Red and Blue arrived at the Ruins of Abundance. The two of them got off their Mudsdale. Red saw the amazing outside structure, which was decorated with red paint.

"Wow," said Red. "It's amazing. I should take some pictures."

Red took out his iPhone and took pictures of the ruins.

"It says in the brochure that Tapu Bulu is a Grass type," said Blue. "That's really ironic, considering that its home is out in the desert."

"I know, right?" said Red. "Let's go inside and check it out."

Red and Blue went inside the ruins, looking around. They saw that there were piles of sand here and there, and statues of Tapu Bulu that decorated the walls. The whole area smelled of tumbleweeds.

While they were in there, they passed by a young man with tan skin, blond hair, a red skirt, and horns. He was sleeping.

"Who's that strange man?" asked Blue.

"I'd rather not find out," said Red. "Let's go further in."

As they went deeper into the ruins, Red and Blue noticed that there were flowering cacti growing all around.

"Look at that," said Red. "The flowers in here must be a sign of Tapu Bulu's fortitude."

"Those are cacti, Red," said Blue. "They're supposed to grow in are climate like this."

Red bent down to take a look at the cactus flowers. Unfortunately, he accidentally pricked his finger on a large cactus.

"OWWWWWWW!" said Red. "I pricked myself on the fucking cactus!"

"Let me see!" said Blue.

Blue tried to remove the cactus needle, but to no avail. In fact, he only made the needle feel worse.

"Do you have a tweezers?" asked Red.

"No, Red," said Blue.

Red groaned. He walked over to a large stone and sat down.

Blue looked around for something that he could use to remove the needles. Unfortunately, there was nothing useful. Blue passed by a sacrificial altar and towards another room. He looked around for something useful.

"Nothing's in here but cacti," he said. "Hey...what is that?"

Blue found a bunch of saguaro fruit that were laying beside a bunch of saguaro - these massive cacti served as part of Tapu Bulu's garden. Blue gathered some of the fruit and returned to where Red was sitting.

"Red!" said Blue. "Look what I found."

"Fruit?" asked Red. "That's no good! I can't remove the needles with those!"

"No, Red," said Blue. "I've got an idea. Come with me to the altar."

Blue led Red to the altar room. The two of them noticed an offering bowl.

"I'm going to put the fruit in the offering bowl," said Blue, "and then we'll utter a prayer."

"Will this work?" asked Red.

"Trust me, it will," said Blue.

"Okay," said Red.

Blue put the fruit inside the offering bowl. After that was done, he and Red prayed to Tapu Bulu. For a few minutes, nothing happened. Red was about to give up, when suddenly, the room illuminated. Red and Blue heard a moo.

"Who has come to seek me?" asked a voice.

"We did," said Blue. "I'm Blue, and this is Red."

"I come to seek healing," said Red. "I have cactus needles stuck in my fingers."

"Cactus needles?" said the voice. "Place your hand in the offering bowl and wait two minutes."

Red placed his hand on the offering bowl. He sat there for two minutes, and then he heard a twinkling sound. When the two minutes were up, Red lifted his hand. He saw that the needles in his fingers had disappeared, and even the pain was gone.

"Thank you," said Red.

Red heard another moo. Tapu Bulu appeared before him and Blue.

"Tapu Bulu!" said Red and Blue in unison.

"Yes, it is I," said Tapu Bulu, mooing. "I have healed you."

"Oh, wow!" said Red. "I'm very grateful for your help."

"Don't mention it," said Tapu Bulu.

Red reached out and pet Tapu Bulu's bell.

"You're such a nice tapu," said Red.

"Thanks," said Tapu Bulu. He mooed again.

"You like being petted there," said Blue. "What about your horns?"

Tapu Bulu growled at Blue.

"Oh, sorry," said Blue. "Can I at least touch your nose ring?"

"Grabbing my nose ring will result in a thousand-year curse," said Tapu Bulu, "so you better not."

"Sorry," said Blue. "I'd rather not be cursed for the next thousand years."

"We'll be dead by the time the curse is up, anyway," said Red.

"But I'll still be there," said Tapu Bulu. "Me and the other tapus are immortal. Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele told me that you two have met them."

Red and Blue gasped.

"So that's who those temple guards were," said Red. "Let me were the man we saw sleeping."

Tapu Bulu transformed into the young man Red and Blue saw earlier.

"Right you are!" he said.

"Why do you guys do it?" asked Blue.

"That's so we are able to blend in with you humans," said Tapu Bulu.

"But no one here dresses like the ancient Alolans like you guys do," said Red.

"Well, we're not fashion-conscious," said Tapu Bulu. "We haven't been for thousands of years."

Red and Blue laughed.

Tapu Bulu reverted to his Pokemon form.

"Thanks for the offering," said Tapu Bulu, mooing. He was now munching on the saguaro fruit.

"You're welcome!" said Red and Blue. "Bye!"

"Bye!" said Tapu Bulu. He let out a nice, loud moo.

Red and Blue went back outside, where their Mudsdale were waiting. The two of them mounted their Mudsdale and rode through the desert. By now it was starting to get dark. The two of them returned their Mudsdale at Bulu Town and took a bus back to the hotel, where they had dinner. After dinner, the two of them relaxed for the rest of the night.

La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la

La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la