Normally it's uncommon for me to actually use swear words in my stories, and if I do they would be censored. This is an exception, for now anyway as I never curse because I don't like it.

Used to it? From others? Yes.

Actually say aloud? Not a chance.

Anyway, this chapter involves a love scene between these mutants, that continued to ruin my life through the canon shipping lol. So, of course it would Rated M. Just letting you know, along with a sighting of F-bombs. Mainly from Charles lol

BTW: the oil mentioned in this chapter is literally from this. Just go on a website called 'dermstore' to see a purple massage oil bottle with the name, cause this website is being a pain on the link.

Hope you will enjoy this chapter! AND PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF THERE'S ANY MISTAKES ON IT!

Who knew that the most wonderful of days when nature was calm and clear to reveal the gentle blue sky, and the glowing sun would also be the day where Charles found out his crush returns the same romantic feelings? Otherwise, there would be a very interesting conversation on why the two just so happened to decide to make out on Charles's bed, with the owner on the bottom with his legs and arms wrapped around his masseur.

He just couldn't believe it. Even with his heart practically bursting any second and his face getting red due to the increase of heat from his blood, all caused by the metal manipulator, he just couldn't believe. This had to be a dream. It was just impossible. Maybe Erik massaged him so well that it caused him to fall asleep, having him end up seeing that both of their feelings for each other were the same, and are just ready to express it right here, right now with the sealed oil of Don't Stop when fully prepared. He just couldn't believe it.

But, hey. If this was a dream, no way in hell would he wake up now or later!

The guy wasn't even massaging him, and yet when his hands slid up and down slowly on his sides he was already shivering under his touch and moaning during the kiss. Those lips, his hands; he could die underneath them so easily with happiness and bliss the last thing he felt from him.

Erik's lips were chapped before when they first touched his lips, but throughout how long time passed by they were glazed and soften by the saliva mixed during the make out. Not only did his skill lips made Charles breathless, but also the strong pink organ he bared in his mouth as it roamed all around Charles's mouth, grasping in every feel and taste contained inside. Charles's hands grasped his cheeks, in a way of showing that he would never ever want to pull back from those lips, but sadly he was born as an air breather so eventually they had to pull back. A big gulp of breath was done for both when Erik pulled back first, but after a second their lips resumed being attached once more the same time their tongues go through Round 2 of tonsil hockey. Erik won the first time, mainly because Charles was too surprised and in Cloud 9 to even try to defeat him.

Charles was able to get a glance of Erik's eyes: clouded with lust while the hypnotizing blue-green was becoming a thin ring, but he got a clear view of love and admiration in them as they matched the sweet smirk on his face before resuming the kiss. Charles was sure to pass out by his heart pounding like crazy, and because of it he had to force himself to pull back this time so he could get his breathing normal again.

Erik seemed impressed by the sight, "Already made you breathless, huh?"

Charles would have glared at him, but the kiss alone was too strong to have him do anything. Instead, he just looked at him with his wet lips more red than ever, his cheeks blushing darkly, and his eyes also going through a thin blue ring. The smirk fell off Erik's face at the sight, seeing that it just made the professor so damn hot like this. Now looking at him with longing, he grasped one of his red cheeks and placed his other free hand gently on Charles's chest. There, he felt how his heart was beating so fast.

"Maybe I should leave the room so you can calm down better," He teased, but it somehow tousles something inside Charles, having him unaware that it was a joke.

Erik blinked once, but made no move as Charles unexpected turn them over so quickly and pinned his arms down. Determination shined in his eyes as he looked down at the masseur before leaning down, and licked up slowly on his neck. Erik's eyes soon fluttered before closing, and his head moved to the side to give the mutant more access to his tanned neck.

"Mmm, Charles," he voiced softly as the said professor soon traced his hands up from his wrists to his shoulders, and stayed there while his soften lips kissed and blew on parts where he licked. While having a gentle shiver be made, Erik brought his hands up to be placed on his hips above the band of the shorts. One hand then moved up to the middle of his back, and just rubbed softly at the spot. A moan from the mutant caused a vibration on Erik's neck, and immediately got him hard as a rock.

