Rakan stands in a park, idly pacing back and forth whilst talking to himself.

Rakan: I'm bored. Xayah left without me. She said she needed to gather information and said I attract too much attention. Me?! No. Plus is there really such a thing as too much attention? I say not enough. Please no one can get enough of Rakan.

He looks up at the distance watching as the sun begins its fall and dusk has barely begun.

Rakan: This light… Would do wonders for my cape!

Rakan, as the masterful performer that he is, begins to dance as the golden light of the setting sun reflects off his gleaming feathered cape. A crowd begins to form to watch the mastery of this Vastayan battle dancer, his performance as beautiful as it is deadly. He continues to show off his skills until the last of the sun falls beneath the horizon. He stops and stares into the sky while his entranced audience stares at him eagerly. He shrugs and walks off. Sounds of disappointment can be heard from the dispersing crowd. Only one person remains a blond haired girl wearing armor and carrying a wand. The avian performer climbs a nearby tree and begins to preen his feathered cloak, completely oblivious to the young girl who had followed him.

Lux: Hello?

Rakan: …

Lux: I liked your performance.

Rakan: …

Lux: Um hello?

Rakan: …

Rakan is completely focused on preening the feathers of his outfit. Annoyed, Lux raises her wand and points it towards Rakan, her light magic charging before firing right next to Rakan's head. The flashy thespian jumps, startled by the sudden light and danger.

Rakan: Hey! What's the bright idea. You almost singed my hair.

The light mage laughs.

Lux: Bright idea, good one. Well I was watching you dance and when you stopped you looked a little sad so I thought I'd follow you and cheer you up. You know brighten your day.

Rakan looks at Lux, examining her.

Rakan: Hmph not a very fashionable look for you. Also why a laser! You could've killed me, you know there are better ways to get a guy's attention. You could start with that hair.

Lux: I'm gonna ignore that comment but I did call out to you several times. You just didn't respond at all.

Rakan: So you fire a laser? A… Laser. You're a mage. A powerful one at that to conjure that kinda magic. Pretty good for a human.

Lux: Is it strange for a human, as you say, to be good at magic?

Rakan: Well, humans can't understand magic the way Vastaya can.

Lux: Enlighten me.

Rakan: well humans think magic is this outside wonder, this force but to us magic is life, it is the air we breath. Humans think its-

Lux: Like fire or a storm. Something they think is difficult to control?

Rakan perks up, surprised by the mage's interruption.

Lux: Hey mind helping me up there?

Lux raises her hand extending it towards Rakan who sits on a branch up above her. With the grace of a trapeze artist he swings on the branch and easily pulls her up next to him.

Lux: Thanks.

Rakan: It was no issue, you're not very heavy.

Lux: you could say im lightweight?

She smiles at her pun and rakan can't help but chuckle.

Rakan: So you're a light mage.

Lux: That's right. Which is why I understand when you say magic is a part of life. From where I'm from people people keep saying I'm this amazing sorceress. That I'm the reincarnation of this old powerful mage. But light it's a part of me. I'm as much it as it is a part of me.

Rakan: You actually understand. I'm surprised. Pretty good for a human.

They both smile and watch the moon rise into the sky. The stars gleam overhead while reflecting off Lux's armor which shimmers beneath the lunar light.

Rakan: So I've been wondering, what are those things on your feet? Humans always wear them.

Lux: hmmm, I'll tell you if you teach me some dance moves.

Rakan: deal.

Lux: They're called shoes. People wear them to protect their feet. If all the things you could have asked why choose shoes?

Rakan: because I want a pair, red and bright.

Lux smiles and laughs a bit before waving her wand and a pair of shoes made of light appear. They float in the air just a mere illusion but beautiful. Rakan reaches out to touch them but his hand passes right through them.

Lux: Sorry just a parlor trick.

Rakan: more like a trick of the light.

She laughs at his pun.

Rakan: I would want them to have feathers right there. Oh and maybe like a swirly pattern right over there. Oooh and make the swirl gold in color. Yeah perfect

Lux: you are so strange, Mr Flashy

Both laugh.

Lux: okay it's my turn, Teach me how to dance. There are no dances in Demacia that are like that.

Rakan: usually I would have declined you deal but you act more like a vastaya than a human.

Rakan leaps out of the tree and gestures Lux to follow suit. Lux jumps and Rakan catches her as to not hurt herself.

Rakan: okay follow my lead.

They begin to dance slowly, Rakan showing her the steps. She is careful not to step on his feet. They continue like this until a voice can be heard in the distance.a

Garen: Lux?! Luxanna! Where are you we gotta go!

Lux: that would be my brother, I should go.

Lux lets go of Rakan and runs off waving goodbye to him before disappearing down the path. Rakan gets back to pruning his feathers before his love comes by.

Xayah: Miss me?

Rakan: Always.

The next morning by the tree Rakan finds a box with his name attached. He opens it to find a physical replica of the shoes Lux had made out of light. He just smiles and looks up to the red dawn.