It's day twenty-nine…only two more after this.


Baiken looked ready to kill someone, which was most likely true considering who she was dealing with at this moment.

"Chipp, if you don't shut up this instant, I'll skewer you," growled out the pink-haired samurai as she glared at him with her one eye.

The ninja turned to her with a look of confusion. "What exactly did I do now?"

"It's the fact that you keep trying to be Japanese despite the fact that you're American."

"Hey! I am one-hundred percent Japanese!"

"Chipp, just because you know a few Japanese words that any foreigner would know doesn't make you Japanese," replied Baiken with a deadpan tone.

"Yeah, well…how would you know?!"

"I'm actually Japanese, you idiot!" hissed Baiken, her anger becoming greater. She then let out a sigh of frustration. "Why couldn't Anji be here instead? I can at least tolerate him."

"…I'm not that bad," muttered Chipp, feeling very dejected at that moment.

"Just leave, Chipp. I need to continue searching for That Man so I can get my revenge and I don't need someone like you getting in my way," stated Baiken as she started to walk away.

"I could help you!"

"Leave, Chipp!"

The white-haired wannabe took a step forward to follow after Baiken, but had to jump back when the samurai shot out her metal claw at him. He stepped back even further when he was on the receiving end of a murderous glare that promised death.

"I-I'll just take my leave then."

And with that, Chipp vanished in a puff of smoke. Now that she was alone, Baiken released a sigh of relief. She really hated dealing with people and Chipp was one of the worst due to how annoying he was. If she were to succeed in getting her revenge, she would have to do it alone and someone like Chipp would just slow her down.

'Plus,' she thought to herself. 'If don't make any attachments, no one will miss me if I die in the process.'



It's been a very long time since I've played a Guilty Gear game. I should really get back into it. Speaking of Guilty Gear, does anyone remember the web comic "Holy Zen"?