HappyHamilween added ActualAngel, peg-the-walker, elizaluvspuppies, trtlfckr666, I-Am-Lafcelot, disneydemigod to the group chat

HappyHamilween named group chat Hamilween

HappyHamilween: Yo yo yo, motherfuckers!
trtlfckr666: What. The. Hell. Hamilton?
ActualAngel: Alexander? What the hells Hamilween? What are you doing?
peg-the-walker: Alex?
HappyHamilween: Yes! Peggys getting into the Hallween spirit, yo!
trtlfckr666: Oh no. He's got an idea
I-Am-Lafcelot: Merde! Alex! Don't get me involved!
trtlfckr666: Or me!
disneydemigod: I'm not making you a Halloween costume Alex so don't even ask
HappyHamilween: Boo! Hercules stop being a dick!
disneydemigod: Your being a dick, Hamilton
HappyHamilween: what happned to my firs tname Mulligan?
elizaluvspuppies: You don't deserve one, Hamilton
HappyHamilween: Ow! My own girfriend! You wound me Eliza

HappyHamilween added wait4it to Hamilween

wait4it: Hamilton? What the shit is this?
HappyHamilween: Aaron Burr, sir!
trtlfckr666: Nah. I ain't dealing with this shit
ActualAngel: Alex, seriously what are you doing?

peg-the-walker changed username to negan-killed-peg

HappyHamilween: Come on guys. Halloween's next week
HappyHamilween: Next Monday
I-Am-Lancelot: This has to do with us how?
wait4it: and why am I hear?
elizaluvspuppies: Why are any of us here?
HappyHamilween: Because I wanna throw a party
disneydemigod: ... Go on
ActualAngel: Alex parties are always good
disneydemigod: Hey remember wheh Alex got ungerage drunk an stoof up on that table?
I-Am-Lafcelot: When he tried to get down he fell and broke his arm!
wait4it: Oh man that was hilarious. He didn't wven notice it
trtlfckr666: we had to drag hia Ss to the hospital cuz he din't think anything was worng! Man in hinssight that was rlly funnt but not at the tim e
elizaluvspuppies: oh wait! I rememr that! It was high school graduarion! He was in a cast all summer! Ahahahaha
negan-killed-peg: oh yeah! He was pissed because he coudln't right
negan-killed-peg: *write
negan-killed-peg: and he kept tryin'a smash the cast off but scremed in pain sch time he did it
ActualAngel: Like Homer Simpson with that stove. Ow hot and touches it again but ow hot
trtlfckr666: omg.
trtlfckr666: accurate. rofl
disneydemigod: I am howilng wit lauhgter here just had my niegbors hear to check im ok ahahahaha
wait4it: I think Im dying here sum1cumecyehj n,ndndindjdsh
I-Am-Lafcelot: I think Butr's had a storke lol
wait4it: nah, im fine. Just slammed random kets om my laptop. Rememer that was so funny. Sorry Alex but it was! Im duing! lmfao
HappyHamilween: Anyway, if y'all are done laughing at my misfrotune now, im throwing a Halloween Party and y'all are invited
HappyHamilween: The best halloween party columbia has ever seen
trtlfckr666: Whatms the catch?
HappyHamilween: help me throw it?
negan-killed-peg: I'm only helping if you can get Lin-Manuel Miranda to come
HappyHamilween: Manual labor? Yeah, there'll be lots of that don't worry Peggy
negan-killed-peg: I ever tell you how much I hate you alexander hamilton?
HappyHamilween: you love me really peggy

negan-killed-peg added TJEFFS to Hamilween

HappyHamilween: What. The shitting fuck? Get the hell out of here, Jefferson! You're a dick!
wait4it: What's going on?
elizaluvspuppies: Peggy added Thom-ass Jeffer-sucks
trtlfckr666: Nice one! Internet hi-five for you Eliza!
I-Am-Lafcelot: hahahaha
disneydemigod: Ha! Eliza wins the internet!
ActualAngel: I don't know why you guys hate Jefferson si much. He's not that bad
TJEFFS: nice to know I'm so universally beloved guys
elizaluvspuppies: You can add people?!
HappyHamilween: Yeah! The more the merrier
HappyHamilween: Unless it's Jeffersucks of course
TJEFFS: Wow. So clever, Hamilton

