The muse returned rather quickly so here's part two of the Student/Teacher AU. I have plans for the next AU reversal to be something different, but this may or may not turn into something more. It just depends. Anywho, thanks for the comments and reviews! They are greatly appreciated! Enjoy :) - Deni

Much to his dismay, Kakashi sat through an impromptu gun lesson: how to release the magazine, reload, how to cock one into the chamber, the safety and how to release it, and she pointed out the dot sights above the barrel used to aid in aiming. She made it sound so simple. You aim, pull the trigger and whatever is on the other side dies... if you're lucky.

Kakashi twisted the throttle as they sped down the interstate. She had insisted on driving, but he wasn't going to let anyone else take control of his baby. She allowed it, begrudgingly, since she didn't let him return to his home to collect any items. It was too dangerous. For him especially. And she refused to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves.

The cityscape faded away, and the four lanes merged into two. The glow of headlights grew more and more sparse and the sky became clearer the further away they traveled. But her arms never faltered around him. She was careful not to put pressure on his wound, and he was thankful for that.

Kakashi tried to let his thoughts go, but he couldn't stop thinking about Hayate, and the look in his eyes. They had been friends for years, had joked and drank and celebrated together. But the look he gave him that morning was murderous, as if he truly despised him. And maybe he did. He just wanted to know why. And how many other of his so-called friends weren't actually what they claimed to be.

He felt one of Sakura's arms leave his middle as she gestured to the upcoming exit. He nodded and zoomed by an eighteen-wheeler before merging into the exit lane. He followed her hand directions, going left and right and up a side street that steadily inclined.

She tapped his arm, yelling over the engine for him to slow down. So he did, and she pointed out the next turn, a sharp left barely visible, that he would have missed otherwise. He was sure many people wouldn't even give it a second thought as concealed as it was. The road wasn't paved, and made the ride horrendously bumpy and uncomfortable. He followed her directions at each fork, wondering how anyone could make it through the seemingly maze-like paths. Then again, he assumed that was the point.

They finally emerged from the treeline and he stopped, resting his feet on the ground and looked on in awe. He had no idea something like this was out here. Down the other side of the hill was a massive building. It looked to be an all wooden structure, stretching across the field from treeline to treeline, but rose no higher than the canopy of the trees. There were lights lining the courtyard and he could faintly make out figures that appeared to be keeping watch.

"Let's go," Sakura ordered.

Kakashi's heart sped, anxiety thrumming through him, and he swallowed hard, choking it all down. He twisted the throttle and then they were descending the hillside. He kept the speed low as they approached, and couldn't keep his eyes from scanning the masked faces of those standing guard. The white painted masks were a bit creepy, some with cat-like features, others resembled birds, bears, or wolves. And he knew they were watching them, or rather him.

Sakura was off the back of his bike before he finished downshifting and turning off the engine. She pulled the helmet off of her head and the guardians outside all raised their right hands to her, giving a two-fingered salute beside their masks. Kakashi removed his helmet, and turned his gaze to her. He really didn't know a thing about her – this girl that commanded that much respect. She nodded her head at him to follow and he did so without word. What could he possibly say anyway?

The double doors were opened for them and the foyer was darkened with only a pair of candles to light the way. He stiffened when her fingers found his hand and curled around it.

"Those answers I promised you are this way. You're safe here, Kakashi."

He didn't reply to her and she only squeezed his hand in reassurance. He didn't see the door in front of them, but thankfully he wasn't the one in the lead. Sakura pulled the door open and the soft lights inside nearly blinded him for as dark as it just was. He registered her letting go of his hand, and he could hear her steps fall away from him. He slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust and was surprised to see that she was being embraced by a blond haired boy.

"Sakura-chan! I'm glad you're safe! We've been keeping an eye on the news reports. You've been the breaking story all day!"

She narrowed her eyes at him as she leaned in, her body language admonishing his behavior, but her voice was gentle for even as annoyed as it was. "Naruto... really..."

