A few days passed by, and without fail, Kai would be there, sometimes for pastries and sometimes for a simple cup of coffee. Knox ignored his flirting while Mia tried her best for them to be alone for long periods of time.

One morning, Kai arrived looking like he was the walking dead. Knox stifled a gasp of surprise before grabbing Kai and dragging him to sit down on one of the couches set in the bakery. Kai smiled softly at him, a yawn interrupting that beautiful smile.

"Are you okay?" Knox asked with a concerned tone.

"Yeah. Just tiered. I stayed up all night coming up with a new choreography. I'll be alright," Kai said with another yawn, resting his head on his arms and closing his eyes.

"Oh no! You're not sleeping here. Come on, let's go upstairs and get you to bed. Come one," Knox said, pulling Kai onto his feet.

Kai yawned and snuggled into Knox, the others eyes widening a bit before pushing away the butterflies and hauling Kai upstairs. He slowly set Kai onto his bed, taking off his jacket before pulling up the covers and watching as he curled up like a little kitten, snuggling into the pillows. He looked at the jacket that was still warm, and brought it up to his nose, smelling it and sighing at it. Knox heard a rustling and quickly dropped the sweater onto a table, mortified.

Knox turned around, but not before hearing Kai mutter something that suspiciously sounded like, "Hmm, smells nice." Knox quickly made his way downstairs, making sure to keep the door slightly open just in case. As he walked down the steps, he saw Mia standing with a cup of coffee and a doughnut.

"Where's Kai?" she asked once she noticed Knox.

"He's sleeping," Knox replied, not taking note of what he said before he saw her eyes gleam.

"Sleeping? Where. What made him so tired? Why are you still up? Or do you have an extremely long stamina?" she inquired, narrowing her eyes and raising her eyebrows, a look that was so funny, Knox couldn't pass off not taking a picture.

"Hey! I asked you a question! Oh no! Please don't tell me he broke you!" Mia gasped.

"No! We didn't do anything. He was just up all night coming up with a new choreography. That's it. We're not even dating!" Knox quickly fixed, sobering up.

"Suuuurrrrrrre," Mia replied, dragging out the word.

Knox stuck out his tongue before officially opening the bakery. He went behind the counter and looked up sharply when he heard two familiar voices. His eyes widened a fraction when he saw Mia greet a woman with slightly bushy brown hair and a man with bright red hair a freckles. It can't be.

"Hello. I was just wondering if you were looking to hire. See, my husband here is looking for a quiet job at the moment, and we were wondering if you had space," the bushy haired woman asked.

"Um, let me ask the manager. What are your names?" Mia asked.

"I'm Hermione Weasley-Granger, and my husband is Ron Weasley," she replied. Mia nodded before turning around and walking towards Knox.

Knox felt a growing hatred and the familiar emptiness of heartbreak. He schooled his face into one of curiosity. Knox hid the hurt and pain. Luckily Mia didn't notice.

"What?" he asked.

"That guy, Ron Weasley, I think, wants a job here. Weird name. I find him strange. He's so quiet," Mia babbled.

"Nope. I think we're perfectly fine. If we do need other people, we would put up a sign. So tell them that we don't need any help," Knox replied.

Mia looked a bit surprised before nodding, her hair bobbing up and down.

"I'm sorry, but we aren't looking to hire right now. It's just me and Knox, but we're good," Mia said as an answer.

Hermione looked a bit disappointed before thanking Mia and turning away, Ron following her lead. They didn't look back once. Knox let out a sigh of relief. He hoped that they wouldn't stay here, in a small part of a large city. Just a normal part of the city. A completely random spot. Out of everywhere else in the world. For just a moment, Knox let the memories consume him.


Harry was awake in bed, listening closely. Two people were talking in the bed nearest to his.

"Are you sure that everyone's asleep?" Hermione asked, whispering.

"Yes, I've checked three times. Don't worry," Ron replied.

"I'm a bit on edge. Dumbledore told us that he would pay us a week later, even though we had just lured Harry into another trap to fight Voldemort. And Ginny hasn't had the chance to slip Harry the love potion. What do we do?" Hermione fretted.

"Don't worry," Ron repeated. "Dumbledore will pay us, and Harry will end up fighting Voldemort, even if he has to die. As long as he doesn't know that we don't want him around, we'll be fine."

"Alright. God, I just hope that nothing goes wrong. I made the potion with Dumbledore, so all Ginny has to do is slip it to Harry, and then he'll fall in love with her, they will get engaged before he dies, and we get the money. Simple, right?" Hermione reassured herself.

Harry heard the two shift until only even breathing was heard throughout the room. He slipped away, taking out his cloak and his map, which he charmed to show whether the people were sleeping or not. Everyone in the castle was asleep, except for himself. He walked towards the seventh floor, walked past the stretch of wall three times before seeing a door. He opened it before locking the door and walking up the full length mirror and dropped his glamours. He whispered two words.

"I promise."

End Flashback

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Mia calling out to him from the kitchen in the back of the bakery. Knox walked towards her, helping her with whatever she needed. Knox's brain was filled with that fateful conversation over and over. He was distracted throughout the day. Mia passed it off as Knox daydreaming about Kai. Knox was to distracted to bother correcting her.

'Why were they here? Did they know that he was here? Did Dumbledore send them? Did they even remember him? Did they even care? Why do you? Why did they ask for a job if Dumbledore gave them enough money to live three lifetimes in luxury? STOP!' Knox's thoughts clouded his brain. He sighed.

Knox focused his thoughts on the bakery as much as he could, which was not much.