I sigh, looking around at the humans milling about us in the busy town center. Jasper and I sit on a bench right in the middle of the bustle trying to spot something or someone that Jasper knows from his time in the past.

As soon as we left Jasper had begged me for some time away from our family. I think he needed to feel human again for a bit, and being around a constant reminder of his mistakes was helping not at all.

Edward was the first to go much to Rosalie's pleasure. She had rolled her eyes at the news and then turned back into the kind sister I once knew. I know that it pains her to know that she couldn't save me, and she's going to try her hardest to save Bella, if that means scaring her off then she'll do what she must.

None of us have even heard from him since the day he left save for Alice. He had stormed into the house just as soon as we were about to leave begging me to go to the treaty line and entice a wolf into finding Bella. I agreed just because he was stupid enough to leave her alone in the woods, and as much as I don't want her to be a vampire, I'd rather her die later in life than at his hands in a twisted way.

Naturally, Sam had met me before I even managed to see a wolf coming, snarling at me like an idiot until I told him what happened. He didn't say a word to me, just nodded appreciatively and ran off in another direction.

"Darling, are you sure he's coming?" I ask Jasper lovingly. His eyes glance towards me nervously before searching the crowd again.

"He said he would be here, Peter's never one to back down on his word." He replies, reaching over to give my hand a squeeze.

I just smile in response, reading the newspaper in front of us. It's a small story about a boy who was found mauled in the woods of California, and I sigh, hoping that my kind wasn't the cause. The story says mountain lion, but I still worry.

I put the paper down, fiddling with the ring on my finger as we sit. My mind flits to Bella. She emails Alice constantly, so much so that Alice had to delete the account to keep herself from heading back to Forks to check on her against Edward's wishes.

My dead heart aches for the girl. She's surely suffering, I can barely bear to think about being apart from Jasper for so long. Alice keeps tabs on her, but it seems that she's not trying hard to keep herself alive. Alice has begged me to interfere, but I can't bring myself to; yet.

"You look stunning today." Jasper mutters, glancing over at me again, his golden eyes sweeping over my form lovingly.

"You're too good to me Jasper Hale." I laugh lightly, scooting my metal chair closer to him.

Our moment is interrupted by the approach of two people, and Jasper perks up instantly. He stands to his feet, quickly pulling the male in for a handshake. They exchange a few words before I stand as well, meeting the eyes of our visitors.

The man is tall and lanky, Peter as I assume gives me a charming smile, quickly shaking hands with me as well.

"Hello, ma'am. You must be Calina." He politely tips his head at me, tugging his mate forward.

"Peter, I've heard so much about you." I grin, leaning into Jasper as they speak in low tones to one another.

I make eye contact with the timid girl with him, assuming that she must be Charlotte. I give her a smile, holding out my hand to her.

"I'm Calina, apparently those two are too lovestruck to introduce us." I scoff, rolling my eyes at my mate.

"Charlotte." She responds quietly "Peter failed to mention that Jasper found his mate."

She seems content with the fact that I'm here so I offer her a seat at the table Jasper and I have been sitting at for an hour or so. The clouds seem to be never ending so we're refreshing ourselves with the outdoors. It's been nice to not have to hide for sure.

"When were you turned?" Charlotte asks inquisitively like she's trying to figure something out, and I glance at Jasper. He's paused his conversing, and is staring down at us with a tight grimace.

"About a year ago."

"You're still young." She muses, her slightly red eyes darting around us.

"She is." Peter jumps into the conversation, sitting down next to Charlotte.

Our conversation takes a quick turn away from me and I sigh. Charlotte is too shy it seems to hold a conversation, so I watch the humans with interest, watching as a girl across the room sips her coffee apprehensively as she watches the barista behind the counter. I could interfere, feeling the mutual like they have for each other, but I know how wrong that would be. Unlike Edward, trying to block them out seems to work better for me.

"Word is Italy is watching your clan closely." Peter gives me a glance, intriguing me back into the conversation at the table.

"They've done that since Carlisle left them." Jasper shrugs, his now golden eyes finding mine instantly.

"I'm sure they're interested in finding out exactly what's been going on, we sent a wedding announcement their way." My lip curls as I think of the chilling figures Jasper's been so secretive about.

"Carlisle thought it would be best if they knew." Jasper sighs, his hand grabbing my own atop the table, a calm settling over my body.

"They always like to be in the know." Peter chuckles, shuffling uncomfortably.

"Enough about them." Charlotte smiles lightly across the table.

"Yes, how is your family, I was surprised you left your home so soon. If I remember correctly you had just moved there a little under a year ago."

"There was an incident." Jasper mutters, looking down and studying the intricate patterns on the tabletop, so I jump to finish his thoughts, knowing how it still pains him.

"Edward found his mate, a human, and after a few things happened he decided it would be best if we left her to have a human life without our interference. He didn't want history to repeat itself. None of us did" I sigh.

"History, as in you?" Charlotte questions.

"Yes, I met Jasper after being hacked up by an axe murderer." My tone is joking, but my mind instantly goes back to the day that's been fading like my human memories over the past months.

I've had to keep Jasper and Rosalie distracted enough to not head to the prison and hack him to pieces for a while now, especially since we've moved again and haven't tied ourselves down as well yet.

"Oh my." Her dark eyes widen.

"Yeah, not my best moment." I laugh lightly trying to ease the tension.

"Turning her wasn't my intention, but then her organs gave out, and Alice said I had no choice. She was dying either way."

Peter looks at Jasper before a smile cracks across his face.