He pushed Charles's hips down, having their covered bulges make contact. Charles immediately pulled back right before the mutants moaned loudly together.

Charles then sat up, straddling better with his knees placed next to Erik's sides. "...What are you doing to me, Erik?" He then said rhetorically, and had Erik smirk before sliding his hands from the back to his front, licking his lips as he watched his hands roam over the flushed body. Without a second thought, Erik sat up as well, and thanks to Charles's sitting position he was able to latch on the first thing that came in contact to his lips, which was his left erected nipple.

"Oh! E-Erik!" He moaned out, his arms wrapped around his neck while one hand combed through his hair to hold onto. The feel of his lips sucking on it, and then having the tongue circling and moistening had Charles throw back his head in ecstasy while gripping on the dark hair hard.

"Ahh!" He moaned with a shiver when a moan from Erik, this time, vibrated on him due to the hair grip. Tears of pleasure started to fill up in his eyes the same time Erik gave the abused nipple a kiss, and then went over to the other one to give it the same treatment. He needed more, Charles was satisfied but the same time wasn't. Without Erik noticing until later, he pushed his hips down himself, causing Erik to let go of the nipple, but soon moaned along with Charles again when their bulges made in contact once more, but this time the professor was grinding slightly.

Something in Erik soon broke, having them turn back to the original position.

"Oh!" Charles exclaimed, surprised the action quicker than his own before arching his back when Erik soon bent down, and trailed licks and kisses over his skin downwards.

"Oh, Erik!" He voiced, gripping on the bed sheets this time while his head rested against the pillow as Erik went further down until he was practically over his erection. He whimpered softly when he felt his hot breath over the shorts, but didn't make any move to kiss or suck it despite it being covered. He did, however, shuddered when he felt the shark teeth grasping on the elastic band of his shorts, and quickly pulled down to reveal his dark blue boxer shorts and his hard tent.

He lifted his hips up to help Erik out further until the shorts were off. Even though he was grateful that the shorts were off, the underwear was still on him and it was getting too uncomfortable for him. Erik didn't seem to notice as he was more concentrated on now kissing the bulge, before sucking the entire thing in his mouth.

"AH!" Charles moaned out, arching his back again as his hot mouth covered his entire tent, while soaking his underwear. He shook slightly when he pulled back, and started rubbing on it. His shark teeth are shown with the smirk as he looked up at him.

"I wish you could see how sexy you look right now, Charles," He then whispered, his voice thick on his German accent mixed with lust. A heavy shiver rolled over Charles's spine, having him tremble at the sound. The guy was already turning him into mush once again. Still rubbing him, Erik moved up to Charles's face, letting the small gasps coming out of his mouth hit his face. "So sensitive. So beautiful. So fucking sexy. I could eat you up...and I plan on it."

Charles gasped sharply at both the saying, and the sudden grab on his bulge. "E-Erik— "

He couldn't continue his speaking, telling him that he wanted him so badly right now, because of Erik's sudden choice to molest his lips with his own again. He moaned and returned the brutal actions as their teeth clashed, and their tongues wrestled again for dominance.

'You're cheating, you jerk!' He telepathically complained to Erik as he felt a small massage being made on his bulge, having Charles whimper and moan in the kiss while withering under him and making him lose the battle. A chuckle was made in return from the masseur before he pulled back from his lips, and soon latched onto his neck. Charles gasped and brought his head back to let him take over his skin as much as he wanted to.

This was too good to be true, but Charles wouldn't care. He didn't care, actually! This was just incredible, and he was grateful to live it on this glorious day. He never felt so grateful to have the kids gone from the house, because there was no way he could hold back his moans right now no matter how hard he tried.

"Erik!" He moaned, arching his back and placing his hands on his back to trail over his skin. "S-so good! Oooh!" He hissed once, his release coming in if Erik continued massaging the hard boner. Erik seemed to notice, pausing for a second, only to resume. But harder.

"A-AAAH! E-Erik!" He exclaimed, now clawing the tanned skin. "I-If you don't stop, I-I'll c— "

"Come for me, then," He interrupted directly in his ear, right before licking the shell then nibbling it. The same time he quickly pulled it out, and stroked it quickly. That was the trigger.

