
A/N: Well, hello! Here is my new story. It is complete, and will be a total of three chapters. A brief disclaimer here:in this story, Kurt is a tailor working on a tuxedo for Blaine. I know nothing about making or altering men's suits. I did a little research, but finally just decided to wing it. Please excuse any glaring errors regarding the process, though I didn't really go into too much detail about it. The story really is about Blaine and Kurt, after all, not about suit-making. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter One

Kurt was in the back of the shop when he heard the little bell on the front door jingle, signaling the arrival of his ten o'clock appointment. "Be right out," he called, popping his head through the doorway to the front and catching a quick wave of acknowledgement from the customer, who held his cell phone to his ear with his other hand, apparently listening to the conversation on the other end.

Kurt ducked back into the work room, tidying up the project he was involved in prior to his appointment. He couldn't help but feel a little excited. He had been working for Franco for three months now as an assistant in the tailor's shop, gaining valuable experience about creating and altering clothing while he studied fashion design at Parsons. He had worked on all sorts of projects for Franco, but today was special.

Just yesterday, Franco had called Kurt over to his work table at the end of the day. "Kurt, my boy," he said, his Italian accent just a little thicker than when he spoke with customers, "I have been watching you since you came here, and I think it is time." He stopped, leaving Kurt confused.

"Time for, um, what exactly?" Kurt asked.

Franco chuckled and clapped Kurt on the shoulder. "Time for you to flap your wings and swim on your own," he answered.

Kurt laughed aloud. "I think you're mixing your metaphors there, Franco. What exactly are you trying to tell me?"

"We have a new order. Two tuxedos for a wedding. The groom and his brother, the best man – Anderson is the name. I will take care of the best man, but I want you to take care of dressing the groom."

Kurt's mouth dropped open. Franco had been more than kind and generous in training Kurt these past few months, but he was very particular about the finished product coming out of his shop. Kurt had worked on various aspects of projects, but always under the watchful eye of his boss. Being allowed to take the lead with a customer and handle the whole process on his own, especially a tuxedo for a groom, was a great honor and an enormous sign of trust.

"F-Franco? Really? Are you, are you sure?" Kurt stuttered, unable to believe what his boss was telling him.

Franco let out a hearty laugh, gently squeezing the hand that was still on Kurt's shoulder. "I am sure, my boy. You have a gift. I have seen it. I know you will not be with me for long," he paused and gave Kurt a look when he the boy started shaking his head. "No, no, it is true. You are meant for, how you say, great things in this world. You will create beautiful clothes, and everyone will be lining up to wear your designs. So it would be nice for me to say, 'I knew the great Kurt Hummel when he was just a youngster, and he made the most beautiful suits for my shop.'"

Kurt smiled thinking back on that conversation. Franco was so incredible, giving him the opportunity to gain invaluable practical experience. Kurt knew others in his classes who were doing internships with prestigious fashion houses and designers, and many of them spent their days taking notes in meetings or getting coffee and lunch orders. Here was Kurt, working in a small shop in the Village, getting hands-on experience. Franco was like his fairy godfather – okay, being Italian, maybe godfather was the wrong word, he thought with a giggle.

Having finished clearing up his project in the back room, Kurt hurried out to the front, not wanting to keep his customer waiting. "Hi," he began as he crossed into the room, "I'm so sorry to keep you…" he trailed off and paused as the customer was still on the phone. He suppressed his mild annoyance when he realized that the man was desperately trying to finish up his conversation.

"Ok, sweetie, yeah…yeah, great. Ok, Tina. I'll see you then. Love you," he said, tapping the screen to end the call and quickly slipping the phone into his jacket pocket before turning to face Kurt for the first time. "I'm so sorry," he said with an apologetic smile, "I didn't mean to be rude. I just couldn't get her off the phone, you know?"

He was gorgeous, Kurt thought. He was a little shorter than Kurt, which he actually preferred, with dark, curly hair, strong features, and the most stunning golden hazel eyes. He was in slim-fitting trousers and a fitted t-shirt with a casual suede jacket and, Kurt noticed, loafers without socks. Before Kurt could spend too much more time admiring his new customer, however, he remembered that this man was his new customer – the groom who was here to get the tuxedo for his wedding. Pulling himself together, he stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Mr. Anderson? I'm Kurt Hummel. I'll be making your tuxedo for the wedding," he said with a smile.

"Hello, there, Kurt. Please, call me Blaine," the customer replied, taking Kurt's hand in a firm but gentle handshake.

Kurt resisted the urge to hold onto that strong hand longer than socially acceptable. "So," he said, releasing Blaine's hand and making a little opening small talk. "When's the big day?"

"Wow, it's just, um, three weeks or so now," Blaine answered.

"So close!" Kurt exclaimed. "You must be getting excited! Well," he continued, clapping his hands together, "with so little time, we should get to work on this tuxedo for you, eh?"


In short order, Kurt had Blaine in position on the small dais in the shop to be measured. He had removed his jacket, and had slipped on the dress shoes he'd brought with him for the fitting. He now stood perfectly still, looking a little awkward as the tailor circled him appraisingly.

Kurt had moved into his professional mode, setting aside as best he could his natural instinct to just sit back and admire the extremely handsome man before him. As he walked around Blaine, he looked him up and down, taking note of his body structure and posture before doing any actual measuring. When he came back around to the front, he noticed Blaine looking a little uncomfortable. "This your first time?" he asked gently.

"W-what?" Blaine stuttered, coloring slightly.

"Your first time – being fitted for a suit?" Kurt clarified, stifling a smirk.

"Oh," Blaine said with a nervous laugh. "Um, yeah, actually. It is." He looked down as if embarrassed by the fact.

