"What's wrong, Ruby? I've never seen you so…. frustrated", Yang asked as she entered their room accompanied by Blake. The two have gone the night before in order to buy time for Ruby to take action towards Weiss and have only returned the following day. "And where's Weiss?", Blake followed. "With Neptune", Ruby conservatively answered.

Blake and Yang looked at each other then back at Ruby. They decided to sit on the floor with Ruby as the brunette had been absent – mindedly playing with her binder and trying to scribble something on it. "Ruby", Yang decided to try once more. "Hmm?", the brunette hummed.

"Did anything happen last night? You seriously look so down. There's still time, you know? Just because Weiss is with Neptune now doesn't mean that it will be like that forever. Not that I want them t break up but I think you know what I mean.", The blonde tried to elaborate.

"I'm not sad", Ruby turned to look at her sister. "I'm thinking", she added as she went back to scribble on her binder. "I don't get it", Yang replied. Ruby looked up again. "I know that Weiss may still be undecided but I'm fighting with all I've got". "Is that why you're planning on the binder? As some other way to get to Weiss?", Blake asked, adding herself to the conversation.

Ruby shook her head. "These…", Ruby said as she motioned to the scribbles on the binder, ".. are plans for our date later." the brunette continued as she diverted her attention back to the binder. "…" Blake and Yang immediately fell silent, as if trying to process what Ruby had just said. They looked to each other once more then back at Ruby again.

"WAIT WHAT?!", Yang was the first one to break the silence. She grabbed her little sister by the shoulders and forced said sister to look her in the eye, excitement obviously plastered in the blonde's eyes. "You and Weiss are going on a date?!", Ruby nodded in response. "Today?!", Ruby nodded again. "What happened last night?!" "…", Ruby didn't respond. Instead, her face started getting red. "OH. MY. GOD.", Yang exclaimed as she tightly pulled her sister into a congratulatory embrace. "I'm so proud of you!"

Blake, on the other hand, watched Ruby's facial features. The brunette looked embarrassed and yet happy at the same time. Apart from the idea that maybe Weiss had accepted her feelings, the look on Ruby's face indicated that something might have happened the previous night. And based on her features, that something wasn't so innocent.

"… Did the two of you have sex?", Blake asked, trying to follow what her Faunus instincts told her. The two siblings looked at Blake, Yang with an even more excited face and Ruby with utter shock and horror. "I – no.. we- we didn't!", Ruby turned even redder and trid to cover her face with her hands. Blood rushed even to her ears as she desperately tried to prevent her mind from entertaining those kinds of thoughts.

Yang smirked. She always liked playing with the brunette and all the more to make fun of her. "Really, Rubes? But your face says otherwise. Did you like the sight of it? Weiss wearing nothing but her underwear? Or better yet did you like seeing her nake-" "YANG STOP IT!", the blonde was interrupted by an unusually high-pitched scream from the brunette. Yang laughed and decided to stop.

"N-nothing of that sort happened between us… We just..", Ruby couldn't finish her sentence, unsure and too embarrassed to recall the events of the previous night. "You just…?", Yang asked, her intentions of asking were pure, but the mischief in her tone betrayed her. "We sort of made out, okay?!", Ruby frustratedly answered, not wanting to deal with the embarrassment any longer.

"You kissed her or she kissed you?", the blonde asked. "Yang, you're too eager about this, give her some space. I'm just as excited and proud as you are, but look at her…", Blake tried to reason with the blonde. "Aww okay, Blake", Yang said and shortly after, decided to let the brunette go in order to sit properly. Ruby at up properly, took a deep breath and decided to start explaining.

"So uh, Weiss returned from her date and she looked a little disappointed I was in the room that time but I stayed quiet because I just wanted to observe her but then she threw a pillow and noticed I was there and after that um, a lot happened and eventually I was on top of her and she somehow knew that I was in love with someone but then she explained and I kissed her and at first she didn't kiss back but a lot of stuff happened and I kissed her again and she kissed me back and I confessed to her and told her stuff and asked her on a date and she agreed."

"That's a loooot of stuff that happened", Yang said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, followed by an amused smirk. "It's too long!", Ruby whined. "You skipped a lot of details there, Rubes, are you sure it was JUST a make-out session?", Yang asked teasingly once more. Ruby turned red again but she vigorously nodded, as if trying to prove her point. Yang sighed and decided to let it go.

"Three questions", Blake followed. "Yeah?", Ruby asked. "Do you think Weiss is entirely okay with this? Like, she's not disgusted by it? Does she have feelings for you?" "Yes, she wasn't repulsed by it… I think she was just shocked. I don't think she's disgusted by it either, it's just as Pyrrha said that maybe she could love me for me regardless of my gender. "As for her feelings… I don't know. But I'm gonna make her fall for me. That's for sure!", Ruby declared with such confidence that her embarrassment from yang's teasing disappeared. Seeing this, Blake and Yang smiled.