"AAAAHHHH!" Charles screamed out, his head thrown back and his back arched, looking quite painful, as he released all over both of their chests, and his hand. Erik continued to stroke until Charles was completely empty, his bottom half of his torso now glistened by the hot white streams all over his skin.

Amazing how such a sight made Erik silently release as well in his Bermuda shorts without Charles noticing.

The handsome professor huffed in exhaustion from the release before looking down at Erik – "Ahh!" He was so tired that he failed to realize, until now, that his underwear was finally removed before the masseur started licking his release off his skin, having Charles bring his head back while biting the inside of his lower lip with his eyes closed. Just by that hot tongue of his was already having his member twitch in attention under Erik's chest.

His legs soon bent the knees, his feet planted on the bed right before Erik soon picked up the growing member of his, and kissed the head with care. The lips against the sensitive tip caused a shiver and a small gasp from Charles be made. By the time the lips were now wrapped around it, Charles let out a moan before grasping onto Erik's hair while his head tilted back on the pillow, his throat baring soft bite marks that will eventually fade was revealed to the cold air from the conditioner.

"Mmm... Erik..." He voiced in a soft tone, and then bit his lower lip this time as Erik slowly engulfed his member into his hot mouth.

'Oh, Erik! Y-Your mouth...! So hot! Oh, fuck!' He praised to the man, having Erik internally smirk as he continued giving the member attention. He then pulled back his mouth, and slowly licked a side upwards to wet it further before returning to the head. There, he nibbled on it playfully, getting a gasp from Charles at how sensitive it was in between his teeth, and soon licked over it again.

How was it possible for a man of a mutant like Erik was capable to make him feel a large amount of ecstasy without a thought in his head? Was it his hands on how well he made them either rough as a rock, or as delicate as a flower? Or was it his lips, those precious lips that bared the most wicked of words that can make Charles complicated with his emotions over the man? Charles knew it was both; those two were the only things capable to get Charles, and have him under his control – at least for love anyway. The mutant professor wasn't that weak under Erik's control.

Other than that, this was a fantasy come true. Erik must have been born with a piece of telepathy, because this was too good to be true. Waaay too good.

He moaned loudly when he felt Erik's head moving fast, constantly bobbing his head as the heat of his mouth wrapped around him with enthusiasm and love. He was hard for a while now, and if the mutant kept it up a second orgasm will come its way. Charles wonder how many orgasms would it take to have him pass out on the bed? And if that was possible, then how strong was Erik's sex drive then? Probably strong, being held back due to the concentration and dedication to finally take on his revenge on Shaw, ruining him. If it was that strong, Charles would have to try his best to stay conscious for Erik – and himself since he can't get over Erik that easily. Heck, he wouldn't even mind continuing even if the children returned home, and did everything they did to cover their ears from the men's loud moans and constant squeaks from the bed.

Oh, man. Now THAT would be embarrassing!

Maybe he wouldn't go that far, but—

His thoughts were interrupted when Erik suddenly pulled back, having him whimper at the loss. The disappointment disappeared the moment his lips were attached to his, having him taste himself but he didn't care as he wrapped his arms around his torso. Soon, with Erik distracted, he turned them over again, having him on top this time.

"My turn," he then declared seductively, a smirk now on the telepath's face with an interesting glint of lust fully contained in his eyes. Oh, Erik couldn't wait for it.




Erik was on Cloud 9.

From Charles manipulating his neck to his own member, Erik never felt so grateful to be alive right now. He never realized how much he was missing, especially with someone he fell in love with. Sure, a year ago, a day before Cuba he convinced Raven into accepting her blue mutation, but any feelings for the girl were vacant in his heart and mind. He was more on both Shaw in his revenge, and Charles being his peace. The peace that he lost in his heart when his mother was shot right behind him...only to come back again when Charles saved his life, told him that he wasn't alone, and became friends through it all.

"What do you know about me?"


