"Weiss, I-"

"Not now, Ruby, can't you see I'm talking to Neptune?! Oh yeah, sorry about that, it was just Ruby, so anyways….."

Ruby slumped back on to her bed and heaved a huge sigh. "I never get to talk to you anymore, Weiss…"

"Ruby, can you please stop talking to yourself? I swear one more word and—RUBY?! Where do you think you're going? This isn't over yet!"

Ruby didn't want to hear it anymore. She stood up and walked out of the room, holding back her tears.

"Harsh much, Weiss? That's my little sister you know," Yang interrupted.

"Ruby has a point though, ever since you and Neptune got together, you barely have any time for us," Blake added.

Weiss rolled her eyes and then gave out a sigh. "I'll call you later, Neptune.", Weiss said as she hung up.

"I-I like Neptune okay, and this is my first time getting a boyfriend. Back in Atlas, my father never allowed me to do anything. But now that I'm free and I have someone who looks at me not as some princess but just a regular human being, I…", Weiss trailed off.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. You want to always be together and spend time with each other…", Yang rolled her eyes.

"…But that doesn't mean that you get to treat Ruby that way.", Yang continued.

"After all, before you met Neptune, Ruby was the first person to treat you the way you described him. I was there during our first day remember?", Blake added.

Weiss looked down, visibly guilty.

"What do I do? This is the first time I've seen Ruby walk out like this. Usually she'd yell back and start a fight but now… Gosh, I think I really did hurt her.", Weiss said.

"I don't know this is the first time. Yeah, for some reason, Ruby's been acting weird. She started going out more often. And it all started when you got together with Neptune.", Yang responded.

"Maybe she's just not used to it? I mean, Weiss, you are Ruby's first friend here in Beacon", Blake answered.

"You think so Blake? Because I've known her all my life and I swear she's acting weird. Well, anyways, let's just leave this to Weiss and Ruby. Ruby will come back here soon enough, just wait for her Weiss," Yang added.

"Mhm….", Weiss murmured with uncertainty.

Ruby ran as far as she could. Somewhere. Anywhere. As long as it was away from Weiss. She didn't realize that she was running into a forest.

Acting on her instinct, she wielded her weapon and used it to climb up a tree. She rested on a branch after so much running and then decided to look around. She noticed a cliff and launching pads. Her eyes widened.

"Emerald Forest…"

And suddenly, Ruby felt her heart clench. This was the place where she became friends with Weiss. This was the place where they fought Grimm together and went though many antics. This was the place where team RWBY was formed. And lastly, this was the place where they officially became huntresses.

Ruby closed her eyes. She may have been overreacting, but she couldn't handle it. She couldn't take how Weiss could turn down Jaune without batting an eyelash, but fall into Neptune's arms with the same intensity.

"I know I'm a mess, I'm childish, immature and wild.. I know I'm not like Neptune who's so cool and could sweep you off your feet but it hurts…", Ruby spoke as tears rolled down her eyes.

"I know I shouldn't be feeling this but it hurts, it hurts not being able to have you look my way. I was satisfied with the time we spend together but now, Neptune has all that..", Ruby cried more.

In the middle of her tears, leaves started to rustle and the ground started to shake. Immediately, Ruby wiped her tears and looked around. A deformed, black figure with red eyes, resembling a sloth appeared. Ruby's eyes widened. Grimm. She forgot how Grimm were attracted to negative emotions. Soon, Ruby found herself surrounded.

Strangely, despite her sadness, Ruby found herself smirking at the sight of Grimm. She readied Crescent Rose and jumped from the tree. If killing Grimm meant that Ruby could take her mind off of Weiss, then she'd gladly indulge.

"Hey Ruby, Weiss has been waiting all day-OH GOD, Ruby what happened to you?!", Ruby was greeted by a panicked Yang as she made her way to her bed.

"I'm not in the mood to talk, Yang, can't we do this tomorrow…?", Ruby responded as she made her way to the bunk bed.

