A/N: Oh my god! This story is finally finish everyone. I can't believe it. It took me almost a year to post it here. And I can say that I'm very proud on how this story turned out to be. When I started this story, the ending was different in my mind. The more I spent my time writing this, the more I can "see" how the story should ended. For those who followed me, you all know that this is my first story that have many chapters. I really like to hear your review on this story as a whole or even this chapter. Please review and tell me what I'm lacking or what can I improve to be a better writer. So, without further ado, enjoy!

Chapter 20

As soon as Goh stepped out of the room, Kotaro crumpled to the floor and broke down. He stuffed his fist on his mouth to prevent the sobs from escaping. He knew if his brothers outside heard his mournful crying, they would ran inside and coddled him while saying that all would be alright. But how could it be? She's dead and it's all his fault.

He took a deep breath and wiped his tears clean. He spotted a traditional black suit and tie. With shaking hands, he took it and went to the bathroom to change. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and winced. He looked horrible. His eyes were swollen and red from crying. He took the sunglasses from his breast pocket and wore it. It couldn't concealed the grief that he was having, but at least his eyes would be hidden from the world. He hesitated in front of the door and put his hand lightly on the knob. He centered himself and step out of the room with a confident step.

"Kotaro." Everyone crowded him. He gave a grim smile to them.

"Everyone here? Good. Let's go." Without waiting for them, he walked ahead. They seemed hesitant for a while before they followed him. Along the way, all of them kept quiet. He was very grateful for his brothers to respect his wishes to have peace for a moment.

His steps faltered when he saw the procession had already began. With heavy heart, he urged his legs to walk towards a tree not too far away from her grave. He knew if he went there, people would question him about who he is. He jumped a bit when a hand touched his shoulder.

"Kotaro, do you want to see her for the last time?" He looked around and belatedly realized that no one in sight at her grave. He just gave a terse nod and walked slowly there. He could felt his brothers eyes digging at his back but he ignored it. The nearer he got, the more he felt his heart had been squeezing painfully. He felt like he couldn't got enough air to breath. His steps faltered when he arrived there. He just stood quietly and stared at the grave, feeling lost.

"What are we going to do nii-san?" Dan asked Hayata when he saw his little brother stood rigidly at the grave. He really wanted to come to him right away but he's not sure whether it was a good choice.

"Give him time. That's all we can do."

"But nii-san…"

"Leave him to us." The four warriors turned around to see a pair of human approaching them. "We will handle it from now on." The man gave them a small smile. Hayata narrowed his eyes in concentration. He knew he had saw that kind of smile somewhere, but where and when? Hokuto suddenly gasped and pointed his finger to the human with wide eyes.

"You are…"

Kotaro didn't knew how long he stood there, staring at the grave, willing with all of his heart that it was just a dream. He felt conflicted. He didn't knew what he should be feeling right now. On one hand, he felt happy that he found his family at last. And then he felt angry, so very angry to her that she lied to him all this time. Then he shifted the anger towards Miiraz, who dared to kill her in front of him. But most of all, he felt angry towards himself. He should be able to protect her but no. He was a weak and pathetic warrior. He's unworthy to be called one of the Ultra Brothers. He's unworthy to be the son of the Commander of the Space Garrison.


He whirled around quickly to see a pair of elderly man and woman stood before him. The man looked at him with longing expression while the woman had tears glistened on her eyes. He stood warily and eyeing the couple in confusion. For humans to know his real name, that means that the humans were in fact from the Land of Light. He frowned, thinking who else could spoke his name with so much love and affection. He widened his eyes when realization struck him.

"My son."

Without warning he barreled himself towards his father. A choked sob escaped him when he felt his father's hand on his hair, stroking it tenderly. He felt his mother's lips on his forehead and cheek, kissing him while muttering that he's safe with them.

"I…miss you…I miss…both of you…" He stuttered. He pushed his face into his father's chest while searching blindly for his mother. She took his waving hand and he promptly pulled her to him in a tight embrace.

"I know, baby. I know. I miss you so much my baby boy." She cooed to him happily. She never doubted that she would saw her son again but when the time dragged on, she couldn't helped but thought of all the negative things that might happened to him. So, when Zoffy told them that Taro had regained his memories and succeeded in destroying the leader of Four Heavenly Guards of Alien Empera, she dropped what she was doing and together, she and her husband hurrying to Earth. She felt sadness welling inside her when the Ultra Brothers on Earth told them about the fate befallen her son's companion. She regretted that she's late to profess her gratefulness towards the woman who nursed her son to health and protected her son from harm.

"I wanna go home." Taro mumbled tiredly. She glanced at her husband and nodded.

"Yes, Taro. We're going home." Ken decided. She gave a sign that they were going home to the rest of the ultra warriors that stood not too far away from them. She grabbed her son arm while Ken supported most of his weight. With practiced ease, he opened the portal to their home and jumped together.

"We're here, son." Ken shook Taro's shoulder softly. Taro grunted and mumbled something under his breath before he stilled. Marie raised his chin and chuckled at the sight.

"He's fast asleep." Ken shook his head in fond exasperation before he cradled his son and brought him inside their home. He put his son on the bed and sat beside him. Marie sat opposite him and stroked his cheek. Both of them watched their son asleep with love shining from their eyes.

It was some time later that Taro stirred on the bed. He blinked tiredly and looked disoriented at his surrounding. He noted that he was in his bedroom. He tried to raise his hand before something blocked it. He glanced to his side and saw his mother slumped beside him.

"Mother." He rasped weakly. He coughed lightly to clear his throat.

"Taro? Oh my baby. We miss you so much." His mother helped him to sit up and hugged him.

