A/N:this was originally submitted to my tumblr account(trashunlimited)

She was surrounded

Talon agents were everywhere,and she couldn't see any of her teammates.

Despite having her endothermic blaster,Mei still felt a bit nervous. Pulling it out,she began to fire at the Talon agents. For a moment,she no longer felt that way. That was,until a Talon agent shot her gun,breaking it and rendering it useless.

Mei instantly panicked,without her blaster she was an easy target. She really had no other way to defend herself. With this,the Talon agents swiftly began attacking her,and Mei was now badly injured. Just as everything seemed hopeless,she heard a familiar voice yelling. "Oi! Leave 'er along ya drongos!

Even though it was Junkrat,Mei was relieved someone had come to help her. He instantly began shooting at the Talon agents until they were all gone,either from dying or fleeing. Junkrat ran up to an injured Mei and placed his living hand on her shoulder. "Snowflake? Are you okay?" Mei didn't say anything,instead she hugged him,causing the junker to blush. "S-Snowflake? What are ya-"

"Thank you…" She responded before he could finish. Junkrat hadn't expected this,but he wasn't complaining. Instead he was beaming inside. He'd never say it out loud but he always really liked Mei,even if the feeling wasn't mutual.

"Those agents made ya go bonkers!" He joked,laughing that maniacal laugh of his. "Come on,lets go find the doc."

With that,Junkrat carried Mei,walking around until he found Mercy. When she noticed the two she instantly ran over to them. "Oh no! What happened to Mei?" She asked. "Talon got to 'er,and they broke her blaster too." Mercy took Mei from Junkrat's hands,much to his disappointment. "Thank you for saving her Junkrat,we must take her back to headquarters and get her patched up." Before he could respond,Mercy had already left. Sighing,the Junker followed behind and into the helicopter the team had arrived in.

At headquarters,Junkrat had been waiting to see Mei anxiously. Even Roadhog was confused,as he hadn't known what had happened. "What are you doing." He questioned. "It's Mei,she got badly hurt by that damn Talon,I'm just waiting to see 'er." Junkrat explained,not sounding like himself. Roadhog was the only one who knew of Junkrat's feelings for Mei,and he could tell he was truly upset about all this. He didn't say anything more though,and Junkrat went over to find Mercy.

When he did,she was just leaving the room where she had attended to Mei's wounds. "Oh Jamison there you are! I was just about to look for you!" Junkrat felt weird,being referred to as his real name,as that didn't happen often these days,not sense he took the aliases of 'Junkrat'. Shrugging it off,he wanted to ask how Mei was. "Sn-Mei…hows she doin'?"

"She's much better now,but she is still upset her blaster was broken."

"Can I talk to 'er?"

"Of course."

Junkrat then opened the door,and saw Mei sitting on a chair with bandages all over her. She turned her head to see him,and smiled at the junker for once. "Junkrat! It's…it's good to see you." He smiled,happy for once that she was glad to see him. "Same here Snowflake. Glad you're doin' better." He then pulled out her broken blaster. "Now 'bout this blaster of yours,I can fix it for ya. I made me own limbs for all!"

Mei felt a blush on her face,and her smile widened. "You would do that?" Junkrat nodded. "Of course,I could tell the blaster getting all broken bummed ya out,so I'll patch it up for ya." Mei got up and rewarded him with another hug. Junkrat blushed and hugged back. It was then he noticed just how tiny she was compared to him.

That night,Junkrat began to work on her blaster,fixing it up for her. Junkrat had never done something like this before,in the outback there was no time to be selfless,it was all about survival. Doing a good deed for Mei however,made him feel all good inside. He knew how happy his little Snowflake would be once she saw her blaster fixed.

The next day,Junkrat went to find Mei,and gave her the endothermic blaster,all fixed and ready to be used again. The look on her face when she was given it made Junkrat feel all warm inside. "Thank you so much!" She beamed,and once again,a hug and a very flustered Junkrat.

He could certainly get used to this.