Hello readers, I apologize for not updating in a really long time. I have not abandoned this story, I will be finishing it. I have had a lot of changes in my life, but now I feel able to write again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Loki shuddered underneath Tony's gentle grip; he was brought back to reality expecting agony, but instead he felt only Tony's hands gently gripping his arms. Tears fell from Tony's eyes and landed onto Loki's pale face.

"Tony?" Loki asked confused and still frightened.

"Lokes, it's okay. I'm not hurting you. I'm sorry." Tony let go of Loki's arms and moved off of Loki completely. Tony wiped the tears from his eyes and turned away so his back was facing Loki, as Tony put his face in his hands, the situation became much clearer in Loki's mind.

"You didn't hurt me. I thought..." Loki trailed off unsure of what else he wanted to say

"He will." The illusion supplied, but Loki wasn't paying attention to that. Only a single thought was going through Loki's mind. Tony had the chance to hurt him, to take full advantage, but he didn't." Thank you." Loki said after a moment. Tony lifted his head form his hands and turned around to face Loki.

"Thank you? Loki... you shouldn't thank me for... I would never, and I mean never do anything to hurt, I wouldn't do that to. I can't even begin to imagine the pain, the trauma you've been through; you need to understand that no matter what happens, nothing will result in me, or any of us hurting you. I'm sorry, I should have realized you don't want, or aren't ready to have a sexual relationship. If you want to left alone, I completely understand Lokes." Tony stood up; ready to leave, but Loki grabbed his arm.

"No! Please don't go, I am not...in a good stat right now for... but I don't want you to leave. I get confused sometimes, when people touch me. I think I'm with... those creatures again, it clouds my judgment, and he- my negative thoughts about people in general certainly don't make it easy, but I am starting to trust you and the others, I just need time." Loki responded, pulling Tony closer.

He didn't hurt you this time, doesn't mean he will never hurt you. The only reason he stopped is because Tony thinks Thor will kill him if any harm would befall his baby brother. Come on! Don't be so naive. This infatuation with being loved, being cared for, is what has gotten you into trouble all these years" The illusion sneered in Tony's direction.

"Ok, Lokes I won't leave. Do you want to talk about-"Tony was going to ask Loki if he wanted to talk about the reaction he just had. Tony thought that maybe if Loki opened up, it could help Loki heal but Loki cut him off.

"No! I mean, I don't think I can, not now at least. Let's just relax for now. We could get Jarvis to set up a movie for us to watch or something?" Loki smiled awkwardly trying desperately to change the subject. Tony decided to let this matter go for the moment and opted for watching a movie. If Loki wasn't comfortable with talking with him just yet, then he wouldn't push him.

Jarvis pulled up a variety of movie options they chose a comedy to try and lighten the mood. As they settle in for the movie, the illusion continued to whisper in Loki's ear of all the horrendous acts the avengers and Thor were cable of and how they would inevitably betray him. Loki wanted to believe that Tony's choice not to harm him was an accurate reflection of his true self, but the voice of doubt was alluring. It was not hard for Loki to believe in future betrayal when he has suffered so much.

Thanos smirked, he was unable to persuade Tony, but Loki was much easier to convince. His plan would succeed. Thanos was confident in that.