Disclaimer: TheInnerBeast does not own Highschool Dxd, Naruto, or Naruto the Retired Hokage. I have permission from Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer.

Looking for a Beta, please PM.

Chapter 1 Start

(Unknown PoV)

Watching Rias and her peerage was honestly getting boring. They had just dealt with a simple Stray. Honestly, they take too long, waste too much energy, if only…hm, that actually gives me an idea. Better ask FTDS first. They could learn something from this, I can relieve myself of my boredom, and I could provide others some entertainment. Three birds, one stone. Just wait, dear readers, I will be back soon.

(Third Person)

Rias looked upon her peerage with a smile. They had just managed to defeat a Stray rather easily. She was about to go congratulate them when shadows on the wall started to swirl in a whirlpool. Then six hand-like structures that appeared to be made of shadows proceeded to grab all of them, pulling them in against their will. All they could do was shout in surprise. Once they were pulled through, they quickly entered their respective battle stances. Only for three more portals to open, with each dropping different people. Out of the first dropped a handsome-looking man with long blonde hair, green eyes, along with an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure that immediately caught Issei's eyes. Their most striking feature was the twelve white wings coming from their backs. They were Michael and Gabriel, two of the four Seraphs. Out of the second portal, dropped a man with black hair, blonde bangs, and a goatee, however, this one had twelve black wings. This was Azazel, the leader of the Grigori. Lastly, out of the third portal, a man with shoulder length crimson red hair, and blue-green eyes, similar to Rias. A female with silver-gray hair, wearing maid clothes also coming through. They were Sirzechs Lucifer and Grayfia Lucifuge. (For better description of appearances, look up a picture, or read the wiki.)

Slowly, everyone managed to get their bearings straight. Rias and her peerage, with the exception of Issei, tensed when they noticed all who were in the room at this moment. The leaders of the three factions jumped up when they noticed each other. Sirzechs, however, quickly ignored them when he noticed his Rias.

"Ria-tan!" he shouted, jumping towards her. One of the shadow-hands from earlier appeared, grabbing him and gently putting him on the ground. It released him and waved its finger at him, in a scolding manner. It then pointed to a far corner where a man was sitting. This man was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with meh. written on it in white. He had messy dark black hair down to his shoulders, with the bangs partially covering his dark brown eyes and had facial hair that was trimmed very short, only just longer than a stubble. He had a small layer of fat on his belly, not enough to be considered chubby, but enough that it wasn't flat. Once he stood up, they could see his height was about 5'9. (I put more description in me because it might be a bit hard to find out what I look like.)

"Hello everyone, I hope my little creations were gentle with bringing you here," he said. Seeing them get into defensive stances, he talked once more. "Now, before we get violent, know that I have no desire to hurt you. I am here to grant you knowledge."

"What kind of knowledge," Azazel inquired, none of them dropping their guard.

"No patience, sigh. Well if you wouldn't interrupt, I could explain" cue sheepish look, "that I will be having you people read a book. Of course, it is not my book, so you have to finish it here and return it to me, before you are allowed to leave".

"WHAT!?" just about everyone screamed. They quickly tried calling upon their various abilities, only to notice they did not work.

"Did you honestly think I would bring you here, without taking away your powers and whatnot. Issei, you still have Ddraig in you, but he cannot boost your abilities. Just a precaution, you know?"

"Why? Who, or what, are you?" Michael asked. Questions they all wanted answered.

"I am an Author. Not one of those people who write books and stories, though some do. No, an Author is a person who can gaze into the various dimensions across the multiverse. We hold near-infinite power in every dimension, except our own. I have only recently started to use my abilities beyond the simple gazing. In fact, you are the first people I have used my powers on. I am so excited! Anyway, I have decided to let you see an alternate reality of yours."

"That doesn't explain why," Sirzechs pointed out, unusually serious for once.

"Ah, yes, that is true. The 'Why'. Boredom for one, tired of seeing Rias and her peerage acting weak," "HEY!" "showing you a different way to peace, take your pick, really. Anyway, the one who originally gazed into that dimension, thus putting it under his jurisdiction, gave me permission to show it too you all. You should thank him for this opportunity. His name is Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer, and he is a bit of an idol to me. Ah, speaking of names, I never told you mine, it is TheInnerBeast. Nice to meet you all."

"So, we just read the book out loud then?" Akeno asked.

"Yes, along with what is happening being shown on a tv, don't worry, the one who is reading will have the images transferred into their minds. I got this idea from Spirit Soldier, another Author I admire, who is doing the same thing I am doing with another one of Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers dimensions. Anyway," here he snapped, causing four sofas to appear along with a very large flat screen tv, and a bunch of tables with various snacks on them, which Koneko immediately to a liking to. "Sit down, and watch the tv, except you Issei, you read first."

"Why me?!" he yelled. TheInnerBeast glared at him, causing him to shrink back in fear. A book suddenly fell on his head, dazing him for a second, before he picked it up with a scared expression in his face. "Sigh, Naruto: The Retired Hokage, chapter one…"

First Chapter of my first fanfic done. Give me criticism, as long as you explain what I need to do to be a better writer, I know I need work. I did a Shout-Out to Spirit Soldier, as I am a huge fan of his work, as well as Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer. Who knows, maybe one day, he will read my work. Until next time, Let The Beast, Be Unleashed!