his admittedly thin armor compared to his usual set. They stared him in the eye and started the ancient chant perfectly in unison. Spencer sent a quiet prayer to whatever gods were still alive in his land.'Please by Gwynn's ruffled beard let them not see the darkwraiths.' He hoped in the silence of his mind.

Weiss and her team landed on a invisible platform surrounded by a dark void. "Ow" Weiss complained as she picked herself up and followed her teams gasps of awe when she saw the void. She noticed a door a few feet in front of them Yang noticed it two and walked towards it. Ruby and Blake followed; Weiss being cautious said." Wait you dolts we need to be careful remember what did after she came back. She was scared out of her mind and she's a huntress." Yang just waved her off" come on ice queen we'll be fine we're tough." Before anyone could stop her Yang had opened the door and they were sucked in.

All of them landed in a pile with Yang being on the bottom. Before Weiss could reprimand Yang for her behavior a horrific odor invaded her nostrils and when she looked up she immediately wished she hadn't. The walls were painted in blood and the smell coming from them was almost enough for her to vomit but what had really disturbed her was three corpses one of them was cut to shreds with bits and pieces of innards around the body and she couldn't tell if it was a man or girl, there was also two girls lying side by side almost naked except for a blanket covering their private parts. Their throats were slashed and Weiss saw bruises on their faces and arms. Weiss tried to vomit but nothing came out she guessed that since she was in memory she couldn't barf. Once the rest of her teammates saw this they had similar reactions. They all heard a blade stabbing through flesh off to their right and they saw a kid no older than ten repeatedly stabbing a male corpse stabbing through every possible point on the cadaver wear most of the girls couldn't tell it was human. The sword itself was a five inch long and three inch blade with a side one would expect to be on a butcher's knife than a sword; several teeth like edges on the blade caught some of the flesh from it's current victim. Soon the kid fell on his knees and broke down crying and it shattered the girl's hearts. Ruby trying to be delicate walked up to the boy and asked" are you okay?" The child spun on his heels and reared his demonic sword in a guard like motion." Don't move." the child said in a dark voice that sent shivers down everyone's spines. The girls saw that he was dressed in a ripped up leather shirt and pants; he had long hair but couldn't tell what color it was because it was drenched in blood: the last thing they noticed was the color of his eyes they were a rich amber color. Weiss,Yang and Blake brought their weapons in a guard stance but Ruby actually didn't draw her scythe she said" Please we don't want to fight we want to help you." Weiss got the hint and sheathed her rapier Blake and Yang followed suit sheathing their weapons. The young lad was skeptical still," liers all of you; you just came back to finish what he started." He said pointing to the mangled corpse; Weiss piped in" we don't even know him at all or what happened here in general." Weiss gestured to the whole room. The child didn't even blink" you could've just forgotten it." 'His logic is insane and it doesn't even make sense.' Weiss thought as a blood vessel became evident on her head,"Listen kid we don't know you or those corpses by the door." Weiss shouted but instantly felt her blood run cold when the child glared at her with such malice that he might slaughter her."You don't know them?" He repeated sadly as the weight of the situation finally caught up as the adrenaline drained from his body. Tears began to come down in rapids; Weiss and the girls felt their hearts break again; Ruby had enough and strolled over to the child and hugged him." Please let us help you; maybe it would help if you told us what happened." the child said nothing but returned the gesture as he nodded in silence. "You all passed" the child whispered; before Ruby could question the kid they all fell into a dark abyss. "Welcome to my soul lady's" the child said as he laughed all the way down until they landed on a marble floor: the girls fell face first breaking the floor. The child motioned for them to follow once they picked themselves up. Yang was extremely dizzy from the fall" why did we have to fall again?" The child ignored her question as he led the way to a set of black iron doors; he pushed the heavy doors open.

The first thing the girls saw was a giant of a man walking towards them; he was easily seven feet tall and was dressed in armor made from bones; his mask was that of a human skull with a black cowl floating behind him and a chest plate which matched the human anatomy disturbingly well and wore boots that were pointed at where the toes would be only for it to appear as if the bones were melded together as one.

