Chapter 2: Growth

Disclaimer is in chapter one

Salem found herself perched upon a rock, her legs crossed and hands resting within the confines of her lap, her eyes gazing to and fro as she watched the blonde toddler under her care waddle amongst the trees and forest flora. Accompanied by an Ursa Major, the black bear-ish monstrosity close on toddlers heels it's gentle disposition a far contrast from its normally flesh-hungry destructive nature.

The white witch just watched as the child would bring the beast flowers and sticks completely fearless of the giant creature.

This phenomenon perplexed Salem greatly, a fanus child no more than a year or two old and undeterred by a creature of grimm. Within the first few months of their time together Salem attempted to discard the child with numerous human and faunus families alike yet every time she'd return to discover that the settlements had been destroyed and populace consumed by the grimm and at the core of it all was Naruto, the most recent name given to the child by another unfortunate family, Naruto was a magnet for the grimm her mere existence seemed to attract them for miles.

Which in itself was a paradox; Grimm usually migrated towards large sources of negativity or man-made structures never a single target unless it was within eyesight. But Naruto was like a beacon for the creatures, bringing them in mass and another question was why didn't they devour her? The grimm instead cared for her, they ensured her safety, fed her and talked to her. As odd as it was Naruto seemed to understand them on a much deeper level than Salem ever did.

Yes Salem could understand them, but only on a simple level, like how a person could understand a dog. Naruto on the other hand could hold complex conversations with these creatures all without the use of words just primeval growls and grunts.

The self-entitled Queen of grimm continued to observe the child's antics, watching as Naruto grunted at the Ursa getting a response back in the form of a chatty bark; then in a weird gurgle and gag the bear regurgitated it's last meal. A huntress, her arms broken and twisted at varying angles. The raven black hair matted with blood and her silver eyes wide with fear; pieces of what appeared to be a cape or cloak tangled around her gutted and chunked torso. Clapping her hands excitedly Naruto gave an approving purr before her small baby hands grabbed onto the partially digested flesh and shoved it into her mouth. Staining her cheeks with blood as her numerous small canines got to work making the flesh easier to swallow and digest.

It was a sight that Salem herself was still getting used to, she was once a mother herself so watching a child participate in a nearly cannibalistic and carnivores diet was hard. She attempted to wean the child away from human flesh but Naruto refused to consume anything that wasn't meat or raw. So for the time being Salem allowed it till she could introduce her to something more visually appealing.

After several minutes of eating away at the throat and a gut, Naruto took interest in the shredded cloak that was knotted and clung to the body of the corpse due to the dry blood. Letting out a whine she tugged at the stained white cloak, looking up at her mothering bear for aid. Understanding her want the Ursa reached over and cut free the fabric Naruto was tugging on forming the remains of the cloak more into a piece of long cut cloth.

Smiling she waddled up to Salem, gesturing to the woman happily with the large fabric bunched up in her stained hands. Understanding the child's unspoken wants her pale hands reach out and freed the fabric from the toddler's death grip.

And with a blank look upon her face. Salem wrapped the long along Naruto's head, a neck forming a soft white cowl stained with tiny bloody handprints. The white and red cowl clashing against Naruto's black t-shirt and black leggings, giving her an almost nun-esque appearance yet the holy imagery was ruined by the blood that covered her cheeks, lips and stained her teeth red.

"Tank yuh" Spoke Naruto with an innocent grin, botching the words but still getting the grateful message across. As she darted back to her bear, who had just finished guzzling down the stiff corpse. Sitting up the Ursa pulled Naruto into its lap and began the process of grooming the child who immediately began to fuss and while as it licked her cheeks, and lips freeing them from the evidence of her meal. As well as picked and gnawed at the ticks, lice and fleas they had taken residence in her gorgeous locks of thick blonde hair.

Salem mostly ignored the tongue bath that Naruto was experiencing much to her dismay and childish complaints, but nevertheless endured. Gazing out into the tree line; Salem refocused her thoughts, remembering why she had ventured to the wilds of Vale in the first place.

She had journeyed here to find a herd of Goliath that wandered near and amongst the ruins of the failed Mount Glenn settlement. The purpose of this expedition was to test Naruto to see exactly what her limitations were; if she could subjectate an Ursa major at the mere age of 3 then her potential could very well be astronomical; yet that was still to be determined.