So here it is my new story, I will finish my Children story soon, but that's so depressing and this was so much fun to write, please don't be mad at me.

„ Goodnight Amy" Sheldon said yawning a little placing his hand ont he pillow.

" Goodnight. " she said back. They both were tired as they had a long day helping Penny and Leonard shopping and redecorating the apartment. Sheldon felt really sleepy so he slightly moved closer to Amy just to smell her hair while falling asleep.

When he woke up he felt the sun shining strongly at him as if he wasn't at home but rather somewhere outside. He smelled grass in the air. As he opened his eyes, he was really surprised. He was in fact outside. Not just in Pasadena, but somewhere outside town, in nature. The weather was warm but gentle breezes ran through him as he stood up. He was still wearing his usual Saturday pijamas.

" Amy? " he asked looking around. He was on a field with small, green grass covered hills and there was a forest nearby. The forest seemed friendly, with relatively young trees. Amy was nowhere. No one was nowhere. He must be still dreaming, he thought. He tried to wake himself up, but nothing happened not even when he pinched himself strongly. He shook his head. So he only had the choice to continue this dream. He walked up the hill which seemed the highest but saw nothing interesting, just a flock of sheep. The sun was realtively high, and shone brightly, so it was somewhere around noon and around summer as it was kind of warm. He decided to go to the forest, as he wanted to check the trees for moss to decide where is north and south at least. There was a slight chance that he was on a south hemisphere of a planet (What planet? Wasn't this a dream? If it's his dream, his mind would probably place him on the northern hemisphere of any planet, as he always lived there), so it could be still a fail, but it was more than nothing, plus the sun will help also as soon as he can see where it goes. Plus in all these dreams the real things always happened in the forest, like when Luke met Darth Vader in the Dagobah system in the forest, except that was not a dream, but a vision.

He stepped in. He didn't met anyone, but after walking several minutes, there were some signs of life. Birds chirping. He saw some bugs on trees. He also saw something he really wished it was only a squirrell. The lack of shoes started to bother him. The grass on the field was soft, but the ground there was full of little sticks and dry leaves, so it was not comfortable at all. This dream with all this sensations, the smell of rosin coming from the pines, the chirping birds, the duff crunching from his steps, the cold he felt with his feet, it seemed so much real than any other dream. Sheldon smiled and stroked his own head. "Thank you, brain, for being this amazing."

But after a while, no matter all the sensory experiences, he got bored walking. He decided that he may had enough of this dream already and wanted to lay down. He hoped that if he falls asleep in this dream, he may weaks up for real. But before he could find a place suitable for sleeping he almost walked into a sword, which was pointing at him from behind the tree.

" Stop! " A vocie yelled at him and he immediately stopped. So some stuff will happen, he thought. He hoped that this wasn't a nightmare.

" What do you think, is he another runaway? " a man asked an other. They were standing behind the trees so he couldn't see them just hear them.

" Maybe. I hope he has a bloodwit, so we'll finally have some money. " the other one with the sword said. His voice was definitely familiar.

" I want to buy a new cloak. A purple one would look great on me, don't you think? " The other man had an accent and his voice was familar too.

" A purple cloak? We are men! Now please let's pay attention to him. He is dressed weird. Maybe he is a foreigner. "

" Who are you? " Sheldon asked finally.

The two men stepped up into the light still pointing a sword towards him.

" Howard! Raj! What are you doing here? "

" We are Kinght Howard and his squire, Rajesh! Show some respect, stranger! " Howard said. They were both dressed like they were about to go to the renaissance fair. Howards fairly short sleeved, leather jacket covered him to just below his knees and was buttoned up completely slightly off-center with a leather belt. Raj's jacket had a deep, rectangular neckline which revealed part of the relatively simple shirt worn below it and is worn with a big rope belt, which is held together by a decorative pin. His pants were simple and quite narrow and reached down to his leather boots.

" NO! I am the knight and you're the squire! " Raj said angrily.

" No. You're the squire. " Howard hissed.

" You're the squire. But how did he know our names? Is he a wizard? Are you a wizard? " Raj asked.

Sheldon didn't know how to answer. Howard and Raj didn't know him in this universe or dream or whatever this was.

" I'll tell you, if you answer my questions. " he said.

" You have a sword pointed at you. You are not in the position to lay down conditions. " Howard answered. The sword seemed old and was a little bit rusty but nicely decorated.