As Ruby tried to jump she was stopped by Weiss who held firmly on her shoulder. "You can't just brush it off like this. Your clothes are ripped, your body is filled with scratches and your leg is bleeding! What. Happened. To. You.", Weiss stared at Ruby's eyes.

Weiss was worried about her. Ruby couldn't help but blush. Realizing blood rushing to her cheeks, Ruby looked down to hide her face. "I-I f-fought Grimm…", she responded shakily.

Ruby couldn't breathe well, suddenly being conscious of how hard Weiss's grip was on her shoulder. All sorts of thoughts started to enter her mind. She peeked a little at Weiss who had an angry expression on her face. Ruby's eyes focused on her lips. Nothing else would heal her wounds other than Weiss's kisses. Ruby just knew it.

"You fought Grimm so much that you'd get yourself in this state? Ruby, I know you're reckless. But this is just stupidity.", Blake broke through Ruby's thoughts.

"I can't help it…", Was all that Ruby could say. It was true. Every slash she made with her scythe, Weiss would enter her mind. And so she would slash again and again just to get her out of it. She didn't know that was starting to go beyond her limits until a grim slashed her leg.

"But Ruby, this is too much! Why did you even go so far? If you wanted to get better, we have trainings too, you know? And one wrong move you make, you're dead! If you die, gosh I'd-"

"You'd what, Weiss?", Ruby cut Weiss off from her scolding. Ruby was curious now and anticipated Weiss's answer.

"You'd what?", Ruby repeated and smirked as she leaned in closer to Weiss.

Weiss looked away. "You're too close.", Weiss said.

Ruby, becoming conscious of her actions, backed up and sighed. The exhaustion was starting to kick in. "I'll go patch myself up in the clinic. You don't have to worry guys. I just wanted to see how long I could last. See you!", Ruby saluted as she dashed out of the room, leaving everyone in silence.

"Okay NOW she's really acting weird. And on top of that, you guys weren't able to make up.", Yang broke the silence.

"I'll go check the clinic. Just to make sure that she really went there and not anywhere else. I think.. I already know why she's acting like that", Blake said as she stood up from her bed.

"Really? Can you tell us?", Weiss asked, annoyed. She was already stressed out when Blake was acting up on being a Fauness and now, having Ruby, their leader, being weird, Weiss was worried again.

Yang gestured to Blake (in a way that Weiss wouldn't recognize) as if asking her if the matter was personal. Blake gestured back saying that she'll tell her later. Blake then turned back to Weiss.

"I… don't think it's best to tell you right now Weiss.", Blake said as she made her way to the door,

"Why not?!", Weiss ran to the door to prevent Blake from exiting.

"Be patient princess and let me through. Seeing how things are going, I think Ruby will tell you in time.", Blake responded and left.

"Nice to see that you're really here", Blake interrupted Ruby from continuing to aid her wounds.

"Did you come to check up on me? In case I'd go somewhere else?", Ruby asked, slightly amused.

"Yeah. But more importantly, I need to talk to you about Weiss", Blake answered.

"If it was about me walking out this morning, I think we can-"

"You like Weiss, don't you?"


There was a silence for a few seconds until Ruby spoke. "Wow, you never beat around the bush do you, Blake?", Blake didn't respond and just stared at Ruby. Ruby exhaled and then took a deep breath. Her cheeks turned red. "I do. And how did you…."

"Fauness are good at figuring out people's emotions. Setting that aside, what are you going to do? She has a boyfriend. And as much as I'd like to tell you to give up, I don't think you'd listen. Also, your feelings are much deeper than just liking Weiss now is it?", Blake responded.

"Yes Blake.. I love her. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Just being around her is already intimidating for me. I can't look her in the eye otherwise I'd be tempted to kiss her."

"Is that why you've been going out a lot recently?"

Ruby nodded.

"…This is hard. Hey Ruby, I may not know what to do, but know that I'm here to support you."

"Thank you Blake."