I had been doing this for so long, the fear of getting caught was a distant memory akin to other's childhood fancies of monsters under the bed - Unfounded, and frankly: Quite silly. It certainly was a lot different than the sort of jobs I had been doing. I found that my small frame afforded me easy access into windows, and once I had grown more bold and practiced, it became second nature. It was simple: I would case several different homes on a rotation a night for several nights and hit them. I was getting a pretty penny for all the jewelry I had recently procured, and there was no shortage of it here in Cheydinal. It was a nice little town, which suited my purposes rather well.

The past year had been rough. The Khajiit had taught me how to pickpocket, but that seemed to be getting less and less satisfactory. It was harder to hide or have plausible cause the older I became, so it was obvious that I had to start to look for new means of coin. Breaking and entering had been it - and it was honestly saving me from starvation.

I had encountered few problems other than a homeowner shifting in their sleep or narrowly missing a guard on my way out of a window, and I admit I had grown a bit bold. I knew I was good at what I did, and when I was old enough - in five years time, maybe, I would definitely look at joining the Guild. This did not prevent me from exercising a measure of healthy caution, however - so when I was met with a surprise, it came all the more jarring.

It had been a night like any other, as stories like these usually go - I had picked a total of three houses and swept them of valuables before heading off to the final one. It had been a good run - no hiccups, not that many guards out that night, and I had swiped several nice pieces that would feed me for at least a week or two.

I had climbed into the first story window after the guard rotation and was almost finished rummaging through a strongbox when I heard a noise. I didn't think much of it, just made sure to pay attention to it. If it was one of the homeowners rousing themselves from their sleep, then I'd have to be quick about getting to that window. I stood and pocketed a gold ring and then felt a gloved hand over my mouth. I thought better than to scream - but it had genuinely taken me by surprise that I jolted within my attackers grasp.

I felt that this person was taller than me, and by the scent and way the hand cupped around my face - I knew it was a man. They quickly dragged me into a quiet corner of the house where no one would rouse if we spoke in whispers. He turned me when he was sure the coast was clear, and I saw my kidnapper was not much older than me. Maybe ten years tops, but he was still very young. There was no crinkle at the corner of his eyes, nor any line that suggested age between his brows. I could see that, even though half his face was shrouded in mask and cowl. He was dressed strangely - not like any thief I had seen before, but still roguish. Even in the dark, his eyes glowed amber.

I thought to lie, as it was a compulsion that came easily to me. "W-who are you?" I whimper, voice trembling like I thought a normal child's voice might sound like. "You shouldn't be in here!" I pretend to think for a moment. "...B-but I won't call the guard if you - L-Listen, J-just don't tell my Da what you saw. He'll be really mad that I'm stealing what he owes for my allowance. Y-you see, I take it because - well, without the extra septims, he won't - He - He drinks too much after Ma died, and..." I trailed off, realizing the man was leaning into me rather than repulsed by a child close to tears.

The stranger smiled - I saw it in the way the freckles of his face shifted, and the apples of his cheeks rounded beneath his mask. His voice was smooth, quiet, and youthful.

"Clever child, this man has no offspring. I saw no little bed or toys in all my time here - so surely you are lying." I feel the blood drain from my face. "...It was a very good lie, however." I was frozen with fear. "Little Nightshade, I'm afraid it is you who must be going. I am not here for you, but if you are in my way, I will have to...Dispose of you myself." I studied his countenance, eyes sweeping and trying to understand what he meant by that. Of course I knew what it meant, but surely he couldn't mean - A few curls of red hair shined in the moonlight, sitting rebelliously against his shadowed brow.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a bother - " I stammered, too afraid to move. He raises a finger to his lips as if to shush me.

"You're interrupting my work, sweet thief. Either leave - or observe what lies in your future." He drew a line across his throat and huffed out a stifled laugh. I backed away from his wiry form, finally finding my will to move. I scramble backwards and throw myself out of the nearest window as fast as possible, guards observing be damned. Thankfully, Lady Luck was on my side, because it was dark and no one saw me at all.

I didn't sleep well.

The next afternoon I saw a hoard of guardsmen surrounding the place I'd broken into the previous night. A murder, they said - done by The Dark Brotherhood by the looks of it. I feel a shiver run down my spine, and speed walk past the house. In my haste, I bump into a man - who only slightly sways instead of staggers like one might at the rate I had been going. It meant that he had seen me coming and braced instead of moved. He captures me by my shoulders after we recover for a moment and leans down to look me in my face.

"Watch where you're going, Little Deathbell." The man mutters, and I jolt backwards in surprise. His hands fall from my small shoulders, the fingers not unlike those of a lutist - so clean, with nary an imperfection even with the protruding knuckles. I see the red curls brush against his arched brows, and my eyes lock onto his amber eyes. I notice immediately they are lined with dark kohl - the sort of thing Redguards do to ease the glare of the sun - and also a trait shared by those who work at night. I knew that from my fences - Many a thief's eye is sensitive to the daylight.

All at once I realized this man was part of The Dark Brotherhood - ! He looks so nondescript - though, it dawns on me later that is almost certainly the point. And no one had met a Dark Member and lived - at least, that's how the stories went. I didn't even think they really existed.

It was obvious that he recognizes me immediately, but I make no move to leave his presence. He could not possibly harm me with all the guard near, could he? I was simply a child, and he a very young man - I can see more clearly now that his face is not obscured by dark and fabric. Why was he here? If he was the killer - and surely, he was - Why would he chose to be so close to the investigation in the first place?


He must have read the curiosity and horror on my face, because he smiled. It was a sharp smile, the kind one expects from a villain. I see the contrast of the hollows of his cheeks against the rounded bone above, the gaunt features and perpetually tired eyes that burn with being alive. His face is very pale, as well - the only semblance of color are the freckles splattered across his nose. He looks very much like Death.

I am reminded then, that there are no monsters - not really - only people like he and I, who skulk on the outskirts of humanity. I'll admit that I enjoy my job probably as much as he does - though, my reasonings are far more noble - I do it to eat and survive.

He brings his finger to his lips, again - as if to silence my thoughts, then spoke quietly in a voice just for me - "I did not hear you come inside last night, Child of Darkness. You would make a fine sister, one day." Then he sighs, looking into my round face and then past it. "But for now - I leave you as responsible hunters leave small antlered game. Perhaps one day I will be back, and we will see how you've matured in your craft." He gives me another private smile - and I realize I find him strikingly handsome in an unconventional way, like only a ten year old girl can find a dangerous teenaged male - and with an air of mystery he spins on his heel and walks away from me. I can hear him whistle a cheery tune as he clasps his hands behind his back.

I watch him, me frozen in place, as he moves through the growing curious crowd, nodding and greeting those who look at him suspiciously for moving against him. He seems totally at ease - so calm, and serene. I realize I that I admire him - I need to step up my game - become one with my occupational choice as he had. If I was to succeed, I would need to be better -Flawless and unafraid like he was. Stealing was less awful than murder - so surely I could be at least some semblance of the same?

It would take time, of course, but I would get there.

I stare down at my dirty dress, hands equally etched with dust and mud. By Nocturnal, one day soon I would have clean clothes made of the finest fabrics and equally unmarred hands - and the nails would be painted like the noble-women did in the Imperial City. I would have everything I needed and desired - a big manor, a library, and treasures of unfathomable value.

And when this boy saw me again - and I was almost certain we would cross paths again - perhaps he might be impressed with what he saw.