An: I know this chapter is on the shorter side, it's just to set the story line. Please leave your ideas in the review section.

Steven and the Crystal Gems relationships were good. They were his friends and more so his family. They helped raise him along with his dad, Greg. His mother was gone because she gave up her physical form to have him. The Crystal Gems promised that they would protect Steven. That's exactly what they did.

Amethyst was like an older sister to him. They had one of the closest bonds. Amethyst always teased Steven like a little brother. They usually had a load of fun together. No matter if it was going to the Big Donut together, hanging out on the beach, play fighting, they always had a fun time. Steven looked up to Amethyst because she understood him more and they both were not like anybody else. Plus, she was also his first fusion with a gem.

Garnet was like a mother to him. She was like a mom to everyone. She was the new leader of the Crystal Gems since Rose died. Everyone respected her and looked up to her. Steven always thought she was the coolest gem out there. He also just adored Ruby and Sapphire and wanted Garnet to split up just to see them. Steven and Garnet were close. She always thought of Steven as his own human being and not Rose. She always gave Steven a chance and always protected him like she promised.

Pearl was like mother to him as well. She was over protective of him and helped him learn things. She and him were close as well but, there was always a something missing. Steven knew how Pearl loved Rose and how she blamed Greg and Steven a little for her absence. Sometimes Steven would question to himself if Pearl only love him because he had Rose's gem. Pearl was very close with Rose and Steven did take away her. He loves Pearl as a mom and looks up to her for strength. All of Roses problems aside she still meant a lot to him and he meant a lot to her.

Steven knew more than the Crystal Gems thought he knew. He over hears them sometimes at night when they think he is sleeping. He never told them about the nightmares he would get about Bismuth, Jasper, Eyeball, Rose, and every gem he had ever done wrong. It's not that he was afraid to tell them, he didn't want them to worry about him. Even though he had a very close relationship with all of them, it was just something he thought was better to keep to himself.

Sometimes Steven just felt so alone. There was no one like him. He had Connie and his Dad but they were humans. He is only half human. He remembered that day when he was in the van and Greg and Connie high fived and said "human beings". That's when it hit him, he wasn't a human. He was half-gem, half-human. He felt left out in their conversation. Sometimes he'd wish he was a full gem or full human and not in between.

Besides all his feelings he had a big problem. He had noticed there was a crack on the Rose Quartz gem. He must've got it from the last fight. He knew it was bad to keep this from them as well but he didn't want to worry them or them being disappointed in him for cracking his mothers gem. With the crack, there was a lot of pain. He had gotten use to some of the pain but, it got worse and worse as each day went on. The crack was cracked half way through his gem. It cracked a little more each day.

Everyday he would try to heal it himself but, his healing spit didn't work on him, only on others. It made sense but he didn't have a way to fix it. He knew about Rose's fountain because when Amethyst has had her gem cracked. He tried to warp to it but he could never find it. He always had a smile on his face even though he has been suffering for over a week.

Garnet never noticed anything strange. Steven looked like he normally did, with his happy smile that could light up the whole universe. Her future vision never even showed a sign of Steven hurt or lying. So, she went about her day like usual.

Amethyst never payed too much attention to his health or feelings. Yes, they had their moments together but it wasn't everyday when they shared feelings. Steven looked like himself so she never questioned anything. For all she knew he was a happy healthy kid.

Not even Pearl knew how much pain he was going through, physically and emotionally. Every day seemed normal. She would make him breakfast, clean up, refuse to watch "Crying Breakfast Friends", and play board games with him.

Steven deep down inside knew he had to tell them before he was almost cracked all the way through. He was thinking of a way to word it, who to tell. Was he going to tell Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl? He didn't know. All he knew was time wasn't his friend in this situation and it was running out.

Thanks for reading!