"Okay, so anything we can help you with, kiddo?", The blonde asked, in an attempt to move on from the topic. "Like maybe planning for your date later?", she added. Ruby turned to Yang then to her binder. She shook her head. "No.. I want to plan this on my own… But I guess I do need some advice" "Fire away, Rubes", Yang responded.

"Weiss is a Schnee so she always gets what she wants. Even if she doesn't have much experience when it comes to love, I think that she still has this sort of 'non-surprise' attitude towards things that she could easily gets, like watching movies or the typical dates in shows.. I just want mine to be different. I want to give her a date where I can see more of how she is but at the same time enjoy being with her…", Ruby said.

"Why not give her a date that money can't buy?", Blake suggested. Ruby gave the Faunus a perplexed look. "Since you said that the norm is a bunch of things that Weiss could buy, then focus more on making experiences and seeing parts of her personality. As you said, watching movies is something she can afford and at the same time, that act doesn't really bring out much about her save for the times when you two will have romantic moments like holding hands. Focus on things that make both of you shine.", Blake explained.

Ruby fell silent, trying to internalize what Blake had just told her. She closed her eyes and started to think. A few moments later, she opened her eyes and gave the bumblebee her signature smile. "I have a plan", declared the brunette.

It was noon already and Ruby was preparing to leave the room. "You gonna meet with Weiss?", the blonde asked. Ruby nodded. "You're not gona change clothes? I mean, you always wear that hoodie – dress", Blake added. Ruby shook her head. "I want to go on this date as Ruby Rose", the brunette responded and headed off. "She's slowly growing up", Yang muttered to herself, satisfied.

Ruby was walking to the bakery where she and Weiss had agreed on meeting in. She entered to shop and found Weiss sitting on one of the chairs. She had somewhat a sad expression on her face. Ruby walked towards Weiss and sat across her. "Weiss? Is everything okay?"

Weiss's attention was immediately diverted to Ruby. She nodded back and tried to force a smile. "Yes, Ruby, everything's fine", she responded. Ruby didn't look convinced. "Weiss, if you're not feeling well, we can cancel our date and have it some other time", Ruby offered, Weiss stared back at Ruby who had a genuinely worried expression on her face. Deep down inside, this made her feel happy that Ruby cared about her. She shook her head. "No Ruby, I wouldn't cancel our date. I just had to talk to Neptune this morning and it kind of lessened my mood.", she tried to explain. Seeing how Weiss looked down, Ruby decided not to inquire any further.

"A-Anyways, should we start? I have our whole day planned out", Ruby sheepishly smiled as she stood up and held out her hand. "That's funny, I don't recall you ever making any plans", Weiss teased. "For you though, I would", Ruby said casually to which Weiss blushed.

Their first venue was a children's playground. Weiss gave Ruby a confused look. "You brought me here, to play?!", Weiss asked incredulously. Ruby nodded, almost a little too excited. "I am not willing to dirty my clothes over such childish games! I-", Weiss was interrupted from her complaint as Ruby forcibly dragger her to the playground. "Wait—Ruby, What's the meaning of this?! I thought we were going on a date?" "This is date!" "I don't get you, Ruby Rose! You better let go of me and start explaining!" "No can do, Weiss, first stop, the swing!"

Ruby forced Weiss to sit on a metal board with chains connected to some sort of contraption. "Hold on to the chains, Weiss", Ruby said as she made her way behind Weiss. Weiss did as she was told. "I still don't get why- RUBY!", Weiss's scream rang throughout the playground as Weiss skyrocketed to the highest point that Ruby could push. When Weiss returned back again, Ruby pushed once more and the process repeated itself.

At first, Weiss screamed after the first few pushes. She was used to being catapulted to high altitudes in battle with or without her weapon, but for some reason, she felt like she was going to die if she ever dared to let go of the chains of the swing. Seeing how Weiss wasn't particularly enjoying, Ruby stopped the swing from its movements and observed Weiss's features.

"Uh, Weiss? Are you okay?", Weiss looked at her interlocutor with sarcasm. "What do you think?", "I'm sorry", Ruby responded. She made her way to sit on the swing beside Weiss and started riding on it slowly. "Have you never ridden a swing before?", Ruby asked. Weiss shook her head, slowly mimicking Ruby's actions. "I always practiced singing and studying and training back in Atlas.. I never really got the chance to be a kid.", Weiss responded. "I don't even understand how this thing is supposed to be fun", she added, a little frustrated.

Ruby stood up again and pushed Weiss, this time not with all her might, but rather, slowly. "It's supposed to give you this feeling that you get to fly as high as possible, you can almost touch the sky. It's different from airplanes. It just gives you this thrill of flying then falling back to the ground, only to want to fly higher", the brunette explained as she continuously pushed Weiss.