The girls brought their weapons up ready to strike; the young child walked up to the giant and kicked him in the knee." What? Why did you kick me." The child motioned to the girls and said." They've come to wake up his aura or something like that and you were intimidating them by your outfit you dunce." The child said blankly not even intimidated by his size; The giant was slightly stunned but didn't question his logic he took the child to the other side of the room to discuss the intrusion. The girls looked behind the giant of a man to see a peculiar sight; a 50 story high structure so tall that they couldn't see the top of it; the structure seemed to be half fire and half darkness. The fiery half radiated heat and was erratic and yet the girls felt comfortable being near it the other side was cold unfeeling darkness sucking away the light and yet it brought them a sense of peace and tranquility but didn't take away the edge of anxiety they felt; only dulled it.

After that they heard bickering from the two people Ruby decided to promptly poke the soul; when she connected with the soul she heard chains being loosened " hey guys get over here and poke the thing" Weiss proceeded to join Ruby in poking the soul Yang and Blake followed suit. They all heard chains being released at that point they saw flashes of Spencer's past. Some of the flashes were nice with a tranquil shrine being home to a giant raven; a man dressed in iron armor with a sun in his chest and shield. But there were far more disturbing ones, a giant monster with most of its body being a mouth; not to count all the times they saw their new friend die in the worst ways possible and worst still they saw as he couldn't save his old friends either by madness,murder or hollowing; even though the girls couldn't feel the physical pain they felt the emotional all the same they felt the distress, the fear and the anguish that radiated from each of those memories . They saw his entire life except two dark marks in their collective memory reigned supreme."So right about now you should see two black marks in the memory's you gained from him." The child said as they recovered from the massive amount of knowledge. Before they could talk the young man started up again" those two dark marks are actually traumatic memory's he didn't want you to see; if you have any questions ask him later but do not mention either of us." before Weiss,Blake, Ruby or Yang could ask what he meant the four were back in remnant and the first thing they did was to topple the undead in another bone crushing hug/dog pile.

Spencer first person pov

'By the lords in lordran what just happened' I thought in confusion. One second they're glowing next they topple me in another hug and I have more memory's than I thought was possible. 'And I thought lordran was confusing but this world takes the cake. On a side note these girls have been through alot and you would never guess just by looking on the surface. and if I happen to run into mr. Schnee or this Adam character they will pay dearly with Weiss's permission of course for her father; as for the Adam I'll wing it.' He thought with determination as he subconsciously hugged the girls back protectively. We kinda sat there for a few seconds before a bell sounded and a couple stomachs growled in protest including mine. I chuckled as my stomach wanted food: I picked myself with the girls up still in the hug. " How about we find something to eat I'm starving." Ruby looked ecstatic her eyes seemed to grow with childlike wonder" sure of course I would love to and maybe I could see your weapons." I nodded in agreement and Ruby bounced slightly before grabbing my hand and running faster than I thought necessary and I was dragged across the ground. I thought I heard voices in my mind laughing loudly. I shaked it off as a side effect of whatever happened; then a beautiful aroma that smelled of meat hit my nostrils full force.