He knew it all, and yet never let him go through it all. Not even when the bullet struck his back, and their opinions had strong differences in their minds. Erik could understand that, and honestly he would have left Charles to fulfil his goal to have mutants be protected, and take on the humans that was destroying through tortures similar than how he went through. But, Charles... Charles convinced him to know that both humans and mutants may be different, they also go through life that are similar. Especially in discrimination and abuse over people's personal abilities. Erik still disliked such wicked humans, but he now knew that taking on every human life will not be satisfying for anyone. Not even for him...

That didn't matter now. Right now was just him and Charles on this peaceful day.

Charles Francis Xavier, the telepath capable to give him the peace he lost, and the love he never expected to grow inside and out of his body. The man whose mind focus on what is good for the incoming future, and is dedicated to the hope to all mutants to not only control their powers but to accept them as part of who they are. The good-looking mutant who kissed over his neck while being delicate and careful, regardless of himself being turned on over the metal manipulator.

Soon after, he went over his torso to kiss over his nipples as well. The soft lips and his hot tongue over it, along with the occasional blows he made, caused both to be erected while Erik moaned under his touch. Charles must be an expert at this. There's no way the guy never brought a girl, and make her feel in paradise when they had sex. Erik was even flabbergasted that Charles fell for him, and not Moira.

He has seen the way the two got along, and looked well-nigh inseparable. The woman was a strong one, especially since she worked for the C.I.A., and helped them out during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Even though she made the wrong decision to use a gun on him – if it was plastic that would have gotten him. But, no. She used metal bullets instead – he still thought that she was meant to be with Charles. They looked like the perfect match, after all. But no, Charles erased her memory of Cuba—No, everything about them. As if she was never involved at all; it was the only way to keep her safe.

Charles may want peace between the species, but he was still cautious either way at the moment. Erik could even see now why Raven had to hide her blue mutation: he was doing his best to protect her, like what an older brother would do, despite the girl was now a grown adult after experiencing Cuba with the others.

Charles was willing to do anything to keep mutants safe, just as Erik was on mutants being free from wicked humans' torturous touches. Opposite they are, but mutations make them so close in a public and personal way.

No way in hell will Erik would ever have peace if he made the choice to leave Charles on the beach. That bit of peace Charles made him was enough to convince him to stay with them. That peace bonded with love, and grew every day, causing him to fully know that he was deeply in love with the strong telepath, no matter to their equal gender. He loves him, and Charles returned the feelings the same way. Nothing else got in the way of it. He never felt so happy to feel alive and in the light, instead of being twisted in the dark (the way that Shaw wanted him to do for his powers).

Erik sighed through his mouth, and used his elbows to prop himself up. Just enough time to see Charles slowly remove his shorts after unbuttoning and unzipping it. He also raised his hips to give him access to fully pull it down... The metal manipulator soon chuckled at the sight of Charles's eyes bugging out at the sight of the large member.

Without underwear.

"W-were you planning on t-this?" He stuttered as his blue eyes, those gorgeous radiant eyes, darted up to him.

"I haven't worn any since Cuba." He smirked devilishly at the sight of Charles's cheeks going through a deep blush on his face. He could just eat him like a sweet strawberry.

Gulping down his edginess, the telepath soon resumed on taking off Erik's shorts completely before heading back up to the member. Admiration and curiosity was now placed as his expression as his cool hand grasped the hot equipment, causing a sharp gasp to made from the owner.

"I... I never expected it to be...this large, my friend," Charles then explained, his eyes still upon the member as he slowly stroked it.

"Not going to be a problem, would it?" Erik breathed out, still smirking at him before Charles looked back up to him, and returned the smirk.

"Of course not, Erik. In fact..., it's quite satisfying." His natural cherry lips soon wrapped around the head, and moaned with his eyes shut close at the surprised taste of his precum that has glistened over it for a while now. Erik twitched slightly at the feel of the hot tongue twirling over the head, as if getting more spots containing the precum or just soaking it in enjoyment. It wasn't long before Charles slowly engulfed the hard member inside his mouth, letting it be wrapped by the heat in his mouth as he bobbed his head slowly while savoring every inch of it.

