A/N: I do not own the Avengers, or Harry Potter.

Summary: Hermione, and Tony, are siblings from a one night stand, which Howard Stark had.


1979 France, Europe

Howard Stark, sat at the end of the bar nursing a scotch-rock, after the seminar he had attended for 'The Advancement's in Technology'. Finding that the only good thing about even coming to Europe was not being around his nagging wife, and being able to take in the beauty across the bar, drinking what looked to be a martini. He had gotten into a large blow with his wife, over him not being faithful to her, and him telling her that it was all in her head. He was hoping the ocean length separation, would do them both good, and also that she hadn't taken a bat to his lab again.

"Is that seat taken, handsome?" A soft gentle voice asked, interrupting the mans thoughts, she was the same woman he had been looking at across the way just seconds ago.

He waved the bartender to bring two more, each of there respected drinks, as he smiled at the young beauty, "I don't see anyone else sitting here."

She smiled at the bartender, who brought them there drinks, before meeting his brown eyes with her own , "Then I will sit." She was looking through her shoulder bag, as he took the time to study her frame. She had short golden curly hair, with a milk complexion, and was currently wearing a dark green sweater dress with brown leather boots that went just below her knees. She placed an issue of 'Starks' magazine on the counter, as she looked back at him, "I am Jean Granger, and am a huge fan of your work, it's the whole reason why I decided to study Science Engineering, now working on my Doctrine in Computer Engineering."

"How old are you?" He looked at the woman surprised, since she didn't even look anymore than twenty-three.

"I am very young, and that is all I will say," She answered in a teasing voice, "I graduated when I was fourteen." She was blushing as the other man continued to look at her, "It is of no great deal."

The American smiled as she sipped her drink, trying to control the blush, that he was finding impossible to ignore. He placed some Euro onto the counter, as he stood to his own feet, "I have some blue prints at my hotel, if you'd care to look through them," he offered, reaching out his own hand.

She stared at the ring on his wedding hand, before looking back up at him, "And you're wife? She does not mind?"

"We are separated at the time," He answered half truthfully, not planning to inform the beauty, that it was actually the ocean which was separating them at the time.

"That is to bad," She nodded as she slowly placed her hand, into his slightly bigger one, allowing him to lead the way.

His wife already had assumed he was unfaithful, so why make her a liar when there was a young brilliant beauty right here with him?

A Year Later

"You don't have the right to even say that, Maria!" Howard argued with his wife, as she threw everything within reach at him, "I love Tony, and nothing will change that."

"What about your other daughter, with that whore in France?" Maria asked, getting ready to throw one of her husbands rewards, "What is she to you?"

"She is my daughter," Howard answered, as he stayed barricaded behind his desk.

"Her mother is asking for money, isn't she?" Maria asked, a little more calmly, "That is why she sent you that package."

"She sent me the package, so I could see what my daughter looked like, and asking for my medical history in case anything happened. She does not need money, as she already has her own business, and engaged to her fiancee." Howard answered, passing a picture of his daughter, to a now calm wife, "It was only one night, and we parted knowing it wasn't permanent."

Maria looked at the beautiful three month old, as tears slid down her cheek, "What's her name?"

"Her name is Hermione Jean Granger," Howard answered, now pulling out files from his cabinet, for his secretary to make copies to send to his daughters doctors. "She was born three month from today, and I just now got the package, so I am just as surprised as you are. I will keep the picture in my desk, because it kills me to see you so upset," he gently went to take it from her, just to have it pulled away from his grasp, "Maria."

"She's going on the mantle, and tell her mother to keep sending these picture's, so we know she is doing well. Maybe when she get's older, she will be able to visit us, and meet her big brother," Maria smiled at the picture, as she walked out of her husbands office, "Dinner is at seven, dear."

Howard felt like he had whiplash, from the change in emotions coming from his wife, "Yes, dear."

Eight Years later

"Hermione, we're here miss," A lady in a suite gently whispered, trying to wake the young girl up from her nap.

The little girl looked at her surroundings confused, until remembering she was about to meet her father, and other family for the first time. She looked at the woman, who had picked her up, and brought her to the private jet, owned by her father with a smile, "Is he going to like me?"

The assistant smiled, as she folded the now empty bed, back into the sofa, "He love's you sweetheart, along with the rest of his family." She smiled as the child ran her fingers through her wildly curly hair, only causing it to get more wilder, "May I braid your hair."

"Alright, what's your name again?" Hermione asked, looking at the assistant sheepishly, not liking when she forgot anything.

"You could call me, Mandy," The assistant, now also known as Mandy, answered finishing the first french braid, before starting on the other, "If I could call you, Hermione."

The little girl giggled, as she looked at her new friend, "Okay, but just call me Mione."

"Alright, Mione," Mandy smiled as she pointed out the window, "There's the Statue of Liberty, we're going to be landing in a few minutes."