I couldn't stop the saliva coming from my mouth as I followed Ruby in a line of some sorts I didn't pay close attention to the scenery of the food room as I will call it. I grabbed a metal tray and went across the desk taking all the the meat humanly possible and feasted like never before. It took less than ten minutes before my food was gone and I sat with a full belly. I let out a small burp and excused myself before taking a swig of water Ruby picked up for me; I saw four more teenagers, one was a blonde boy with blue eyes and who wore a white chest plate and had a sword strapped to his waist. Next to him was a red haired lady with emerald irises who looked more for the part of warrior than most wearing bronze armor gauntlets,boots leather tunic that revealed a bit of skin' maybe it's for mobility' I thought tactically and a bronze crown to finish the set. The other two were a small girl with orange hair and azurite eyes and a tall man with black hair and pink eyes. The orange haired girl ran up to me and said" wow you eat fast and can you show me how you put your arm back on." I did a literal spit take in her face; she didn't seem fazed a bit." How did you know of my initiation?" i asked hoping for an answer while subconsciously reaching for my talisman. The pink haired teen replied with just a bit too much optimism " It was shown live through the whole cafeteria also is your semblance that lightning thingy and i'm Nora and this is my partner Ren but not that type of partner." I looked at her ridiculously, ' she makes Ruby seem calm.' A voice in my head said, 'great voices i'm going insane' I thought though i do agree with the voice. Before I could question my sanity any further Ruby waved her hand in front of my face. "You okay? You kinda spaced there." I nodded in agreement." Sorry about that I was thinking." I turned to Nora" no that wasn't my semblance I literally unlocked my aura seconds ago. Also that 'lightning thingy' was actually a sunlight spear; the most powerful miracle in my arsenal." I said with a sigh. I saw the looks of confusion from the group; the blonde looked nervous being near me." Well My name is Jaune and this is my partner Pyrrha." I looked towards the girl called Pyrrha for confirmation. She smiled and said" nice to meet you and we are team JNPR" I nodded in understanding but in the corner of my eye I saw a gang of men pulling on some poor woman's rabbit ears. My eye twitched subconsciously towards their direction; the teens followed my line of sight and all simultaneously glared at them. I stood up and began walking towards them." Break his legs." Nora shouted to me; I smirked 'that is an option' one of the two voices said. I walked towards the bully pulling on her ears." Oh look if it isn't the new guy; beat it we're teaching this animal some manners." I simply grabbed his hands and began to squeeze until he let go with a girlish screech though I may have cracked his wrists I didn't care. The bunny person fell down I offered her my hand and pulled her back up. I smiled at the bunny girl" are you okay miss?" I asked politely; the bunny fanus nodded her head gratefully" I am now thanks by the way i'm Velvet what's your name." I smiled as I said " Spencer A Alabaster pleasure to meet you Velvet, cute bunny ears by the way." Velvet blushed deeply at my compliment; the bully glared at us until he said" well lookie here we have a filthy fanus lover right boys." I ignored their attempts to antagonize me as I lead Velvet back to my table.

He continued to try to antagonize me further but I repeated a mantra in my mind' let his insults flow past you like a river against a mighty stone.' When we were halfway there he said" I bet your mother was a whore." I stopped on a dime I saw red for a moment and my hands clenched in rage before my neck snapped a whole 180 degrees faster than most could blink i looked at him with a soul trembling smile." What did you say I couldn't hear you. Mind speaking up?"

My voice getting deadly the bully smirked like he won a argument" I said your mother was a whore." 'He's dead' the voices said in unison. I walked back towards him my killing intent cascading like a waterfall. Apparently he sensed it and backed up slightly before smirking" oh did I strike a nerve there buddy." I walked up to him my fists balled; before he could blink I smashed my fist in his smug face. The sound of glass shattering followed by nasal bones breaking under my fist. He hollered in pain as I went to work on his left arm. I popped it out of it socket before breaking the bone in three different places I slammed the crippled arm back in its socket as the bully continued to cry in agony." The sound of bones breaking is lovely this time of year. Don't you agree 'friend'." I said demonically he tried to punch me but it bounced off me and I didn't feel it one bit. "This is my aura, useful." I said in fascination I cleared my throat a bit" now then if I hear you, see you or otherwise think your terrorizing anymore people. Well I won't be so nice next time." I warned as i walked back to my table; when I made it back to my seat Yang,Weiss and Blake were there with varied reactions as were the others. I noticed Velvet went to another table one with most likely her friends. Yang and Nora have humongous grins on their faces, Blake and Ren were observing with small smiles, Ruby and Pyrrha had shocked face and it was humorous to say the least and Weiss and Jaune reactions were the best ,Weiss was slack jawed and her eyes were bigger than normal and Jaune looked a bit green he then threw up in a trash can. Yang noogied me while laughing her butt off while Nora was babbling every which way possible" oh my Oum you're awesome. You broke his arm three different times. The legs were there and yet you chose the arm. Do you like pancakes?" I simply stared in confusion of what she just said electing more laughter from Yang.

Weiss seemed a little tense and spoke up" I know Cardin said something horrible and is a racist jerk but did you have to be that brutal." I tilted my head in confusion." What do you mean by brutal there were far worse things than what I did that I could've done." I finished matter of factly, this caused the entire table to look at me like I was insane" you broke his nose, his arm three different times and dislocated it and popped it back in what more could you have done?" Weiss said aggravated I replied in a calm voice" I could have sliced it off after breaking it and make him drink from my estus flask as he had to endure having his arm regrown slowly. Which by the way is the single most painful thing to happen to a body not counting having their souls ripped from them as they are still breathing." This caused the table to look at me curiously" wait so you're telling us that flask and the liquid inside can regrow limbs exactly the same as before." I shook my head" not exactly the same it would take a few weeks for your body to adjust to the new arm. Besides that it's exactly the same as the one you lost. Though I honestly prefer having the original arm put back on then the other method it's far less painful and you can use it like it was never chopped off." Weiss's face was a mix of a fish out of water and being struck by a sunlight spear in that order. I chuckled lightly at the face she made and luckily nobody noticed me. Jaune wanted answers" okay who and or what are you and how do you talk about that kinda stuff without batting an eyelash." That's only the tip of the iceberg my friend now get comfy this will take a while; hope you don't have anything to do in the next three hours." Team JNPR was hesitant but nodded regardless. " Okay now in the beginning there was the age of gray."