Erik constantly tilted his head back and forth as Charles sucked, loving both the sight of Charles's head moving and the ecstasy of his heat all over his member. It was there he also realized that Charles licked off the release he had before, a bit of it remaining on his Bermuda shorts, having him moan at the idea of Charles swallowing the amount of release that was going to come if he didn't stop him now... But, he was so good! And damn hot! It was just too much for him to actually speak legible words to him without moaning at the feeling.

'Charles...' He telepathically spoke to him.


'If you don't stop, I'm going to cum soon.'


'Charles...Char— '"AAH!" The called mutant unexpectedly increased his bobbing, going as fast as he could; as well hollowed his cheeks further for firm sucking on the member. Definitely his response to the warning.

He then arched his back, and moaned out Charles's name to the ceiling as he released another batch of hot white streamers, this time in Charles's mouth. A small squeak came out of Charles, but he soon relaxed and stroked further until all of Erik's cum was in his mouth. By the time he was done, Charles pulled back completely, and crawled up to his face.

There, Erik watched as his throat bobbed before a satisfied smile was on Charles's bright face.

He just swallowed RIGHT IN FRONT of his face.

"You little bastard." White teeth were shown with his smile before Erik wrapped a hand behind Charles's neck, and pulled him down for a passionately rough kiss, both moaning during it. Erik for the combination of Charles's taste with his cum, and Charles for the abrupt fierce action.




The moment was almost over, and they were surprised to still have the energy to continue forth.

Their make out slowed down into a deep and passionate kiss, their tongues now savoring each other's tastes than wrestling once more. Charles had his hands on Erik's shoulders while still straddling the guy, and Erik had his hands on his hips before sliding down to grasp the pale butt he owned. By a gentle squeeze a moan soon escaped from Charles's throat for Erik to hear and feel as a vibration against his lips.

Erik was the one to pull back first, soft huffs coming out of his mouth as he looked over to the telepath. "Lay on your stomach for me."

Charles did what he was told, having him fold his arms to rest his head upon, the same time Erik grabbed the Don't Stop oil. Once it was unsealed, the cap was opened and immediately both men were awake on its mixed senses of plums, raspberries, jasmine, cedar and sandalwood.

"Believe it or not, Charles... But this is actually used for..." He leaned down and whispered, "Sexual experiences."

Charles shuddered at the saying before a stuttered chuckle came out of him, "So, you were planning this?"

"Not really. When I got the bottle, I didn't realize it was a special type until now. I just found out before you came for the massage. I honestly wasn't planned to use it... But now— "Charles gasped at the sudden feel of his butt cheek being grasped. "I think it's perfect to use now."

"Oh, Erik," he voiced, breathlessly before Erik screwed the cap back on. He blinked at the action, having him look at him to the side.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to use it?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, I will. Believe me..." A smirk then came on his face, but it wasn't the same sexy smirk he had on before. It caused a shiver of uncertainty to come down Charles's spine. What was he thinking? "But first..."

Charles tried to look over his shoulder, but he couldn't get a clear view. So, he looked back to the bedhead, and just concentrated on what Erik was doing by the touches he was getting on his skin. Right now, Erik was grasping his cheeks again, squeezing further than before and caused a moan to come out of his throat again.

"Erik...! What are you—Erik... Erik! A-AAH!" Well, this was something he never, EVER, expected Erik to do. Especially since this was quite an experience he never thought of going through.

He moaned constantly, and gripped on the pillow roughly as Erik licked over the small, clutching ring of his butt hole before spreading his skin further apart, until Erik was flickering the tip of his tongue over the small agape.

"AAH! E-Erik!" He let out as Erik rimmed. Oh, it felt so good! So marvelous! So hot! So... So...! Charles couldn't even think as he felt those exact hands starting to massage his cheeks as he continued to rim. He didn't care how loud he was, or how he was gripping on the pillow so hard that it could possibly be torn. Charles was in ecstasy, and anything of the world was nothing to him in his mind.

