Disclaimer: I do not own the worlds of Percy Jackson on the avengers / captian America this belong to Rick Riordan and marvel.

Post~ giant war and battle of New York.

This is also dedicated to elocoel for reminding me to write the following parts.

Hazel Levesque

For Hazel, life was normal, or as normal as can be in a life of a demigod. After the encounter with the 'supposed-to-be-dead' captain America, she had decided to just push it aside and think of more important things, such as Rebuilding camp Jupiter.

Although most of the rebuilding was down extremely fast (taking only a few days at most), the more important buildings such Forum, had to be made delicately and elegantly.

As Hazel was an important figure in the war, many of the demigod architects had asked her to describe scenes from the war so they could incorporate them into the intricate designs. Most of this was quite exhausting but Hazel was always willing to help.

The days flew past, and Hazel still had Captain America at the back of her head. She had not dared to share anything with anyone, even Frank, because of how no one could relate to the situation. She would have gone to her brother Nico, but he was on some special mission for his father, and Hazel didnt want to disturb him.

Captain America.

His name sounded so majestic and strong, Hazel believed he would have been able to stop the war that had happened a few months before. he wished he had never seen her, never remembered her, although she did want to know how he was still alive and the same age as he was before. Nico would have known, but she couldnt talk to him.

Hazel sighed. She couldnt take it anymore, she had to leave the commotion, the people surrounding her at camp. she crossed the little tiber, and walked throught the tunnel, making sure no one would follow her. She had to get some air, she had to think alone.

'to the nearest park' she thought, as she stepped out into the blinding sun that day.

Captain America / Steve Rogers

While Hazel tried to forget the small meeting, Steve Rogers made sure it was the only thing that he focused on.

He had asked Tony if he could search up the name Hazel Levesque and was amazed and suprised at what he saw. The records on Hazel had shown alot about th 1930's, talking about her school records, her mothers witch craft, and the mysterious death by being buried underground. Tony had brought up a picture of her, which looked just like the girl the girl they saw in the fan conference. He had also looked up the area where they saw Hazel, searching for her face, rather than her name, but no adress came up.

Steve had also decided to ask Thor how he knew Hazel's name, but was met with a thunderous boom and a cryptic message that none of the team understood:

'You will learn when the time comes, and alas, the times have yet to come.'

Steve wondered how it was possible that another human had survived and stayed young through time like he did. Maybe it was a granddaughter. 'But why would the grandaughter run away, how could there be a granddaughter if Hazel had died when she was 12, and why can she not be found?'
style="font-size: 18pt;"Steve thought. Hazel was a mystery.

Another good point that was brought up by Tony (although Steve didn't tell him it was a good point, he didnt want to boost up his ego), was that SHEILD would probably ask about all this research. If SHEILD found out, Hazel would be brought into examinations and experiments. Although it would make finding her easier (since there would be a much bigger team of people), Steve didn't want Hazel getting caught and tested by SHEILD.

The Captain had booked a flight to San Fransisco, and had hoped he might run into her again, although the chances were slim.

Now Steve Rogers was sitting in the kitchen table at stark towers, a place were most of the avengers go when they dont have anything to do. The captian was looking through old newspapers from Alaska in the 1940's about Hazel and her mothers's dissapearance. luckily SHEILD had been kind enough to not question his interest in the newspapers, and the lady from the archives, had not blabbed on him to the director.

Steve Rogers was about to put down the current newspaper in defeat when he saw a small article at the bottom about an accident at a small fishing village. he quickly skimmed through the article, until he found just what he wanted.

'Madame Levesque and her daughter where the only ones found dead, their home was the only one close to the earthquake. this earthquake has been named a natural disaster although local scientists cannot find what it has been caused by.'

Steve looked in delight at the news paper article, he now knew the place where Hazel had died, maybe there would be more clues.

But first, he had a plane to catch to San Fransisco.

AN/ I know how people hate reading these (or just skip them) so I'll make it short. I have only watched one avengers movie, and have gotten the rest of the info I know from fanfics and wikipedia pages, so if you see something wrong with the info on the avengers, please tell me. I saw how many people wanted me to continue, so I am quickly posting this.

This is also before trials of apollo because I have only read half of the first book. Although I will try to include mentions of the first Magnus chase book because I LOVED it! The book is also before civil war, and the avengers have just gone through the war with ultron. i dont really know much about the avengers so must of the avengers part of the story is AU.

Thank you for reading and enjoy,


word count: 1009