Rose: Well, this is it... the final chapter. I am warning you, there will be character death in this chapter. It is also a spoiler for those who have not seen the anime. I wanted to give you a warning... I also had difficulties with the battle scenes... But I finally got this fic done... Yay~ I also am working on the second chapter of Magical Mafia in London, that is the sequel to this fic. I hope you all enjoy the last chapter. ^^

After everyone got settled into their ambush sites, they waited for the impending battle to begin. Sentoki looked around at the other three with him and he sighed softly, silently wondering how this will go. He bit his lip and shifted as he looked down, thinking back to last night, remembering how against Gokudera going he had been.

Once they had spotted Zakuro, they attacked, Sentoki staying as still as possible to be the trump card of the group. Sentoki was someone Byakuran didn't know about, as the man hadn't encountered him in other parallel worlds. So the Mare Ring holders should have no information on him.

Just as the battle got heated, when Sentoki was going to attack, Bluebell showed up to help Zakuro, having had gotten a bit lost. Sentoki ended up really hurt, along with Gokudera, Lal and Gamma. Thankfully the Varia showed up last minute to help and had saved their lives. Sentoki glanced towards Draco, who was shockingly a cloud user, which sort of went against what Sentoki knew of the man's personality.

Lussuria was helping heal them as Sentoki had his own box weapon out to help as well. The others distracted Zakuro and Bluebell, letting Sentoki heal enough to use a Cambio Forma to further the healing. Unfortunately, Sentoki's box was purely for support and not fighting. The only thing Sentoki could really do was use his magic to fight, and he hadn't really used his wand in so long he was sort of out of practice with it, having had been focused on his flames and on potions.

Meanwhile, Ryohei's group was fighting with Kikyo. They were in a bit of trouble and Ryohei had yelled out the "switch" for Lambo so he could use his box weapon. After that, they had finally beaten Kikyo's box weapon.

After a while, the last Real Funeral Wreath was Kikyo and after Tsuna beat Ghost, the mysterious last Wreath they did not know about, Byakuran showed up himself. After a brutal battle, Primo appeared and unlocked the true power of the Vongola rings.

During a small break in the battle, Yuni and Gamma sacrificed their lives and flames to bring back the Arcobaleno to life. This had the unfortunate effect of pissing off Byakuran even more than he had been before. This served to piss off Tsuna as well and the two proceeded to prepare for a final attack.

Thankfully with the last attack, Tsuna won and the Arcobaleno were revived. The group was sent back to the past and memories were given to all of those in the past, who had helped in the future. The Vongola group was given a present as a reward.

Tsuna glanced down at his hand and saw Na-Tsu in ring form, the others had their box animals as rings as well. The brunette met with Gokudera, Takashi, Sentoki, Reborn, and Ryohei on the roof of the school to talk about the animal rings.

Sentoki grinned brightly and chuckled softly as he watched Gokudera and Ryohei deal with Hibari. He looked to Reborn and grinned bigger. He had finally made a break in the cure for the curse and the test potion was being made. He hummed and sighed in contentment, happy to be back in a peaceful time, where he knew all he had left to deal with was Voldemort and Dumbledore.

Mukuro grinned as he took over Chrome's body for a brief moment and he looked down at the rings. "This will be interesting." He commented to himself before vanishing again, leaving a slightly confused Chrome.

Kyoko and Haru were happily chatting with each other over tea and cakes at Sentoki's shop. They blinked as a teen with shockingly blond hair, almost as blond as Gokudera's, walked in and looked around, humming slightly. Kyoko used her new cell phone to call Sentoki and let him know. The girls stood and left, not wanting to be part of any confrontation if there was one.

Sentoki came back to the shop and blinked a few times in surprise. "Malfoy? What the hell are you doing here?" he asked as he stomped up to Draco.

Draco smirked and looked at the raven-haired teen. "I overheard my father talking with the Dark Lord and I came to see what all the hype was about this place. My father didn't mention this shop or you, but he did mention a boy with silver hair and green eyes with a crass language. The only person I could think of would be Potter." He arched a brow and looked the other male up and down, noticing how tense the other was.

Sentoki took a calming breath and then sighed softly. "You're thinking of the wrong person. That was Gokudera, a friend of mine your father ran into." He admitted with a slight grin. "Gokudera spent time on the streets, so to throw off Lucy and Bella, he fell back to those mannerisms and slang. I'd say it worked."

Draco broke out into laughter and grinned. "I've never seen my father so upset about something so simple. Well done Potter." He grinned and chuckled, causing Sentoki to startle a bit and stare at the blond in surprise. "Come now Potter, I've known you for how many years? I may not have shared a dorm with you, but we did share classes. Besides, I've talked to Lovegood. So, therefore, I know more than my father. I am here to escape as well. I do not want to become a Death Eater."

Sentoki stared at Draco Malfoy in surprise as he blinked a few times before chuckling. "So like Uncle Sev, you wish to escape huh?" he asked before shaking his head and then grinned. "Let me get him, he should be in the labs down in the basement." He left and soon came back with a familiar man.

Draco blinked in surprise and beamed. "Uncle Sev!" he exclaimed happily as he pounced on the man, startling him a bit.

Severus blinked a few times in surprise and wrapped his arms around his godson to keep standing. "Draco! What are you doing here?" he asked, surprise coating his voice as Sentoki went to the bar to get tea, listening to the two talk and catch up. He brought the tea and some sandwiches.

"Oh, you're welcome to stay here Draco, as long as you don't cause problems, and call me Kuro or Sentoki. It is Sen to my friends. I'm giving you a head's up, they are a crazy bunch. And you'll run into a man in a cursed body. I am almost done with the cure." Sentoki said before heading to the house next door where they lived.