"Oh, hey," Kurt said, stepping up onto the dais next to Blaine. "Don't be like that. I only asked because if you haven't been through the process before, it can be a little…weird." Kurt smiled at Blaine, who looked at him and smiled back in relief. God, that smile, Kurt thought, feeling his knees go a little weak. Clearing his throat, he continued. "So, let's break it down for you and get to work. I just did a little once-over to get an idea of things. I'll take some measurements to determine your size, then I'll bring you a couple of options and we'll see what looks best. Once we have a style chosen, I will mark some places where we have to alter the suit to fit you perfectly. Not so hard so far, right?" He grinned and patted Blaine on the shoulder as the man nodded in agreement. "I'll work my magic, and you'll come back in, say, a week for a final fitting. Sound good?"

"Sounds good," Blane answered, his posture relaxing a bit more.

"Perfect. Be right back," Kurt said, turning quickly and jogging into the back room to get his supplies. "You mind a little music?" he asked as he returned to the fitting area holding up his cell phone.

"No, not at all," came the response, and Kurt noted the enthusiasm in the warm voice.

"Great. It so much nicer to work with some music on, I find." Kurt pulled up his favorite playlist of pop tunes (he wasn't going to push his luck so far as to choose his Broadway playlist) and set the phone down on a nearby table as the music began to play.

"Ah, a Gaga fan, I see," Blaine said. "I'm a Katy Perry man, myself."

Kurt covered his heart as if affronted. "Sir, I am shocked," he said mockingly, causing Blaine to laugh aloud. "However, I shall set aside my personal indignation and refrain from hemming your slacks a half inch too short."

"You are a gentleman, milord," Blaine responded in a similar tone, giving a slightly ridiculous half bow.

Kurt just shook his head and stepped back onto the dais, tape measure in hand. "Katy Perry, indeed," he muttered. "Now, hold out your arms like this," he instructed, demonstrating the pose he wanted Blaine to hold, "and tell me what other insane musical tastes you have."

They passed the next hour in easy conversation about everything from music to movies to theater (at which point Kurt mentioned his Broadway playlist, which Blaine demanded they listen to the next time). Kurt learned that Blaine was in his final year at NYU, studying musical performance and theory, and that he wanted to become a writer and recording artist. Blaine asked Kurt about himself, and was duly impressed to find that he was being dressed by a senior at Parsons.

All too soon, it seemed, Kurt stood back and looked at Blaine in the marked-up suit. "Well, I think that will do it for now," he said, his eyes scanning over the jacket and pants once more for any final places that required adjustment. "Yes, I think this will work very, very well for you. Are the rest of the groomsmen having tuxedos fitted, as well?" Kurt asked, remembering that Franco had only mentioned dressing the groom and best man.

"No," Blaine replied, standing carefully so as not to stick himself with any of the pins in the suit. "They are doing rentals. My brother thought it would be nice for us to have our own suits made – a groom and best man 'thing' he calls it."

"That's sweet," Kurt responded, stepping back onto the dais to relieve Blaine of the jacket as he spoke. "You must have a very thoughtful brother."

"Oh, he's a nut, believe me," Blaine laughed, carefully sliding his arms out of the sleeves with Kurt's help. "But yes, he can be a thoughtful nut. Will you be doing his suit, as well?"

"No, I won't have that pleasure," Kurt answered, hanging the jacket on a hanger and handing Blaine's pants to him, gesturing towards the changing room Blaine had used earlier. "My boss, Franco, will be working with him, but I'll let him know what you've chosen so that your and your brother's suits will coordinate."

"Hmm. Yeah, that'll work," Blaine said from behind the curtain that covered the changing room. "Coop's not too picky, so he said he'd be good with whatever I chose, so long as it wasn't mustard yellow or something."

Kurt just looked toward the changing room in confusion at the odd color mention, but let it go with a shrug of his shoulders. Blaine emerged shortly thereafter and carefully handed the pin-laden pants to Kurt before picking up his own jacket.

"So, like I said, give me about a week to make the alterations. Can you come by the same time and day next week for the fitting?"

Blaine checked his calendar quickly. "Yes, that'll work perfectly for me," he affirmed with another radiant smile. Really, this guy and his smile were going to be Kurt's undoing. "Thanks so much for making my first time so pleasant," he said with a wink, holding out his hand.

This time, it was Kurt who felt himself blushing at the slight innuendo as he took Blaine's hand to shake it. "I guess I deserved that," he said sheepishly.

Blaine chuckled and looked like he was about to say something when the two heard a light tapping on the front window. Kurt looked up to see a pretty Asian girl waving and smiling before gesturing to her watch to indicate the time.

"Oh, gosh, I didn't realize the time," Blaine said, releasing Kurt's hand and grabbing the bag he had used to carry his dress shoes. "I hate to fit and run, but I've got to get going. See you next week, Kurt?"

"Absolutely. See you next week, Blaine…" Kurt answered, trailing off as Blaine hurried out the door. Before the door closed, he heard the greeting, "Hey, Tina. Sorry I'm late, sweetie," Blaine said as he gave the girl a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. He then took her arm and started walking down the street, glancing into the shop window and giving Kurt a little wave before passing out of sight.

Kurt waved back, slightly embarrassed at having been caught watching their meeting. He sighed heavily and turned, still holding the suit jacket and pants, and headed for the workroom to get started. He laughed mirthlessly as he heard the lyrics of an Alanis Morissette song drifting from the speaker of his phone: "It's meeting the man of my dreams, and then meeting his beautiful wife. Isn't it ironic?"

A/N: The song Kurt hears at the end is Ironic by Alanis Morissette, of course. Stay tuned for Chapter Two, and please let me know what you think!