Time skip; Three hours later

" And that is how my world and the curse of the undead was created any questions?" Their reaction was slack jawed astonishment; Yang and I laughed our heads off when we saw their faces." Were we like that?" Yang said gasping for air from laughter. I replied" yep it was funny then it's still funny now." We kept laughing for a few minutes until Weiss checked her scroll." It's 3:50!" She shrieked in horror I simply shrugged not getting the implications but everyone else did. Ruby paled slightly" we missed half of the entire school day." I didn't know why she was worried school will be there the next day. As I was about to tell them this I heard a familiar heel clacking the ground. When I looked I saw ms. Glynda and she did not look happy. She was particularly glaring at me I simply tilted my head in confusion' why do I feel like I'm going to die again.' I thought strangely. She walked up to me and grabbed my ear and began dragging me across the floor. " um I like being dragged as much as the next guy but could you explain." Glynda simply harrumphed and stared at my friends." Teams RWBY and JNPR you are to go to your quarters for missing three consecutive hours of schooling and you Spencer are seeing Ozpin so we can decide what team you'll be on." I nodded in understanding I guessed dragging me was part of the process too because I'm not going to fight against this woman if she wants to drag me so be it. She continued to drag me to the elevator like object; 'Should we stand cause this is ridiculous.' A voice in my subconscious said, I shrugged mentally if she wanted me to stand why drag me this far. We were in the elevator going back to the office of the headmaster. I was still fascinated by this lift there was normally only one button but now there are dozens of them and they all glowed different colors too. Glynda however did not seem to care for my fascination one bit. We waited for the lift to take us back to Ozpin's office I decided to stand because my spine was protesting something fierce. The lift opened and I was back here again, Ozpin motioned for us to come in I took the seat without hesitation. Ozpin took a drink from his mug and with a smile said" well your first day has been eventful so far. Am I right?" I nodded " oh and don't worry you're not in trouble for what happened in the cafeteria but I would like to ask you a question or two if you don't mind." I nodded again ready for whatever he had up his sleeve. " My first question would be why? Not many students would've helped miss Scarlatina like that so why did you?" My mind went into autopilot at this I responded." Why wouldn't I? It looked like the right thing to do and I personally despise bigots like that with a vengeance." I subconsciously gripped the chair accidentally bending the metal. Ozpin smiled lightly before continuing" I have only one last question for you. How do you feel about sharing a room with four girls?" I simply shrugged in response" sure I don't see why not as long as I know the people I could care less." I heard a loud thunk and I saw that miss Glynda has fallen flat on her face I just stared confused on what to do " well it's official then you are now a part of team Rwby which shall be called Rwbys from now on. Here is your scroll and your room number and your schedule for the rest of your time here and welcome to Beacon." I put the scroll in my pocket and shoved the rest into my bottomless box for later reference. I thanked him for the items and went to the lift as I picked the bottom button and the doors closed.