Soon, Erik pulled back from the hole, and used his thumb to rub the wetness on the hole while his other hand grabbed the bottle. Flickering his thumb to uncap it, he soon pulled back his hand and poured a small amount on the tips of his fingers. Charles panted softly while Erik rubbed the sensual oil all over his fingers. Then, his index finger then rubbed over the hole before slowly pushing in. A gasp came, along with immediate clutching, making Erik paused his action.

He didn't want to hurt Charles, so he soon placed kisses all over Charles's back, especially to the small scarred spot where the bullet was hit. He kissed on it first before trailing up to spread the kisses, having Charles slowly relax under his lips with a gentle sigh of relief. He forced himself to stay relax as Erik slowly inserted his finger further until it was wholly consumed. He paused for a few seconds, letting Charles get used to the intrusion before Erik thrusted his finger slowly to loosen him up.

"E-Erik," he breathed out after a while, and brought his hips up with his knees propping to give Erik more access. Understanding the reason, Erik slowly added in his middle finger, and moved the fingers apart to stretch. Charles brought his head back, moaned towards the bedhead, and had his hands now placed on the bed to now be in a doggy position. A sexy sight, in Erik's eyes as he kneeled on the bed and moved forward a little to be close to his ear.

"Think you can handle another finger inside of you, liebling?" He whispered to him. "Handle yourself getting stretched...before I'm placed inside? My big cock inside of you, stretching you further while your heat is wrapped around me? I'm already loving the feeling of my fingers getting your heat, and I just can't wait for it. But, I will be a gentleman for you; be gentle on you since this is our first time ever. And once you're comfortable with my size... I'll fuck you hard as much as you want me to, Charles."

Charles moaned and threw his head back by the dirty talk. He was so distracted by it that he failed to notice that Erik added the third and last finger inside of him, having his hole fully stretched as Erik thrusted them. He then hitched his throat, throwing Erik off for a few seconds until he heard a moan filled with more bliss than ever. All because of a mushy area he somehow reached. Absorbed by the sound Erik soon started hitting the exact spot, and watched as Charles shivered and clutched constantly all over his fingers, loving every second of it.

"R-Right there!" He acclaimed. "Oh, yes! H-harder!" Erik answered to the request, and did what he was told. He smirked as he watched Charles almost screamed as his prostate was hit frequently. He then whined loudly once the fingers were removed completely. Erik was ready to take him now.




Charles groaned when he was suddenly flipped to return laying on his back again, and blinked twice when his legs were lifted and placed around Erik's waist. "Erik," He breathlessly spoke, but soon was silent on his words again as Erik poured another amount of the oil, and rubbed it all over his hard member. That oil was quite strong; when he felt Erik's finger rubbing his hole before going inside, a sudden heat soon came to him from there, increasing his sexual desire and was getting him hard. By the time Erik had all three inside, he was hard as a rock and was so close to cum if he kept on hitting the prostate.

Now, he was holding back the desire to cum as he watched the member getting covered by the oil.

"Ready?" Erik then asked, concern in his lust-filled eyes that made Charles smile. Like he said, he was going to be gentle since they were both new at this, and Charles was deeply grateful for that. Gripping on the bed sheets, he nodded and closed his eyes shut as he felt Erik positioned himself, and soon felt the head slowly be pushed in. Erik hissed at the feeling, "So tight..."

The intrusion caused Charles to automatically clench around it, making Erik pause and whimper faintly at the feeling. He was ready to burst, and was having a hard time holding back, so to distract them both Erik leaned forward and soon kissed Charles's red lips with passion and care united. The telepath reacted to the kiss immediately, and soon let go of the sheets to wrap around his neck as the kiss was making him calm down.

Even though he felt the clenching loosen up, Erik remained immobile until Charles wiggled his hips to let him know to continue further. It took a while, a minute per say, but soon Erik was sheathed inside of Charles, and the kisses he gave all over the telepath's skin had him relax under the intrusion.

'Go ahead, my friend. Move, please,' Charles then sent, as Erik kissed his neck while waiting. Afterwards, Charles felt the member being pulled back, stopping halfway before pushing back inside gently. Erik used his hands on the bed to prop him up as he thrusted Charles, both men in heaven as they became one.