Kakashi felt slightly at odds as she glanced back at him. The boy looked over at him then, his eyes were bright and matched the smile that stretched his lips. "So you're Kakashi Hatake, hmm?" Then his gaze narrowed as he seemed to be examining him.

What's with this kid? "Um... that's me." Kakashi answered.

"Well, welcome!" And then he turned back to Sakura, loud and rambunctious as he danced around her in excitement. "I'm glad you're finally back! That Uchiha bastard's been miserable. He won't say it but I know he missed you!"

Uchiha? Did he say Uchiha? Kakashi's shocked expression froze on his face; he hadn't heard the name Uchiha since he was a boy. Since his friend had...

"Kakashi? Are you okay?"

Startled by Sakura's warm touch, he shook his head. "I'm... I think I just need... a minute."

"Naruto will you keep it down? Some of us are getting ready to turn in for the night."

At the new voice, the trio looked up. Kakashi was taken back by the young man that stood there. He was lean, with impeccable posture and fair skin. His long raven hair cascaded below his (fine-robed) shoulders, and beside him was a woman with similar features – the most striking of which were their opalescent eyes.

"Tch, you can bite me, Neji," the boy teased.

Sakura promptly smacked him on the arm. "Sorry, you know how excitable he is."

The girl blushed, before turning her gaze to Kakashi. Being caught in her admiration of the blond only made her blush deepen. Her voice was softer as she spoke. "It's alright Naruto-kun. Neji's had a long day is all."

The male – Her brother? Cousin? Kakashi guessed – only heaved a sigh. "Formalities abound, I'm glad you made it back safely Sakura, though we all had little doubt otherwise." He paused and spared a glance in Kakashi's direction. "Now if you'll excuse me... goodnight."

His steps were so measured and graceful he almost appeared to be floating by. Kakashi let his eyes linger on him before he disappeared around the corner. The woman bowed her head politely to him before excusing herself and following the same path, calling out for the Neji character to wait for her.

The blond kid – What was his name, god he was awful at remembering names – growled and sniffed in defiance. "Anyway, you should probably go see Baa-chan! She's been waiting for you and she wanted me to make sure to tell you to "step on it" or whatever." He gestured with air quotation marks and a shrug of his shoulders.

"Thanks, Naruto."

He nodded and glanced back to Kakashi. "I'll see you around, eh Kakashi? See ya tomorrow Sakura-chan!"

She let out a small chuckle before spinning around and taking Kakashi's hand again. "Come on, I've got to take you to see Lady Tsunade. I'm sure she's been expecting you all day, and she hates being kept waiting so … we should probably hurry."

"What is this place?" he asked as she lead him down a corridor on the right.

"This is simply known at The Tower." He must have had a funny expression on his face because she laughed before continuing. "Though I know it's not a real tower. We live here, train here, and work here - "


"Yes, like my job to protect you."

"So this Tsunade is the one that gave you the order?"

Pink hair bobbed as she nodded. "Yes, she is."

"And who exactly is she?"

"You'll find out for yourself. A few quick tips: let her address you first and reply with Tsunade-sama, and hold your questions until she asks for them, and trust me she will. If she drinks, don't comment on it. Don't comment on how much she drinks. If she calls you a brat, consider it a term of affection, and let it roll off. She has a mean front, but she's a wonderful person, though don't tell her I said that."

"Anything else?" he asked jokingly to hide how overwhelmed he was feeling.

They stopped in front of a set of doors and Sakura took his helmet from him; he'd almost forgotten he was carrying it. She ran her fingers through his hair, attempting to style it, but quickly giving up. "Good luck. And when she tells me to leave, just know that I'll remain out here waiting for you."

Kakashi wanted to say something then, anything – to ask her to wait, to just give him another minute, to please not leave even if she was asked to, but he couldn't get his mouth to operate. And then Sakura was reaching forward and opening the door and it was too late to turn back.