" Unless you are a powerful wizard. In that case we're sorry. " Raj added.

" I just want to know what year is it? Where are we? And what do you plan to do to me? "

Howard sighed. " Fine. We're in the 127th year of the Kingdom. We are in the Southern Pixie Woods, south of Castle Orange Grove, where the King of our land, Pasadenia lives. And we'll let you know if we decided what will happen to you. "

" So… Is this like a medieval looking place like in Game of Thrones? " Sheldon asked.

" Now it's your turn to answer. Are you a magician? How did you know our names? " Raj asked.

Sheldon decided he'll give the truth a try. He didn't know how to lie anyway.

" I know you're names because I'm from an other world. It's like a parallel world to this, at least you two surely exist in it. "

" Do you believe that? " Raj asked Howard.

" He doesn't have many reasons to lie. Hopefully. "

" What if he is the ONE? " Raj asked his tone was now excited.

" I highly doubt that. But maybe… If we'll bring him to the castle. They may pay us something for him. "

" What do you mean by the one? " Sheldon asked.

" Nothing. He just asked that could you tell the same crap about coming from an other universe in the castle too? " Howard asked still pointing with the sword now with his hand shaking.

" Sure I can. Can you put that sword finally down? "

Howard nodded. He put the sword back into his belt. " My arm hurts so much from holding it so long. "

" I'm sorry, pal. Do you want me to massage it for you? " Raj asked.

" NO! Please Raj, not in front of strangers. "

" Stranger, what's your name? " Raj asked.

" Sheldon. "

" Weird name. "

Sheldon wanted to make a clever comeback to that but before he could think further something just pushed him to the ground. He felt something heavy and warm and furry on him.

" Hey! I told you that you mustn't do this! " Raj shouted at the thing.

The heavy creature jumped off of Sheldon. As he stood up and looked up he saw that it was huge, somewhere around the size of a horse and while it looked like mostly a lion, it had also a trunk like an elephant.

" What is that? " he asked.

" That is not an it, but a she. She is a yali. A half elephant, half lion creature from the East, far from here, where I come from. " Raj answered. " Cinnamon! Come here to Daddy! Oh, you're such a good little girl, yes! " He said as he patted the creature's head who snuggled to him almost bringing him down. " Her name is Cinnamon. " he explained to Sheldon.

" I guess, I prefer my universe's Cinnamon. " he answered.

" Do you have Cinnamon too in you Universe? "

" Yes. He is a little bit tinier there. "

" Do you hear that, Cinnamon? You're tiny now, don't listen to them telling you that you're too big. " he said talking to Cinnamon again.

" Raj, please stop that. Let's go before it gets dark. " Howard said.

Sheldon thought Raj may sits up on Cinnamon's back, but he didn't so they started walking. Hours passed, sometimes Raj and Howard discussed something, sometimes they asked questions about Sheldon's universe, still doubting that it exists. Nothing besides Cinnamon looked unusual about the forest until they found some giant footsteps. Sheldon was looking at them with great curiosity.

" So are there giants here, too? "

" Yes. But they usually live in the West, in the Witch Woodlands. I don't know what could have been they up to down here. " Howard said.

Now it was late in the afternoon and they were not out of the Woods, so Sheldon had to accept that they may spend the night here. He still hoped that he will wake up as soon as he falls asleep. His scientific mind knew that all this was impossible, but still was curious about what might happen. Wondering about all this, whether it's a dream or a hallucination or a different universe, he heard a strange screaming noise.

" What was that? "

" Shhh. " Raj said putting his finger on his mouth.

Howard pulled his sword out. They both looked scared. Cinammon also stopped and laid down on the ground listening carefully.

" What was that? " Sheldon asked again.

" We don't know. But we hope it won't hear us. " Howard answered.

" Was that a giant? " he asked.

" Shut up you mouth or we'll leave you here. " Now Howard was angry. They heard the noise again. Then they saw it. Up high a giant bird. It was twice the size of Cinammon. At least.

" Damn, that's a Roc. " Raj said.

" God no. "

The bird landed near them. They looked at each other frightened. They stopped their breathing.

There was a moment when they believed that the Roc will maybe fly away as it opened its enormous wings, but then he closed them back and stepped closer to them. They all hided behind trees, but the Roc started to knock on the tree behind that Sheldon stood, with its giant beak almost making it fall off.

