This one is a little short but i have to go to work, so i'll post more later. getting into some excitement, enjoy ^_^

someone add me on snapchat while I'm bored at work: totti_lynn

Dom embraced Letty when he got out of his charger. He lifted her into the air and kissed her, lowering her back down. "I will never leave your side," he spoke softly into her hair. Letty sighed, allowing the anger she'd felt only moments earlier to melt away. Regardless, Dom felt tension leave her body.

"What's wrong," he asked, looking her over. Letty shook her head, averting her eyes. "Nothing just…people annoy me."

Dom narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to one side. "Why are you lying?"

Letty sighed deeply. "That guy I told you about…he drove past here just to get on my nerves. Just pissed me off."

Dom squeezed her tighter. "Call me next time if he shows up again." Letty huffed a laugh and smiled. "Dom I don't need you to save me." He gave her a cocky half grin, looking down at her with pride.

"You think I don't know that?" Dom asked. "I'm going to anyway," he said with a devilish grin.

Letty smiled but shrugged. "You are kinda sexy when you go all tough-guy," she admitted. Dom gave her a playful growl and scooped her into his arms. "Dom!" Letty yelled through laughter. "What are you doing, let me go!"

"Nu unh," was the only reply she got. She made herself comfortable in his arms as he walked them to the house. More than anything she wanted to just forget about what had happened earlier. If she didn't acknowledge Manny as the nuisance he was maybe he'd disappear on his own. She'd had to deal with men who were too forward before but this guy was a new breed of asshole, showing up to her house twice. She looked back over Dom's shoulder to see Brian following them, laughing at Dom silently.

Inside he walked up the stairs passing Mia who gave an awkward smile to Letty, seeing her brother be so mushy. Letty covered her face with her hand, removing it to mouth "help" to Mia. Mia shook her head and gave a knowing look. He's your problem, now, Mia's gaze said. Brian was standing at the bottom of the staircase to Mia's visible surprise. She excitedly jumped into a hug with him.

"Wow, miss me?" Brian asked her. She nodded against his chest.

"I'm really glad you showed your lying face again," Mia teased.

"Yeah it was worth it."

Mia stood back from him to take his face in. Suddenly her expression was more serious as she turned to check for Dom or Letty behind her and spoke to Brian in a hushed tone. "Someone came by the house, I'm not sure exactly who he is but his name is Manny. I heard Letty shouting at him…and not the way she shouts at Dom or Vince. She was angry, like really angry and I heard tires squeal afterward but I don't know if they were his."

Brian nodded. "Hm," he said appearing to be thinking, "there was a guy named Manny when we took down Braga but I doubt they're the same. Letty wouldn't be involved with the enemy."

"Unless she didn't know," Mia pointed out, growing concerned. "She went out a couple times when Dom was gone. She'd mentioned a guy who was really trying hard to get her attention but…I don't know, it just made me nervous and,"

"Don't worry, Mia," Brian assured her. "If he's any trouble I'll have half the LAPD on his ass in a second. Just let Letty handle it with Dom first."

Mia nodded and led him back to the door. "Don't you owe me dinner?"

Brian smiled and leaned in to kiss her lips when she pulled back. "Hey, not so fast," Mia teased. "Still got some making up to do first." She laughed and led the way to his car. He grinned, accepting her challenge.

"One second, I left my keys on the table," Brian called and walked back into the house, closing the door behind him. "Hey, Dom," Brian called loudly up the stairs.

"What?" Dom called back.

"I'm gonna marry your sister!"

There was silence for a moment before Dom called back down the stairs. "Good luck, buster!"

Letty laughed hearilty and Dom buried his face back in her neck. He had her pinned underneath him on their bed and he placed kisses up and down her neck, taking in her scent. "Where are we going?" Dom asked once he settled back down, his face pressed against her skin.

"For what?" Letty asked, confused.

"Our honeymoon."

Letty, caught off guard, was silent. Her eyes scanned the ceiling, dreaming up places to disappear to. "Cuba," she said finally. "Let's go to Cuba."

Dom laughed, "Let, Americans can't travel to Cuba yet."

"We don't have to go right now," she said.

"Okay," Dom ceded, "we can go to Cuba on the second honeymoon then."

"Brazil." Letty glanced over at Dom who was grinning at her.