"Good for you, mate."

"Thank you, brother." Jasper nods his way, his hand finding my leg and giving my thigh a loving squeeze under the table.

"Can I ask why you're not with your family right now?" Charlotte asks, her demeanor seems to be calming down finally comfortable with us.

"As much as we've loved going to high school again, we needed some time to ourselves. We haven't gotten much of it since I was turned."

"Understandable, I can't imagine being tied down like that forever." Peter lets out a loud laugh, and Jasper barely cracks a smile, but I can tell he's happy to be away.

"It does get repetitive." He shrugs.

"You could always join us." Charlotte suggests, connecting eyes with me for a second.

It's an enticing offer, but thinking of the family and haven we left behind we're both quick to decline. It doesn't seem to faze either of them.

"We return today actually; our flight leaves soon." Jasper sighs, his eyes searching the area around us nervously.

I know he's scared to return to our family, because if any of them knew it would most definitely be a change for all of us. I have no doubt that forgiveness would be the first thought in all their heads, but I know that Jasper isn't quite so sure.

When we left weeks ago our first destination was Esme Isle. It gave Jasper a moment of peace, and we were finally able to have a honeymoon to our horribly planned court wedding. Alice has been pining to have a true wedding since then, constantly shoving bridal magazines my way. Something tells me she'll have her sights set on Bella in the coming months.

Edward was so sure of his decision to leave, but Jasper and I were less than certain. Our perspectives on the matter may have had something to do with my disappearing act just months ago. I'm fairly sure he won't be able to keep himself from going back forever, especially with how accident-prone Bella seems to be. We both have no doubt that our family will return within the year.

Jasper looks over to me as he continues to tell Peter about the nomad attack, so I keep silent, offering him a supportive smile. A light rain starts to drizzle and the humans outside scatter indoors some quickly, others taking in the rain with smiles.

I put my hood up, pulling out my phone to look at the time, frowning when I see multiple missed calls from Alice.

"Excuse me for a moment." I stand, giving Jasper's hand a quick squeeze. I feel a lump in my throat as I look at the missed calls. I usually don't hear from her more than once a week, and she never calls more than once just to talk. I instantly worry about my family, but try to keep my emotions under wrap as best as I can so that Jasper won't worry as well.

Putting the phone up to my ear it only has to ring once before Alice's panicked voice comes over the line.

"Calina, it's Bella." She sounds like a breathless human, like she's rushing around.

"Alice, what's going on?"

"She's killed herself, we have to go, I need you to come with me to Forks. She's going to die."

"How? What did you see? I'm on my way." I respond, briskly running towards Jasper and I's rental car. I don't really know what I plan to do by leaving him here, but letting Bella Swan die isn't quite in my plans. If anything I'd rather her be immortal.

"She jumped off a cliff, and then it went black. I can't see her anymore, but we need to get there before Charlie comes home, where are you?" Alice now sounds strained, voices around her growing louder.

"Astoria, Oregon, but we have a flight that stops in Seattle that leaves in an hour, I can be there within a few hours that way." I fling the car into drive ignoring a honk that comes from a minivan I about hit in my rush.

I curse at everything in my head, the minivan and Bella fucking Swan included.

"That won't be quick enough." She cries into the phone.

"Alice, it has to be good enough unless you have a better option."

"Run." She says the word like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"How am I supposed to do that without being seen?" I growl into the phone pulling onto the interstate. The phone beeps with an incoming call from Jasper and I swear at all things about this situation again.

"Ditch the car, I sent a route to your phone. I'll see you in a bit." The phone clicks dead and I continue to fly down the road, answering another call from Jasper as I do.

"Calina, where are you?" His tone is less than pleased and panicky, I assume part of him is worried I've made a mad dash for the cabin in the woods again.

"It's Bella, Alice saw her die, and she needs my help." I respond, swerving around a car who's going entirely too slow.

"And you just left me?"

"I'm sorry Jazz, we didn't have much time, just catch the flight to Seattle and get to Forks." I sigh, calming slightly.

"Jesus, Calina, I thought you were in trouble." He growls into the phone.

"I admit that wasn't the best reaction."

"No, it wasn't. What do you even expect to do when you get there. Edward will have a fit if you turn her."

"Listen, I don't know, but she didn't deserve to get drug into this mess. She's an innocent human, this shouldn't have happened, it never should have." The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

The silence on the other end is deafening, and I wince knowing the unsaid implications of my words. I forgave him for what happened to my human life, but part of me still resents him for everything I've been put through.

"You're right, it shouldn't have. I'll see you in Forks, Calina."

The line clicks dead and I squeeze my eyes shut, pulling off the road recklessly at the beginning of the dense forest ahead of me. The route Alice sent begins here. I can't believe I'm running from Astoria like a madwoman in the rain because of a mess Edward created.

I zip up my jacket, looking down with a frown at the cute boots I have on that are no doubt going to get covered in mud. Squeezing my eyes shut and trying to keep Jasper out of my mind, I listen for human heartbeats, knowing I must avoid them as well. Unlike the rest of my family, I'm not near as skilled at avoiding their paths.

I put in my earbuds, letting a steady stream of music and directions flow into my ears, keeping it just low enough that I can hear heartbeats as well.

I push away any thoughts of Jasper, knowing that the fight that's going to come from our conversation will ruin the peaceful harmony we have now. The things I've left in my heart for so long will surface, and what I've already implied can't be taken back.

I take off, focusing only on reaching Bella Swan before she ends up like me.