Stiles frowned as he watched Peter walk away and the small group moved to a set of benches, sitting down with Scott and Stiles in the middle. Scott was still crying and hugging Stiles tightly.

Everyone stayed in a comfortable silence until Scott calmed. He mumbled a quiet apology and was immediately shushed by Stiles. Scott wiped his eyes and finally turned away from the mole-ridden teen. He looked around at each person, they all gave him friendly smiles.

Lydia crossed a leg over her other one and smiled at Scott before looking at the group. ''Everyone, this is Scott. Scott, this is everyone.''

Someone coughed, everyone turned to them. A boy with dark skin waved slightly, looking at Scott. ''I'm Mason, nice to meet you Scott.''

After him, someone else piped up. ''Malia. Uh- I'm Malia. Hi.'' A girl smiled, slightly awkwardly.

A few more people said their names; 'Brett', 'Danny', 'Ethan' and then- ''I'm Isaac. We met earlier.. but you probably don't remember.'' Scott looked at the boy, he had blonde curls. He had met him?

Scott kept smiling at everyone and he sniffled, wiping his nose on his arm before wincing. He forgot about his bandages. Stiles rubbed his shoulder and smiled back at him. ''Now you've met the gang! Can we go in the cafeteria yet- I'm hungry-''

Scott chuckled, along with some others, and they all stood up. Stiles rushed forward, with Lydia chasing after him, and Scott stayed near the back. Everyone started walking in side and Scott followed, someone appeared next to him.


Scott turned and smiled, looking up at the person. ''Hi... Ethan, right?'' He asked, earning a nod from the male.

''Yeah- I just wanted to say, in case you run into him later, I have a twin. His name is Aiden. We look almost completely the same. So.. its okay to get confused.'' He smiled and patted Scott on the shoulder.

Scott nodded his head. ''Alright, thanks for telling me Ethan.''

Ethan nodded again then walked forward, leaving Scott.

The group walked in to the cafeteria, some people walking to sit with other people. Scott looked around the room, searching for the pale teen.

Instead of finding Stiles, he locked eyes with someone who must have been staring at him. He didn't recognise who it was, the boy had brown hair that almost covered his eyes. He smirked at Scott and the tan teen tilted his head. He started walking toward him but he felt someone grab his upper arm. He gasped and spun around, calming when he saw Stiles grinning goofily.

''You okay? You look spooked.'' Stiles chuckled and shoved two small pots into Scotts' hands, having three in his own hands.

Scott nodded at him and smiled. ''I'm-'' He turned around for a second, seeing the boy wasn't there anymore. He furrowed his brows and faced Stiles, nodding again. ''I'm fine. Uh- where are we sitting?''

Stiles grinned and led Scott to a table, where some people from before were sat, along with some others. They both sat down and smiled at each other. Everyone engaged into their own conversations. Except Scott. He looked across the room, over to where he saw the boy staring at him. He sighed quietly, wondering who it was.. it was kinda creepy.