"Brasil it is," he said, emphasizing his accent on "Brasil". She giggled at his dramatic pronunciation.

"Don't tell me you speak Portuguese too," Letty teased him. He grinned back.

"Talvez," Dom replied with a shrug and a grin, raising his eyebrows with his shoulders the way he always did when he was proud of himself. Letty rolled over on top of him

"Dominican and Portuguese, look at you," she said, kissing his neck where it met his chest, "might wanna have your baby after all."

Dom cocked an eyebrow. "What, you didn't before?" he asked with a cocky grin. Letty chuckled, returning his grin with her own sly one.

"Talvez," she returned, which was enough to raise the hair on the back of Dom's neck. "Maybe I'll reconsider if you talk dirty to me in Portuguese," she said seductively. Dom chuckled and kissed her sweetly.

"I'll work on it," he promised.

Letty raised her eyes and stared into space for a moment.

"You alright?" Dom asked.

"Am I alright?" Letty asked, mockingly. He smirked at her, knowing she would never let that one die.

"It's just…a question," he mocked back, smiling at her with one eyebrow raised. Letty chuckled; amused that he'd understood her reference immediately.

"Never gonna let that go are you?" Dom asked, nipping at her skin playfully.

"Never," she laughed. "And I'm okay…just…I don't want Manny to come back."

Dom cocked his head to one side. "Manny?"

"Yeah that's his name…the one who showed up earlier."

Dom's eyes wandered and Letty recognized his expression. "You know him?"

"There was a Manny with Braga," Dom explained, "but we're in LA, there are tons of Manny's."

Letty looked off again, worrying about bringing any more danger into their home.

"Hey," Dom said, pulling her back down to lay her head on his chest. "Don't worry. If he comes back, you call me, I'll handle it. I'm sure it's not him."

Letty sighed and closed her eyes. "Okay," she said, "there's something else too."

Dom shifted to get a better look at her from his position. "I'm really hungry," she said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes but started to move to get up.

"Where do you wanna go?" Dom asked.

Letty smiled at him guiltily and he lowered his eyelids already understanding what she wanted. "You're gonna stay in bed aren't you?"

Letty smiled bigger, trying so hard to be cute, a sight Dom rarely saw from a girl he'd swear was a Thunder Cat or the yellow power ranger 90% of the time.

"Alright," Dom laughed, "But I'm picking what we eat since I have to go get it."

"Okay," Letty said happily, "as long as it's Chinese." Dom chuckled at her but he nodded, knowing he would've called to ask what she wanted anyway.

Dom had been gone at elast 20 minutes when the front door pushed open roughly enough to slam the knob into the wall. Letty gave an incredulous look and walked to the top of the stairs. "Dom," she asked into the dark living room. "What the hell?" There was no answer and she walked to the bottom of the stairs to the lights on, reaching for her phone in her pocket as she moved. "Mia? Brian?" When she flicked the light switch the barrel of a gun confronted her.

"Hand me the phone," Manny ordered.

Letty spat at his face, anger enveloping her. "Have you lost your fucking mind," she demanded, fire rising in the pit of her stomach.

Manny wiped his face and looked at his hand then glanced at Letty before landing a blow to the side of her temple.

In the car he opened her phone and found her recent calls, looking to recognize a name. "Dom" was not only the first recent call but somehow seemed fitting for the bald, muscular, white V-neck wearing man he'd run into earlier. Manny pressed call and held the phone to his ear.

"Letty?" Dom answered, expecting to be sent on another errand.

"You could say that," Manny responded.

"Who is this?" Dom demanded. "Where is Letty?"

"Dom, right? Oyé, relax, guey, you even uptight over the phone I see. Letty's right here with me and my friends. I'm gonna send you an address. You have your little bitch cop bring back the money they took and the evidence he collected against Braga, or you're gonna be playing stepdad, entiendes? That is, if you get Letty back."

"Son of a bitch, I'll fucking kil-" Manny slapped the phone shut as Dom raged into the phone.

"Yeah yeah," he said to himself, then glanced at Letty laid unconscious across his back seat, her feet on the lap of one of his partners. "Hey César," Manny called back to the back seat, "she don't really need her clothes, do she?" He laughed, looking at his partner in the passenger seat and then back to César as the two partners joined him.