Christian POV.

Sitting in Fifties a quite pub in all of the theatre district of Seattle my little hideaway; fuck could this get any worse? Fuck my life.

If you didn't already know: I'm Christian Grey Son of the great Carrick Grey the famous Irish American Tenor, the man who is best known for his role in the original cast of Les Mis Valjean and winner of fuck knows how many Tony awards. Big shoes to fill I know. But I have I managed it starring in not only Les Mis but over 5 shows throughout America and Europe. So why the fuck am I in Seattle not Broadway you ask? Well let me tell you i'm being blackmailed by Jack fucking Hyde.

I order another gin and tonic, to calm my nerves before I head to the theatre. Only a handful of people know where I am thank god. I turn when the front door opens and in walks Elliott.

"Hey bro, Thought i'd find you here"

"Where else could I be?" I hate being snarky I just had being forced to perform.

"Dude I thought you would be on stage by now remember that new chick is arriving today Ann or Alice something like that remember your new co star" Elliot my older brother and assistant states swiping my gin and tonic.

"Yep, I know she's a big wig in the scene in London just come off from playing Glinda in wicked or something"

"Sweet, remember when you starred in that and I got to bone Elphba fuck that green is hard to get off your cock." He shivers. Jackass.

"Yeah, yeah" fuck I hate this, I hate being the main reason for the Hyde Theatre to be as popular as it is that and this new chick. I hate being the reason Mia and Elliott have to be involved. Fuck my Dad would kill me.

I throw a 20 on the bar and yell my goodbye to Garrett the owner grabbing my gym bag I head past out the door past the 5th Avenue Theatre and the Playhouse. I wish. I see Taylor my body guard walking behind Elliott the price of being a legacy.

"Dude, if you hate working for Hyde then leave Ros phoned and mentioned a role in the new Aladdin show in the west end think about it Lundun mate" I laugh at is attempt at a cockney accent.

"El, I would love to but..." fuck I can't even think of an accuse anymore. Hyde made me sign a contract for 10 years 10 motherfucking years. Well 1 down 9 to go.

Walking down the side of the god awful theatre Taylor uses the keypad to let Elliott and myself in. Like usual Elliott has his phone against his ear yapping to either Mia or our mom. Nope defiantly our mom, I deduce hearing the high pitched voice of Mia in the costume department. Walking through the labyrinth that is back stage I make my way to my dressing room. Even though I hate the company i'm under I love this theatre it's were my dad first preformed. It became derelict but Hyde has had cowboy builders in to sort the place out. One word tacky. It belongs in Las Vegas. Taylor opens the door and does a quick sweep you would not believe how many fans have managed to get into my dressing room i'm about to follow when I hear the most angelic voice coming from the room opposite. Who the fuck is that? It's not Elena. I'll get to that later.

I turn to Elliott who looks equally as stunned when the dressing room door opens. A tall lanky guy stands in front of me arms full of what I believe is a dress.

"Oh hey man you must be Christian Grey" he comments smirking.

"Oh um yes i'm sorry you have me at a disadvantage"

"Sorry..." he goes to speak when the angelic singing stops

"Oi, Eth who's...OH" a small brunette pushes past and trips I catch her before she face plants the floor.

"Oh my I'm sorry" she looks up at me she is beautiful stunning fuck who is she.

"Your Christian Grey... Carrick Grey's son" she gasps yep I'm used to it I try to answer but I can't. First time for everything.

"Yes he is and i'm his other son Elliott" I see the look in Elliott's eye fuck no! Not this one.

"Yes I'm Christian or the Phantom and your must be my Christine?" good save Grey not sure of her name use her characters.

"Yes, I am Ana Steele and this bone head is Ethan Steele my agent and twin brother." She giggles suddenly I feel electrified. Her voice a smooth English accent I have to say is sexy as hell I would love to hear her scream my... fuck Christian get a grip. I'm just about to offer her to dinner when fucking Hyde appears.

"Oh my beautiful Anastasia you've met our other star Christian, I hope you've made her welcome." He sneers fuck I hate this bastard.

"Yes he has Mr Hyde" Ana smiles and the slimy bastard I would love to ahhh fuck it.


Fuck my life, will it be too awful to ask my new co star for his autograph, I can't believe this is real ever since we starred in Les Mis together in the west end I have been obsessed but back then I was a choir girl and him Marus. My skin is on fire, I don't really hear what the sleazebag Hyde is saying. Just be nice Ana. Just be nice.

"Right come on the both of you I know you both starred in this show but we need to practice opening night is in 3 weeks." Hyde cackles on and on.

"You starred in Phantom?" Christian gasps.

"Uh yes I did it wasn't a major role" I lie fuck i've just come from the west end from playing Christine.

"Not a big role my dear you were the star" I blush and shiver as Hyde holds onto my other hand fuck i'm still holding Christian's. I see Luke my brothers best mate but also my bodyguard shifting from leg to leg looking very uncomfortable with all the touching.

"Have you?" I ask not that I need to know I've followed him around.

"Oh uh yes but not the Phantom but Raoul"

"Well places everyone we need to get a head start on this." The stage manger Susanne shouts.

"I swear Annie, if that fucker touches you tomorrow I will smack him, this Chris guy touching you hell even Jose I can stand but he just owns the fucking place does he even know how to direct doesn't he realise how difficult that is for you fuck you've been singing it for the years" Luke snaps walking back to my dressing room but he has got a point. It's true I have being playing Christine for the past 2 years and Hyde has commented on everything man handling me into position adjusting movements all fucking day.

Flash Back

I'm belting my lungs out on the hardest part of the whole show "He's there, the phantom of the opera"

Christian is amazing and poweful he's moving around the stage totally in character, his face passive forcing me to reach the high notes it's easy for me but tiresome i'm knackered after the first go

"Sing for me Sing Sing, my Angel!" Christian is right behind me

"Stop Stop, Ana your warbling" Hyde marches on the stage for the seventh time.

"Well Hyde, she has been at this for the last 2 hours with no break" Ethan calls from the side

"It's true" I croak "I don't think i've ever spent this on this song before" Christian tenses behind me when Hyde goes to move me yet again.

"Fucking twat" Christian mutter's is voice distant

End Flashback

I think back over the day We've been practicing for the last 4 hours with no break it's now 7pm and i'm starving, my throat is killing me i'm sitting in my dressing room when I hear a knock on the door followed by Christian carrying a leather jacket and a holdall.

"Oh Hey" I blush and shudder staring at the most handsome man

"Oh fuck my life, Annie i'm going to start the most British Car on the road." I snigger at Luke.

"Hi, Ana urm I.. would you ahh fuck..." he stutters his words when Hyde barges in

"Oh An...oh hello Christian what are you still doing here?" he asks

"Mia had to adjust my tux for the masquerade scene" he snaps

"Indeed Ana I was wondering if you would like to have dinner this evening?" Hyde the slimey git.

"Oh uh i'm sorry Mr Hyde..."

"Jack please"

"Well i'm sorry Jack but Christian has already asked me and I would love to pick his brains about his family his father's..."

"Yes Yes I know the great Carrick Grey" fuck me life can this guy get anymore creepy?

"Well my dear when I get back from my trip to New York on Monday you must let me take you out?"

Yes finally 4 days of being Jack free thank you mickey mouse.

"Oh course Jack we'll see" I smile grabbing my bag and dragging a stunned Christian out of the room. I'm still pulling him when we reach the stage door.

"I'm sorry Christian I just couldn't face an evening with Mr Handsy. Well i'll see you tomorrow"I go to open the door.

"How did you...I was going to ask you for dinner tonight in fact. "