Charles was now sure that this had to be a dream. A dream on becoming one with his best friend, Erik Lehnsherr. Two opposites that became friends at first, and soon fell in love with each other with no personal intensions of revealing until now. A simple massage on a clear sunny day becomes a clear day filled with bliss and love towards each other. How was it possible for Erik to love him? How was it possible for Charles to love him? How was it possible for them both to fall for each other without a second thought on how people would feel about them, or on the idea that both were born men. Men that gained incredible superpowers; mutants. Mutants with different point of views of life on both humans and mutants. One wants peace, the other expects war. However, the opinions combine to have the two both give protection to mutants while understanding not all humans chose to do evil among a mutant's powers. The opinions brought them mutually devoted, as well gave them the chance to express each other's feelings. And now, they are one. They are yin and yang, bonded as one through love and understanding towards each other.

Nothing and no one is capable to bring Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr apart, no matter how hard it would be done.

"FUCK!" Charles exclaimed after a while, the head now hitting the prostate while Charles shed tears of pleasure from the feeling. "R-right there! Oooh, fuuuck! More, Erik! Fuck me!" Loving the begs he was given, Erik immediately reacted by pounding hard inside Charles, the head hitting directly at the prostate. Charles's hands soon clawed over Erik's back while arching his back as he moaned loudly, "YEEESS!"

With his arched back, Erik wrapped his arms around him with ease and lifted his torso up to hold him close to his chest, his hips still moving hard to pound him. Charles moaned near Erik's ear as the men held onto each other. "Oh, I-I-I'm going to c-cum!"

"Yess," Erik hissed, holding Charles tight in his arms. "I'm g-gonna cum, t-too!"

"L-Let's come together...!" Just by three more hard pounds, both men threw their heads back and came at the same time, Charles all over their stomachs and Erik inside the hole after Charles clenched him tightly, while moaning out both of their names towards the ceiling. Both shivered at the pleasure running all over inside of them, and once they were both done they fell sideways and panted deeply while still holding each other.

They did it. They finally did it.

Charles and Erik has become one.




It was quiet again by the time their breathing was calm once more. Erik was the first to move, pulling back and slowly taking out his deflated member from inside of Charles. The telepath whimpered slightly at the action, but made no other move on it. Not even when he felt a bit of cum trailing out of him.

How long was Erik holding back?!

It felt good, anyway.

Charles then moved by turning himself to the other side of the bed, taking out a small cloth from a drawer he opened. He let Erik voluntarily clean both of their messes, and placed it on the table next to the used oil bottle before resting next to Charles, who immediately curled up to him with his hair underneath Erik's chin. Erik then wrapped his arms around him, holding him close as they relaxed under the thick atmosphere of sex and cold air from the conditioner.

"This has to be the best day I have ever experienced," Charles then complimented, getting a soft chuckle out of him.

"Same here, liebling." Charles blushed at the saying before looking up at him. When Erik returned the eye contact, Charles brought himself up to kiss him with one hand grasping his cheek. It wasn't too hot or too simple, the two were tired so it was just nice and comforting before Charles pulled back and cuddled up to his bare chest again.



"...I love you."

Silence was made before Charles looked up to him again, his eyes glistening unshed tears of joy. Immediately, it reminded Erik of Cuba as his eyes were the same back then, only the emotional tears were different to the times. Back at Cuba, the unshed tears were filled with pain from the excruciating feeling of the bullet in his spine; and now, it was for the hidden feelings returned with truth. Like Erik would lie to the telepath, anyway.

"I love you, too," Charles whispered, knowing his voice would crack if he tried to speak better. It was fine, Erik heard him as a smile grew on his face instead of the sexy smirk. What a beautiful sight it was, and Charles was happy to see that he was the one that caused the smile – that loving sight, filled with peace and love away from all pain he has went through.

Charles returned the smile before moving himself to have him properly on top of him, Erik on his back now, to kiss once more.

Love was strange, but it was always there for everyone. Even for the ones that never even expect to have or face it. Both mutants fell for each other, and finally was able to have the chance to show each other's romantic feelings. All thanks to a clear free day.