ActualAngel added marialewis to Hamilween

HappyHamilween: Maria!
negan-killed-peg: Awesome!
marialewis: Hey guys! What's going on here?
HappyHamilween: Halloween party! Yo yo yo!
marialewis: Wicked! I'm gonna be Tinkerbell
HappyHamilween: No, we're hosting a party
marialewis: No dressing up?
HappyHamilween: Maybe I don't know
disneydemigod: I am NOT sweing ay costumes!
wait4it: what? You want us to clean up after you?
HappyHamilween: no, WE will clean up after us.
ActualAngel: he wants it to be the best halloween party in the history of columbia
trtlfckr666: Alexandwr Hamilton for you.
negan-killed-peg: is Lin Manuel Miranda coning?
HappyHamilween: I don't even know who the fuck that is Peggy, be sensible
TJEFFS: a playwright and he looks a lot like you
HappyHamilween: Then that means he looks like a dog's asshole, right? Some insult meant to insu,t em right?
I-Am-Lafcelot: Actually, mon ami, Jefferstupid is right he does look like you
HappyHamilween: No way.
HappyHamilween: Holy shirt
HappyHamilween: *shit.
HappyHamilween: This dude is my fucking twin! I know who I'm going as for Halloween!
trtlfckr666: Hahahahaha! Holy fuck! Got curious and googled the Miranda guy and I swrear it's fucking Alex! Ahahaha!
ActualAngel: Alex, where did you say you were from?
HappyHamilween: Nevis why?
TJEFFS: My god, Madison has to see this shit
HappyHamilween: Fuck off Jeffuckyou
ActualAngel: Because I'm super suspicious about you and this Lin-Manuel Miranda guy
elizaluvspuppies: Haha! Doppelgangers!
wait4it: Twins separated at birth!
marialewis: What who? Imma Google this shit

TJEFFS added Jmadison to Hamilween

marialewis: Wait.
marialewis: Is that Alex? Alex, are you this Lin-Manuel Dude?
Jmadison: Thomas, what the fuck?
HappyHamilween: No, I'm not. But I have a Halloween costume now
HappyHamilween: Hey Madison
HappyHamilween: No more adding people to the group chat. That includes people that I hate. Looking at you Jeffershit
TJEFFS: Love you too Alexander
HappyHamilween: Throwing a Halloween party guys! Halloween is on next Monday!
Jmadison: Who's coming?
HappyHamilween: your all invited
HappyHamilween: except Jefferdick
trtlfckr666: Yeah, you can go and stay at home and wonder why nobody wants to be your friend
disneydemigod: Have your own party with that idiot Charles Lee and his friend that dick Samuel Seabury
I-Am-Lafcelot: Don't forget that George Eacker shitdick
TJEFFS: I love you all too
HappyHamilween: The fuck are you still doing here Jefferson? Go eat a sack of horseshit.
TJEFFS: Not one of your better insults, Hamilton.
HappyHamilween: Don't care. Fuck off.

TJEFFS changed username to TJEFFSOWEEN

HappyHamilween: What the fuck? That makes no sense!
TJEFFSOWEEN: Neither does HappyHamilween
HappyHamilween: Thatms my party now get lost! Go jump up your own ass!
HappyHamilween: from now on, everyone ignore Jefferstinks!
marialewis: Can do!
elizaluvspuppies: Gladly
I-Am-Lafcelot: Well, this is Alex's chat so...
HappyHamilween: Hamilween yo! Everyone's welcome to mine and John's place for party planning tomorrow!
trtlfckr666: Thanks for consulting me man
Jmadison: Wait, you're roommates still?
trtlfckr666: Yeah.
HappyHamilween: Yeah
HappyHamilween: Jinx
Jmadison: But you were dating and you broke up
HappyHamilween: I'm dating Eliza now
elizaluvspuppies: Yep! That's true!
Jmadison: Eliza, you're letting Alex be roommates with his ex?
elizaluvspuppies: Yep. I trust Alex.
trtlfckr666: Besides, I fuck turtles now
I-Am-Lafcelot: Thanks for that image, mon ami.
disneydemigod: Ahahahaha!
HappyHamilween: Seriously tho seriously. Come by mine and John's to plan the party. It's gonna be wicked.
negan-killed-peg: I'm coming Alex!
HappyHamilween: Yes! Peggy! I love you, girl!
elizaluvspuppies: You're gonna make me go because I'm your girlfriend, right?
HappyHamilween: Yeah, I am, Eliza.
elizaluvspuppies: And so ill go
ActualAngel: Since my sisters are going, I'm going!
HappyHamilween: Hamilween with the Schuyler sisters! Yes!
I-Am-Lafcelot: ... I'm coming too, Alexander
disneydemigod: Just don't expect any cosplays and I'll go.
trtlfckr666: Might as well, since it's in my apartment and all
wait4it: Can we bring guests?
HappyHamilween: Sure! Just as long as it's not Jeffucker
TJEFFSOWEEN: Love you, Hamilton!