After an hour of wandering the grounds and figuring out how this flat piece of metal worked I found the room i'll be sleeping in. But there was a small problem this door didn't have a handle only a pad. I scratched my head in confusion, 'maybe I could slice it open' I noticed three people walking down the hallway, one of which was a dark toned female with green hair and blood red eyes the next one i saw was a man about my height with light grayish hair and black eyes and a another girl with jet black hair and piercing orange eyes. I decided to introduce myself; i walked towards them and i noticed they put on fake smiles before facing me. " Hello there i don't think we meet I'm Emerald Sustrai that's Mercury Black and this is our leader Cinder fall." I nodded in confirmation taking note of their body language as i introduced myself" pleasure to meet you I'm Spencer ." Then something interesting happened; Cinder started to hyperventilate when she heard my name this surprised me and her teammates greatly. I asked if she was okay Emerald simply said" she's just having a panic attack we'll take her to the nurse; nice meeting you." I watched her and Mercury help miss Fall down the hallway before i returned to the blasted door. Before i could damage it I noticed my scroll was humming in my pocket I took it out and I saw a lock on the screen naturally I poked it and it unlocked the lock and the door slid open. I stepped into the room and saw two sets of bunk beds that were a little iffy at best; I noticed the girls were in the bunks relaxing. Ruby was the first to notice me and rushed over and hugged me excitedly; she said" yay you're our new teammate. This is going to be so much fun; we could hang out, sleep in and eat cookies till we drop!" She squealed in excitement I smiled brightly in response then I remembered something" Hey ruby still wanna see some of my weapons now?" My answer was her silver eyes began to sparkle like diamonds. She asked" really?" I nodded in response and handed her my Lifehunt scythe from my pocket. Ruby stared in awe at the scythe until i gave it to her and she couldn't lift it or move it. The girls (especially ruby) were slack jawed at how much it weighed; it cracked the floor when ruby dropped it. I picked it up with ease and put it back into my pocket before saying" How about this." i handed ruby my kattana careful with the exchange so she didn't drop it. To my relief she held onto it as she unsheathed it and inspected it closely drooling a little every couple seconds. She handed it back to me after inspecting it thoroughly." That is a amzing kattana it is in perfect condition and the blade is really sharp and the teeth look so cool easily able to cut through Grimm and anything in general. So what is it called?" I replied calmly" Bloodlust." The group looked at me strangely I was confused a bit but guessed that it was the name of my blade that caused it. Ruby looked nervous she said" did you name it?" I shook my head in response which caused more looks slightly more scared I was getting worried' am I scaring them' i thought sadly but was torn from my thoughts with Ruby's next question" How did you get your weapon?" I wasn't all that surprised." I 'found' it when i was young." i said truthfully; unaware i was gripping my weapon tighter now. Blake noticed my reaction to the question." does it have to do with two memories we got from you being all but blacked out. We guessed they were memories you didn't want us to see." My eyes widened immensely as i realized which memories Blake was talking about. I nodded slowly before saying" It's a really horrifying story that should never be told-" The girls looked at eachother but I continued" -but since you'll ask anyway I might as well tell you now but be warned this will be disturbing if any of you don't want to hear it then i'm perfectly fine with that and i will not stop for questions unlike last time understood." I waited for a good five minutes to see but to my disappointment they all wanted to hear the tale. I sighed and then took a breathe to calm myself for what is about to happen.