" Damnit! " Howard shouted stepping out with his sword stabbing into the legs of the Roc. He barely injured it, but at least it attracted the beast's attention. Sheldon wanted to help him, but he didn't know how. Raj seemed completely frozen and scared.

Howard lost the sword as the beast took it from him with it's beak. Looking at it from closer Sheldon yould see bloodstains on it. Raj covered his eyes with his palms and Sheldon wanted to do the same but he couldn't help but watch. So this i a nightmare after all. At least he hoped it was just a dream. But before the Roc could have ended Howard's life a rider appeared dressed in black armor and threw a spear directly into the Roc's eyes. The Roc almost immediately died with desperate shrieking. Howard exhaled deeply looking at the rider.

Raj finally opened his eyes.

" Oh my, that's the Bern the Brute, the most powerful warrior in the realm. "

" Thank you so much. " Howard stuttered looking at the rider, who remained silent.

" He is told to be really tight-lipped. " Raj explained to Sheldon.

" Thanks. " the rider said. He had a really high pitched womanly voice.

Raj and Howard seemed really surprised but Sheldon now had a guess who was under the helmet.

She put her helmet down and shook her head so her blond hair was revealed.

" Are you… are you a woman? " Howard asked.

Raj didn't say a word but opened his mouth then shut it.

" Apparently. " she answered.

She jumped off of her horse.

" And you're so short! " Howard said surprised again.

" That's how you thank me saving your life? You're not tall either. " she said looking at the body of the rock.

" No. I'm sorry. Are you Bern, the Brute? " he asked.

" I am. " she said pulling her spear out of the beasts eye.

" May I call you Bernie? " Howard asked stepping closer.

" No. " she answered. " You can tell your friends they can come here. I won't bite them. "

Raj seemed scared again, but Sheldon only didn't meant to bother.

" Sheldon. Sheldon Cooper is my name. What kind of greeting would be appropiate? " he asked.

" Saying hello is fine with me. " she said.

" Hello, Bernadette. "

" Hello, Sheldon. But I still prefer Bern " she said. " And who are you? " she said looking at Raj.

Raj shook her head.

" His name is Rajesh. And that's his pet, Cinnamon. It's a yali. Raj can't talk to beautiful women. " Howard explained. Sheldon was not surprised at all.

" So am I a beautiful woman? " Bernadette asked looking down on her armor and helmet which were dirty from the Roc's blood.

" Well, he can't talk to any women. But I think you are. " Howard said.

Bernadette shook her head smiling.

" Anyway, the Roc is a serious problem. We haven't seen one here since ages. I have to go to the palace as soon as I can, to warn the King. " she said.

" We're going there too. Sheldon is… He is a stranger here. He said he came from an other universe. "

" Do you think he is…?" Bernadette asked looking surprised.

" I am what? " He asked.

" We don't know. But it could be. " Howard answered to Bernadette.

" Why don't you tell me? " now he started to become angry. This dream or nightmare was really strange, but now he was interested in it.

" We'll tell you. Calm down. We don't know much more than you do. "

" I have some other bad news from the south. Some villages were completely destroyed burnt to the ground. The War is coming. The Roc was a sign too. And giants also had a business here. " Bernadette said.

" What war? " Sheldon asked.

" Be patient. We'll tell you everything when it's time " Howard said. After they fought with the Roc it was almost dark, but instead of sleeping Bernadette said they should get going. Then, when they were all really tired and Sheldon's feet was full of little wounds Bernadette finally let them sleep a few hours before sunrise. Sheldon's back was aching as he woke up in the morning light. He was still on the ground in the Southern Pixie Woods not at home in his comfy bed with Amy. He was wondering whether he'll meet the medieval-fantasy version of Amy too. Raj found some eggs for breakfast with fruits and he cooked them together on a fire Bernadette lit. It was not that good, but it was the first food Sheldon ate ever since he got there so he was hungry. Bernadette had a little wine with her too and they shared that too. Sheldon felt dizzy almost immediately although it was more like water than wine.

After walking at least four miles again they finally got out of the forest. The castle was huge and had some huge yellowish walls. The palace in the middle seemed luxurious and beautiful. Sheldon almost stroked his head again because of being able to produce all this, but as time went by, he started to doubt that all this was only in his head.

Reviews are always welcome especially now as this is clearly something new. :)There may be some mistakes, I barely had time to read it through, but I'm so excited about this, I wanted to show you guys. :) Next chapter Sheldon and his friends reach the castle and maybe meet some familiar people there. :)