Since Halloween is almost here, I present you all with a little piece entitled: "Terrifying Tuffnut."

The premise is that Snotlout has been trying to tell stories to scare Tuffnut, without any success. So…

Hiccup cleared his throat. "You're doing this wrong all wrong, Snotlout,"

"Well if you're so smart you try and scare him, Mr. One Legged Know It All!" Snotlout sneered.

"All right," Hiccup turned and looked Tuffnut in the eye. "You know, Tuff, there's a place in the world—"

"Full of monsters and demons?" Tuffnut asked dully,

"Nope. It's full of peace loving people who never blow up anything. There are no boars so they have no need for boar pits—"

"No need for boar pits! What kind of a sick twisted place is this?" Tuffnut asked nervously.

"Those who have sisters never fight or wrestle with them or take delight in seeing them in self inflicted pain—"

Tuffnut gasped.

"And you know what they eat for dinner every night?" Hiccup grinned wickedly.

"Don't say it don't say it!"


"NO!" Tuffnut screamed and ran out the door.

Hiccup turned back to his cousin. "You see, Snotlout, the trick is to know your audience."