Hermione's eyes widened with wander, as she took in the sight before her, finding everything fascinating, "Can we get something for my, Mum, before I have to go home?"

"You'll be here for a month, I am sure you'll have more than enough time, to find the perfect gift for your mom," Mandy assured, as the plane began to land.

Howard practically jumped onto the ladder, as it lowered itself to the floor, and rushed into the plane. He froze when he spotted his daughter, who was looking at him surprised, and his assistant who was just smirking. He fell to his knees in front of the eight year old, as he started to examine her for bruises, or any other injuries, "Are you safe, Hermione?"

The little girl stared at Mandy, who just shrugged her shoulders, before back at the man she recognized as her father, "How would I have gotten hurt?"

"You are two hours late, I thought the worse," The worried father explained pulling the little girl into his arms. The last time he had seen her, was when him, and Marie, went to France for a short weekend, which was when she was three. "You're growing up so fast."

"I woke up a little late, and mum made sure I ate breakfast, before letting Mandy, take me to the airplane," Hermione answered, than squealed when she spotted Maria, who was just smiling at her, "Maria, I missed you bunches, mother sends her regards." The little girl wrapped her arms around her stepmother, who gently returned the hug, "Are we going shopping? I read all the books you sent me for Christmas."

Maria laughed, as she looked at Mandy, "Please excuse my husband, he just worries for his children, you did a great job," she lead the little girl out of the plane, leaving the still kneeling father, behind, "Please don't keep us waiting, Howard, dear."

A Couple Day's Later

Tony watched as his eight year old sister, had a tea party with the robot he had built for her, both wearing one of the many dress-up gowns. He looked at his sister with a smile, "So, what did you name your new friend?"

"Terry," Hermione answered, looking at her brother, with a toothy grin, "Want to have some tea?"

"Afraid not kiddo," The older brother knelt beside his younger sister, as she started to pout softly, "Mia, I will plan a whole day, where I will take you wherever you want to go. Does that sound like fun?"

The little girl just sighed, as she looked at her brother doubtfully, and started nibbling a cookie, "That's what mommy tells me," she looked at her brother, and smiled a little, "I'll play with Terry."

"Alright, but I promise I will make it up to you." He answered, kissing the top of his sisters head, before hurrying out of the room.

A Week Later

"Do you think daddy will like my dress?" The little girl asked, as she modeled a pink lace dress, when out with her stepmom.

"I think your daddy will love it," Maria assured, as she knelt in front of the little girl, "and you're mom won't even recognize you. You must have grown a hundred thousand feet, since you been here." She turned the little girl to face the mirror, and sighed when she spotted the frown on her lips, "What's the matter, Mione?"

"Am I a freak?" The little girl asked, looking down at her white dress shoes.

"Of course not sweetheart, why would you even ask?" The older woman asked, taking the young girl to a near sofa, in the changing room they had in the store.

"Because I make things happen," The little girl answered, still not meeting her stepmothers eyes.

Maria glanced around, making sure that no one else was within ear shot, before looking at the little girl, "What kind of things, sweetheart?"

"I made a boy fly to the top of a tree, when he kept calling me a bastard," She whispered softly, only so the older woman could hear, "They had to get the fire department, because the schools ladder only went up twelve feet."

"What happened than?" A now worried stepmother asked, helping the little girl back into her regular clothes.

"Some people in weird pajamas came to the school, and than they told me to pretend they were never there, than after they left when I tried asking the kids what the stranger did they said they didn't see anyone. I even apologized to the boy, and he didn't even know what I was talking about, than he called me a freak. I really did see those pajama people."

"Hermione, I want you to listen to me, alright?" Maria tilted the little girls head, so they were now looking each other in the eyes, "You are a very brilliant girl, and definitely not a freak."

The little girl smiled widely, as she wrapped her arms around the older woman, "Thank you, Maria."

The older woman smiled, as she stood to her feet, and reached for the little girls hand, "Perhaps we should grab lunch at Tiffany's, and than go to the book store," she smiled when her step daughter took her hand, and practically lead her the rest of the way out of the store.

"Is the princess ready, I have a big day planned for us, hope you have your tea hat on," The young stark commented, as he leaned against his sisters doorway in a tan suite, and loose white button shirt, "I reserved 'Miss Patty's Tea', for the next four hours."

The little girl smiled at her big brother, as she grabbed the hat, which her brother bought her the day before, "This is going to be so great, maybe I could get my mom a new tea set, Maria, and I saw a pretty one the other day at lunch. I can't believe I get to go twice this week, and with the best big brother in the world!"

He smiled as he helped his sister to her seat, and then sat across from her, and looked down at the menu, "So what should we start with?"

The little girl just smiled, as she began telling him, everything which she thought was good.

A/N: I hope you lie this chapter? I will trying to write more, and I apologize for misspellings.