"I still don't get it", Weiss responded. "Close your eyes", Ruby said. "And let you push ne? What if I fall?" "Don't you trust me, Weiss?" "..I do" "Then just hold tight and keep your eyes closed." With this, Ruby started to push stronger than the usual gentle ones. Weiss felt her heart skip a beat as she was thrown upwards. Her heart accelerated as Ruby pushed her higher and higher. She felt nervous, but this time, she felt a little thrilled.

"Open your eyes, Weiss!", Ruby screamed. And at that moment, Weiss found herself high in the sky. With her arm wrapped around one chain, she reached for the sky with her other hand and slowly, she started falling again. When she reached back to the starting point, she turned to face Ruby. "Why did you stop?", she asked. "Did you like it?", Ruby responded. Weiss nodded and Ruby started pushing her again. This time, Weiss found the swing to be very enjoyable.

"What next?", Weiss asked, this time a little more eager to play n the playground. "The see-saw!", Ruby exclaimed. She instructed Weiss to sit on one end as she made her way to the other and started jumping. Slowly, Weiss also got the hang of it. "I don't see how this is supposed to be fun, if you ask me, I'd prefer to go back to the swing", Weiss said. Ruby chuckled and then upon hitting the ground, she shifted all her weight to the see-saw so that Weiss could stay hanging on the other end. "This", Ruby answered, "is what's fun about the see-saw", she gave Weiss a mischievous smirk.

Weiss tried to go back down, however she couldn't. She tried shifting her weight but it seems that Ruby had full control over the other end. "Ruby, this isn't funny! It's embarrassing!", Weiss whined. Ruby let her go and when Weiss got to the ground, she did exactly what the brunette had done to her and continued that cycle until they consumed two whole hours in the playground.

"I want to go there again", Weiss said. "On our next date?", Ruby suggested. Weiss nodded. "Where are we headed to, now?" "We need a place to rest after all the games in the playground and what better way to rest than to play with kids?", Ruby answered. Weiss didn't seem to understand what Ruby meant by her statement and so she opted to just follow the brunette. Eventually, they arrived in a daycare center.

Upon entering the center, all the kids in the play area turned to Ruby and immediately tackled her. They joyously hugged the brunette and tried to wrestle with her. Eventually, one kid noticed Weiss, who was standing, horrified, in a corner, and went near her. Weiss immediately looked around a saw an alphabet block and pointed it to the toddler. "S-stay back…", Weiss said as she tried to dig herself into the corner of the wall. The toddler ignored her warning and continued towards Weiss.

Ruby, noticing this, took the kids off her and went to the toddler. She hugged the kid and placed him near the others. She then approached Weiss."You don't like kids?" "… I'm bad at dealing with them. They scream, cry and are so demanding sometimes.", Weiss said, annoyance and fear covering her tone of voice. Ruby hugged Weiss and comforted her. "Whatever bad experience you had with kids, don't worry about that anymore. I'm here. I wouldn't take you anywhere that will harm you. Trust me. I'll show you that these places are fun too", Ruby smiled at Weiss and held out her hand once more. Ruby hasn't failed her yet. So Weiss decided to take her hand and follow her.

"It's easy, just be gentle and happy and hug them", Ruby said. Weiss tried to reach for a toddler but when she touched one, it immediately cried. Weiss immediately withdrew her hand. "I knew it… I'm bad at this.." "No, Weiss! Look, the baby is just hungry", Ruby and Weiss watched as the baby was taken away by the caretaker in order to be fed with a bottle of milk. "Try again? I'll always be here, promise.", Ruby smiled, trying to reassure Weiss.

And so Weiss did. Eventually, she got the hang of it and became friends with nearly all the toddlers in the daycare. Throughout their whole time in the daycare, Ruby and Weiss played games with the toddlers and told them stories. They lulled the babies to sleep and sang them songs.

By the end of the day, Ruby and Weiss were exhausted. Weiss contemplated on the events throughout that whole day and concluded that she had fun with Ruby. She had fun discovering parts of herself that were robbed off when she was a kid. She also liked the fact that she could get along with kids better. In comparison to her dates with Neptune, this day proved to be considerably better than all her dates with him combined. And seeing how Ruby has no external motives but just her happiness as priority, Weiss couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.

Slowly, but surely, she was learning to fall for Ruby. While walking, Weiss kissed Ruby on her cheek, to which caused Ruby to stop walking. "…?", the brunette's mouth hung open for a while at the sudden gesture. "That's for today. I had fun. Thank you.", Weiss said with a smile. Ruby smiled back, slowly returning back to earth.

"Our date isn't done yet though", Ruby said as she continued walking with Weiss. "Huh?" Ruby took Weiss's hand and started running. "We still have one last destination".