Hey guys! This is my second story so I hope it's good. I'll probably post a new chapter at least once a week but maybe more than that! Enjoy! -LinguineReturns

Chapter 1 - In Trouble

"Hey Larry! Give it back!" Shouted a short angry blue shelled dragon koopa. He was running after his brother through Soda Jungle. The trees around him were emerald green and the "soda" flowing throughout the streams was a deep purple, it bubbled and fizzed due to it being extremely acidic, the dragon koopa thought it would be nice to drink if it didn't burn your face off in less than a second. His dim-wit brother Morton always said it looked grape flavoured, but being the genius he is he obviously knew it would taste like the dirt it flowed through. In fact he was pretty smart, a little bit crazy earning him the nickname 'Kookie', but smart nonetheless. He had dark blue hair styled like Albert Einstein and always considered himself to be just as smart as him.

"No way! Ludwig! It's far too funny to watch you get mad at me!" Larry teased! He was fairly short like Ludwig but he had a tall light blue mohawk that made him seem almost twice as tall. He wasn't as smart as his brother of whom he was running from but he was very cunning, he played tricks on his siblings and often won fights by making sneaky plans to trick his opponent. He did it so much he got the nickname 'Cheatsie' from his siblings. This particular time Larry had stolen Ludwig's wand from him when they were guarding the castle in Soda Jungle, it had a blue tip and could fire dark blue magic projectiles. It was quite similar to his own wand which had an orange tip and fired light blue magicprojectiles. He thought it would be funny to see his kooky brother go mad when it was missing, of course Ludwig was clever enough to immediately suspect his prankster brother of the crime and Larry bolted.

Ludwig started to get more tired and out of breath, "Please -huff- Larry -huff- I can't ru -wheeze- run -pant- any longer!". His fast paced purcuit had become more of a stumble until he tripped over the root of a tree. Larry stopped when he heard his brother crash to the ground and walked back to him, he had faceplanted was lying on his front sprawled out like a starfish, he lifter his head up to see Larry looming above him smirking. "Ha ha! What should I do with you?" Larry taunted menacingly.

"Yes, what should I do with the both of you?!" Growled an angry voice from above. Both Larry and Ludwig looked up nervously to see a koopa in a pale blue cloak and hat, he was riding a broomstick hovering above them looking down at them. The magikoopa was Kamek, bowser's loyal army general. Kamek had a beam coming out of his wand which made a circle through which they could see their father, King Bowser Koopa , fuming with rage, "Both of you are going with Kamek to my castle IMMEADIATELY!". Both the koopalings gulped.