wait4it added nooonotglenn to Hamilween

HappyHamilween: Wait.
HappyHamilween: Who's this?
wait4it: Theodosia
HappyHamilween: Theo who?
nooonotglenn: Theodosia. I'm Aaron's girlfriend.
trtlfckr666: Ah! What did I say! I said Burr had a girl and I was right! I'm brilliant!
HappyHamilween: Who tf is Glenn?
nooonotglenn: Walking Dead
negan-killed-peg: zomg Theodosia pls come to Alexander's Halloween party
negan-killed-peg: Im Peggy Schuyler
nooonotglenn: yassss another Walking Dead fan!
nooonotglenn: Aaron, we're going to that party.
HappyHamilween: AAAAAHHH! The whole Hamilsquad is going to be together yo! I love this!
wait4it: tf is Hamilsquad?
trtlfckr666: No. No I ain't your Hamilsquad. Change that now, Alex

HappyHamilween renamed the group chat Hamilsquad

I-Am-Lafcelot: No. Not dealing with this
disneydemigod: If anything, y'all are in the Mullisquad
HappyHamilween: Not as catchy as Hamilsquad
TJEFFSOWEEN: And your not invited into my Jeffersquad
HappyHamilween: The. Fuck. You haven't left yrt? Go away!
HappyHamilween: But that actually is a better portmanteau than Hamilsquad
HappyHamilween: Don't confuse that for a compliment, Jeffershithead. You're still a pathetic and feeble excuse for a human being and I still hate you
HappyHamilween: How you didn't escape your mother not looking like a human dildo is beyong me you fucking french weeaboo macaroni fucker white guilt milquetoast piece of human garbage
HappyHamilween: And another thing-
Jmadison: Alexander, stop it!
elizaluvspuppies: Human dildo! I am dying!
trtlfckr666: Ahahahahaha
wait4it: French weeaboo omg
I-Am-Lafcelot: Now I really am laughs a lot! Bwahaha
ActualAngel: And I really am an actual angel!
nooonotglenn: ... What just happenwd?
wait4it: Hamilton hates Jefferson
nooonotglenn: Yeah, but what's milquetoast mean?
HappyHamilween: Dunno. I heard it off Rick and Morty
marialewis: I go to mcdonalds and come back to find I missed an Alex Rant? Boo
marialewis: Hey Theo!
nooonotglenn: Hey Maria!
nooonotglenn: At least you got that last bit right. Jefferson is human garbage
HappyHamilween: Also from Rick and Morty
HappyHamilween: So Maria, James, are you coming to my pre-Halloween party?
marialewis: Hells to the yeah
Jmadison: Um... Maybe. Yeah. Why joe
Jmadison: fhat was supposed to be not. Not joe
HappyHamilween: Yeeeeeeesssss!
HappyHamilween: Operation Hamilween is a go!

A/N: Despite the texting in this chapter, this isn't going to be a texting fic. I know, I know. I'm sorry. There is going to be some texting throughout though 90% of all interactions from here on in will be face to face.
And the broken arm thing, that was strongly based on something I did. I broke my wrist and it was my dominant hand. I write a lot (too much) and so I kept whacking the cast on a table in frustration. It hurt but my evil friends were all howling with laughter every time I did it. And for some reason, I kept doing it.