"How are you feeling, Taro?" He glanced to his side to see his father looked at him with a smile.

"I'm fine. Why are you both here?" He frowned to both of them.

"Why? You don't want us here?"

Taro winced at his mother's answer. He knew his question was a bit insensitive but for the life of him, he didn't knew why both of them fussed over him.

"It's not like that. But isn't right now is the time for both of you to check the report from other warriors? Aren't you both busy?"

"Even if we're busy, we will always have time for our son." His father answered with a small smile.

"I'm fine, Father. I'm not too injured in that fight." He lied easily. The truth was his body was aching. He felt exhausted and lethargic. It felt like he could slept until next week. But he had learned since he was a kid that his parents were very busy leaders. With their jobs as the one in charge of warriors and hospitals, they didn't have so many free time to spend with their only biological son. So he learnt to hide his injury and pain so that his parents would not had to sacrifice their work time on him.

His parents stared at him flatly. He squirmed on his bed uncomfortably. Their stares always wanted him to blurt every secret that he had. His father broke the staring and sighed.

"Physically, maybe but how about emotionally?"

He flinched and his breath hitched. He lowered his head. His mother used her index finger to raise his chin and looked at him lovingly.

"We knew about her. Your brothers had already told us. We're so very sorry for your loss."

That's did it. With that words, Taro couldn't controlled the sadness anymore. He sobbed uncontrollably while flinging himself to his mother's lap. He tightened his gripped on her waist while trying to speak simultaneously.

"I can never…I can never apologize to her. For all that I didn't do or should have done. For too late to save her." Taro said, his voice trembling with the effort of keeping it level. "I would give anything for her to still be alive, even if only to hear me one last time. I truly love her, as much as I can love someone else. My anger had drive her away. I just wanted to hurt her, to make her feel betrayed, as I was betrayed when she lied to me about my identity. I never wanted all of this to happen. And now, I can't even beg for her forgiveness." He coughed and sputtered when he finished his tirade. His mother shushed him and rubbed his back.

"Her death was not your fault, my son. Even if it was, she most assuredly had already forgiven all your mistakes."

"Why? I never gave her a hint that I love her too." He asked pathetically.

"Because she love you. She didn't need another reason other than that." He blinked at his father's answer.

"That didn't make any sense." He shook his head. His mother chuckled.

"Love never makes sense, my son. You know there is a saying on Earth, 'Love is not about possession. It is about appreciation.' Understand?"

Taro was quiet for some time before he nodded slowly. His parents kissed his forehead. He put his head on his father's lap and grabbed his mother's hand to prevent them from going anywhere.

"Can you stay with me? Just for tonight?" He asked hesitantly. He was feeling clingy and he just wanted to hog his parents attention for himself tonight. He knew he was being selfish but he couldn't helped it.

"Of course, my son. You don't need to ask. We're always here for you."

Suddenly, a knock sounded. They turned their attention towards the door.

"Who's there?" Ultra Father asked.

"It's us, Father. Is Taro there?" Ace asked from the outside. Ultra Mother looked briefly at her husband. She turned her attention towards their son who's lying between them.

"Your brothers here. Do you want to see them?" Taro nodded and lying on his side, facing the door. Ultra Father gave them permission to enter. The four Ultra Brothers brightened at the sight of their little brother.


"Hey nii-san tachi." Taro greeted his brothers with a smile. Ace practically bounded and jumped on the bed. He hugged his otouto tightly.

"Don't scare us like that anymore, alright?"

"I miss you too."

Taro replied cheekily. Jack snickered and gave sideway hug to him.

"Only you otouto who can turn a vacation to a war against Alien Empera." Jack mocked tsked to him.

"What can I say? I am irresistible." Taro spoke haughtily. He winced when his head had been bonked by Ultraman.

"Because of your charm, you are not allowed to patrol alone anymore. Wherever you go, one of us are going to accompany you." Ultraman said sternly.

"Awww, nii-san…" He whined. He turned his puppy dog eyes towards Seven.

"Don't look at me. I'm neutral here. Although I'm on the same boat with Ultraman nii. If you ask Zoffy nii-san, I believe he's going to enforce the rule sooner or later."

"What rule?" The others turned towards the door.

"Zoffy nii-san!" Taro waved at Zoffy who came in. "Ultraman nii said that I can't patrol alone anymore." He pouted and prayed on his heart that his brother would back him up.

"I agree." Zoffy said solemnly.

"What!" Taro shrieked and sat hastily. He looked at his brother with slack jawed expression. "Not you too!"

"You are a target to Alien Empera lackeys. It's dangerous for you to go anywhere alone." Zoffy told him sternly.

"But I can protect myself!" Taro sputtered. He turned to his father for help.

"I agree with Zoffy." Taro pouted and crossed his hands over his chest, sulking. "But only if it is far away from here. And only if there is no mysterious activities recorded there."

Taro brightened at his father's compromise. "Fair enough." He agreed happily.

"And how are you doing right now?" Taro opened his mouth to answer Ace. "No lying and I don't want to hear 'I'm fine' from you." Taro snapped his mouth shut. He furrowed his brow and took his time to answer.

"I'm getting better. The grief is still there but I believe there is gold in every silver lining. If she is still alive after I got all my memories, I don't know what I can do to convince her to let me go." He lied on his mother's lap. "After all, better her than all of you. I love her but I love all of you more. I don't know what I'm going to do if I lost all of you. You are still more important to me." With closed eyes, Taro didn't saw the stunned look from his brothers for his declaration. Suddenly, he snapped his eyes opened and watched all of them curiously.

"How did you find me?" He asked. Zoffy ruffled his head and chuckled.

"You are our otouto. We will always find you, wherever you are."