"A long time ago when the curse of undeath was in its infancy; in the kingdom of Catarina lived a family of four the Alabasters. They were the direct descendants of the first human but they kept it a well hidden secret yet strangely almost all of them had a pure light soul instead of a dark one that is until they had a son with the dark soul burning brightly within; naturally the family was ecstatic and treated the child like royalty but the child when old enough actually told his family that they were far more important than him. The parents and older sister were astonished and touched by their son's selflessness; they became a true family that day and the child was only four. After that his sister became a rip old pain in the butt but they loved each other all the same though they were known to have a prank war every two or three days and bonded over that. The child was naturally gifted with a sword so his parents put him in the Catarina knights for young lads so he could perfect his gift the child was only six when this happened. The child had worked his way to the top of his sparring class in under a year on a normal day he had been told that he would become a member of the Catarina knights before he turned eleven; the child was immensely happy and almost skipped to his home ready to tell his parents the best news of his life. He opened the door to his family home and noticed it was too quiet;" Mother, Father, Mary are you here? I have loads to tell you." He was answered by silence then soft crying; almost inaudible coming from his living room. The child walked in carefully his wooden sword drawn in a guard motion he was immediately knocked in the back of the head by something blunt and was knocked out. Not even minutes later he woke up to the sound of crying from his mother and sister; He tried to move towards them only to realize his arms and legs were bound together; he looked for his father only to see he was being beaten up by a tall thin man with crazy eyes and dark purple hair. The psycho noticed the child and flashed him an insane grin; he walked to the child swaying to the left slightly, the psycho then proceeded to kick the young man in the gut repeatedly till the child coughed up blood. His mother cried out" please don't hurt my son, please he's not even ten." The psycho eventually stopped kicking the young man and proceeded back to the Patriarch of the family. The child looked up at his father with tears in in his eyes muttered" Father whats going on, I'm scared." the father looked at his son trying to smile through the pain he was in and replied." don't worry just look at me, we're going to be fine." The psycho yelled" Shut up you hellspawn!" The child shuddered at the name and screeched" What did we ever do to you." The psycho went back to the child before lifting him up to eye level." You share the same blood as Manus the king of the abyss, you should be honored to b e killed by a holy way of white member like myself." the psycho dropped the child and drew his sword and stabbed the father seven times in the chest before letting the body drop in front of the boy. The child saw his father's dead eyes and began to cry as did his family but the psycho began to laugh like it was the funniest thing he seen all day. The psycho began to walk over to the child' s mother and sister. The child was in shock if he could he would hide in a corner. He was dragged out of his thoughts when he heard his remaining family cry out in anguish. Hiis mother was flipped over and the man was taking off his pants only for something ridiculously small to pop out of his pants. The psycho only laughed maniacally " time to teach these whorish demons some manners." The child saw that he grabbed her butt and began slamming his unmentionables into his mother; and his mother cried out in psycho began slapping the child's mother in her face. He couldn't begin to fathom what he was witnessing only that it was hurting his mother and he was helpless to stop it; he could only watch in horror. His sister ran to the psycho and began punching his back. The sociopath backhanded her and sent on the floor. The psycho returned to his 'work' before sighing and slicing his mother's throat. The child and Maya cried in anguish as they saw their mother's blood seep into the wooden floor; the psychotic priest turned his blood crazed eyes on Maya and stalked towards her. Maya naturally screamed and tried to run but slipped on the blood; leaving her at this psycho's mercy but he had none. The child struggled desperately against the ropes loosening them a little but not enough to free himself. He had to watch his sister get beaten into the ground before she had her clothes ripped off, as the bastard began sticking his groin into her's and punched her repeatedly in the face; bruising her face and breaking her nose. The child continued to squirm and his ropes loosened up a bit more just enough for him to unbound his hands and feet. The child grabbed his wooden sword and ran up behind the psycho. His sister noticed this and yelled" Run Spencer run get help, HURRY!" The psycho not pleased she spoke slashed her across the chest causing more blood to flow. The child ran to his sister forgetting the killer entirely and picking her up." Please don't leave me to Maya." he pleaded but his sister shook her head only mouthing one word" run" before her bright amber eyes glossed over and the light faded from once joyful eyes. In that moment his eyes dilated as he screamed a cry of pure anguish as he hugged her body close to his chest; tears coming down in rapids. The psycho did a maniacal laughter as he brought his blade up to cut down the child. But his sword was devoured by a dark aura that covered the grieving child. As the child put his sister down before staring at the man who caused him so much pain and in that moment he wanted the bastard's blood to spill; and like that a sword arose from his family's blood mixed with the darkness pulsating from his body. The child inspected the new blade; it was a rare eastern blade only that it had teeth on one side and a smooth side on the other; one side for slicing the other for butchering. He heard a voice from the blade telling the child it's name "Bloodlust" the child whispered. He faced the man who took everything from him and the child's killing intent went through the roof. The psycho stumbled backwards without a weapon in hand he was powerless. The child walked towards him, his blade came down on the bastard's arm and effectively cut it off at the shoulder; the man screamed in agony as the child began to slice his other limbs off: the darkness closing his wounds as the blood soaked blade devoured his foul blood. The child continued to glare at the man before saying in a nightmarish voice" You who have taken everything I care for shall pay for your sins in blood." the way of white member only shook violently in fear before pleading." Mercy. Please i'll give you anything you want just let me live!" The child was not fazed and brought his blade up for the killing blow." Give me my family back. Oh wait you can't, Now, DIE!" the child then brought his katana down in full force slicing the man in two without hesitation. The child then tore down his curtains and draped them over the bodies of his family and dropped his blade beside him and crying to the gods for hours. I was seven when my family was taken from me and I couldn't stop it."

When I finished I realized I was crying a bit and my hands were bleeding from clenching my hand subconsciously. I tried to calm down a little but it made it worse; I began to shudder uncontrollably almost passing out from the lack of oxygen.

Ruby pov third person

Ruby didn't know what to expect but this took the cake and ate it too. She was crying softly as was the rest of her team; it just sounded impossible and yet all to possible.' How can a person do that to a innocent family?' She thought sadly. She wanted to say something, anything to help but how do you help someone through that type of experience.

