A/N: I don't own any of these worlds or characters, I only own the idea.

If you like the story and want to see a specific world, send it to me in a PM or in a review. If I know the world (be it a movie, book, tv show, etc.) and like it, I might just put it in this story. If I don't know the world, you can write your own "Omake" and I will put it in the latest chapter!

Harry Potter World

Dawn huddled in a corner of her cupboard trying to not cry out as each movement caused pain to racket through her body. Her uncle had beaten her for simply asking a question, she had simply asked to eat at the table. Vernon Dursley had beaten her until Dawn had fallen unconscious and then he had thrown her into her "room" until he decided to let her out.

The tiny girl had only turned three a few weeks before and already she would have been considered a genius as she could already read and write most words from a dictionary unlike most of her age group. This talent however was repressed so she wouldn't stick out as more of a "freak" to her relatives. This caused her starving intellect to change and warp.

It started as a small hint of knowing what a spider in her cupboard was saying to what a flower was teaching her. Finally, she began seeing interesting portals in the air around her, portals that showed entirely new worlds often times completely different from her own when she shyly peaked through the openings.

Dawn flickered her inky black hair behind her shoulder as she tended to the cuts where she could reach as tears silently fell from her eyes. A small group of spiders scuttled along her back, helping to close the long cuts marking her back with their silk. Dawn thanked them profusely once they finished since they had expended a lot of vital energy to create the webs across her back.

Dawn fell asleep curled up and was awoken the next morning by screeching from her Aunt. Dawn was given a piece of toast and a slice of old ham and sent outside to begin to help with the garden. Quickly scarfing down the meager meal, she scurried out of the house before her Uncle came down to beat her.

The sun warmed her skin nicely and she breathed in the still moist air since it rained overnight. A small bug greeted her swiftly before it was already flying off and a small robin sang in greeting before it too was flying off. Dawn rolled up the overly long sleeves from her cousin's hand-me-downs before taking off her overly ratty trainers so the spiky grass could tickle her toes as it was want to do.

She jumped in surprise as a portal in the air opened right in front of her, nearly making her fall into it. She peered into it carefully and sighed as a million beautiful flowers waved in a small wind. Dawn grabbed the corners of the portal and carefully closed it and pinched the edges together until it was completely gone. She gave another sad sigh and felt the slightly sticky leaves of a pomegranate bush and she watched the small aphids feasting on the sap from the leaves.

Dawn would have jumped in through any portal she saw, just to get away from where she was currently living. However, every single portal she had ever seen was normally too small for her to fit through.

Stroking a new bud on a rose bush, Dawn smiled lightly as she coaxed the flower to bloom. It opened and began rhyming about the beauty of the world and gave Dawn some tips to look beautiful.

"You're a very vain flower." Dawn giggled as the rose agreed without hesitation. A tree grabbed Dawn's attention and gave her a lesson on astronomy. Dawn payed rapt attention to the slower and patient words of the large tree until noon was announced throughout the yard in a very fast wave of voices.

Dawn thanked her teacher and turned around to go into the house. Her Aunt began screeching at her while her cousin, Dudley, threw his mashed potatoes everywhere. Dawn was sent back outside with a piece of bread and cheese for her lunch. With deliberate care, Dawn nibbled her slice of bread and then the cheese. She let the creamy taste fill her mouth while eating her meager meal slowly to drag it out for as long as possible.

Another portal opened as she sat down under the Mongolia flower bushes. She could see a castle full of moving and talking furniture that normally sat still in her own world. A candlestick and a miniature clock orchestrated the movements of everything else and it seemed within only an hour of watching, that the entire castle was sparkling clean.

She knew it was a futile wish to be able to go through the portals but she knew one day she would be able to. Dawn closed the portal and crawled out from under the flower bushes which were gloating to each other about their blossoms.

Dawn brushed off the dirt from her hands and knees before walking through the front door. Dawn could hear her uncle's car turning onto Privet Drive, the street they lived on, so she rushed to hide in her cupboard. She tucked her body into a dark corner and gently stroked the various spiders within reach as the front door slammed open.

Vernon Dursley had been denied his promotion and came home raging mad, absolutely positive that the "freak" had done something to him and given him bad luck. He slammed the front door closed and stomped down the hallway to yank open the cupboard door where Dawn was curled up in terror.

"YOU UNWANTED FREAK! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN DROWNED AT BIRTH! YOU DID SOMETHING TO ME AND I LOST MY PROMOTION!" Vernon grabbed her arm in a bruising hold and yanked her up, dislocating her shoulder in the process. She gave a small cry of pain and whimpered as she was dragged up the stairs into Dudley's second room. "YOU'RE GONNA GET WHAT'S BEEN COMING TO YOU FOR A LONG TIME!"

The large walrus of a man unclasped his belt and pulled it off with a quick yank. He folded the belt in half and began beating Dawn with the metal buckle. It didn't take long for the obese man to tire out but he had already done enough damage that Dawn was just lying on the floor unconscious.

Too tired to be down and pick her up, Vernon decided it was easier to kick her into the hallway and down the staircase. Dawn's limp body simply rolled down the stairs and landed with a crunch at the bottom where Vernon kicked her small body the last few feet to her cupboard. Blood seeped from the many overlapping cuts on her back and both her right arm and left leg lay at unnatural angles.

It was well into the night when Dawn woke with a muffled scream from jostling her body, her broken ribs, arm, and leg sending her loud notice of their broken status. With her other arm, which was colored with tons of dark splotches of deep purple bruises, she felt for the various broken bones in her torso, arm, and leg. She wrapped her ribs as tight as she could with leftover strips of clothes she had torn from old clothes and wrapped what she could of her arm and leg.

Small spiders scuttled over her body and Dawn knew each by name even when she couldn't see in the pitch darkness of her cupboard. The grandfather clock that stood in the living room began a delicate chime and then struck three deeper notes telling dawn exactly how early it was in the morning. She muffled another sob as she turned to lay on her side and soon, she fell back into a blissful oblivion.

Dawn woke up the next morning and was let out form the cupboard by her Aunt Petunia to use the toilet. She was forced to shuffle to the bathroom, clutching at her broken ribs, until she was finally safe and alone in the restroom. Once finished, she was given three pieces of toast with a slight smattering of butter before being shoved out the back door.

The sun seemed to glare into her eyes and beat on her skin as she limped over to a row of hedges lining the back fence. She slowly inched her way underneath them, lying practically limp in the dirt once she was as far under as she could get. It took a long while to make her way underneath the hedges but once she had found a comfortable batch of dead leaves, Dawn fell asleep to the informative drone about geology.

The opening of a portal awoke Dawn from her sleep along with the screeching from her Aunt to get inside. The small two-story house was casting a large shadow engulfing the entire backyard meaning that Dawn had slept through the whole day. She scooted out from underneath the hedges, wincing each time she moved her still broken arm, leg and torso. The cooling shade provided by the house sent chills up Dawn's spine as she slowly stood up, only being supported by one leg.

The portal that had opened was louder than most portals she had ever heard before and it seemed like a group of men and women arguing. Unfortunately, when Dawn had been beaten and then kicked down the stairs, she not only had broken bones but a concussion from falling down the stairs as well. The portal had materialized at such an angle that she couldn't see its surface and as she walked towards the backdoor, the portal caught her by surprise. If she hadn't had the concussion, she would have been wary and figured out where the portal had materialized but her foggy mind couldn't perceive the distance of the voices. So, as she walked, she was tripped at just the right moment and she fell into the portal.