She looked to her teammates to see they were handling this as 'well' as her. Weiss had her hand covering her mouth in shock while tear tracks stained her face, Blake looked to be a mixture of sadness and pity while Yang looked pissed off her eyes were now a bright red while her hands were clenched in anger. Ruby looked towards Spencer to see he was crying and muttering" my fault, it's my fault." under his breath; Ruby and company flinched like they've been shot when they heard that. Ruby rushed up to the undead and embraced him in a big ole hug. Ruby said in a caring tone." It wasn't your fault, it was that meanie's fault." He was taken aback for a split second before a small smile bloomed and he returned the hug. "Thanks Ruby and the rest of you, for listening I mean." They all smiled warmly before Yang stretched her arms." Welp i'm beat see you in the morning oh and Spencer hope your ready for our spar." Spencer simply smiled before nodding his head in agreement. Yang seemed happy at that then said" Come on Ruby it's past your bedtime." " but i'm not *Yawwwn* tired yet." Ruby replied tiredly before rubbing her eye. Spencer chuckled before carrying Ruby bridal style into bed: Ruby was as red as her cape before she touched the bed and conked out for the night.

Spencer pov first person

I tucked Ruby in before noticing that there were four beds and five people. I shrugged and said." I'll sleep by the door for now see you tomorrow." I walked towards the door but stopped when i felt yang's hand on my shoulder before i heard her say." nope you're not sleeping on the floor but you could share the bunk with one of us except Ruby deal." I was confused about that last part since it sounded almost like a threat but I guessed it was a protective sister thing. I simply let myself sleep with Yang for now; I got on the bunk and fell asleep on the edge. Let the record show I could sleep anywhere and be comfortable I just went into her bed because she asked me too. 'You do know how that sounds right.' a voice deadpanned in my mind. I ignored it and fell asleep before this could be objected also.

I found myself in the void again and i was slightly annoyed at this fact. "Now what?" I asked the void, to my surprise it answered with a set of black iron doors in front of me. I gawked at the doors for a moment before sighing and went with it. " at this point I wouldn't be surprised if manus popped in, screaming bloody murder about his torture." I lamented to the emptiness; I walked towards the doors and pushed them open like the countless others before it. I stepped in to see a room that reminds me of Duke's archives, I looked around till I saw something and I reflexively drew my scythe. A Darkwraith was a few feet away from me; he spotted me and began waving at me. "What in Gwyn's name is going on here!" I yelled still gripping my weapon. To my surprise the Darkwraith spoke," Nice to see you too and can you drop the scythe I'm friendly." My mind was processing this and I reluctantly put my scythe on my back." There now was that so hard" my left eye twitched in annoyance at his mocking tone. I took a breath to calm myself before talking." One how is a Darkwraith talking to me, two why are you in my mind and three please tell me you have a name." The Darkwraith didn't seem surprised and began speaking." Ok now this first part will be hard to believe-" " I fought immortal dragons and won and killed gods plus the primeval man" I deadpanned. " Fair point the reason I can talk is I have a soul made from your soul." My eyes bugged out of my head as i stared at the darkwraith." as for the other two I'm basically trapped in your subconscious and the name I chose is John."

My jaw dropped to the oddly comfortable marble floor my mind completely fried at this information. I would've passed out from shock if it wasn't for a very familiar child peeking from behind John's legs. At this point I slapped myself across the face to check for illusions; the mini me was still there so I just simply stared in shocked silence. John cleared his throat breaking me out of my stupor." Well now we as in me and the squirt(mini me glared at John) were created during your more traumatic experiences." I nodded dumbly taking a guess where they came from. I took a deep breath and said" well what should I call you because mini me doesn't seem like a good name." Mini me nodded in agreement before saying"Jack." I smiled a little' when was I this small.' " Jack's a fine name." I said cordially. My attention shifted from the two to see my soul, how I knew it was mine it just seems to resonate with me. Though I was was surprised to see two primal powers latched onto my soul almost like parasites desperately holding on to existence no matter the cost. John noticed my line of sight and sighed lightly" I know what your thinking and I hate it too brother but this could help us later." I muttered a agreement I do need every weapon at my disposal. Before we could continue this conversation I heard a loud whistle and woke up with a yelp.