Hey guys, Ash here. So instead of constantly updating Unlikely I decided to do a double update. I really missed this story so I decided I'd update it.

Jayla didn't know what she was doing here. But Hayden had told him to meet him there so they could discuss her little favour. She walked into Fish and Chips and instantly grimaced.

The small food joint smelt like sweat and fish, two smells that didn't belong together at all. A blue hair girl caught her attention. "Uvara, over here," she called over to the girl.

She looked at her with interest. "Well, well, well if it ain't Jayla. What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" she slowly stalked over to the slightly taller girl.

"I'm here to talk to Hayden," she said, already getting annoyed.

Uvara let out a laugh and walked over to what Jayla assumed to be the kitchen. Minutes later, Hayden finally came out.

"Well if it isn't the lovely Jayla," he smiled wickedly and strutted over to her.

She rolled her eyes and glared at him. "Don't act suprised. You know exactly why I'm here."

He tapped his chin with his hook. "Hmmm, do I? Ah yes, I do. I need you to steal something for me." The look in his eyes went serious quickly.

Her eyebrow went up. "And that would be?"

"Ursula's trident. We're gonna need it so we can get off this hunk of rock."

Jayla scoffed and looked at him with disbelief. "Really? That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Just tske the goodness test."

Hayden shook his head. "No. I don't want to simply leave the island. I want the land of Aurodon to feel with it's like to be trapped. Once we have the trident, we'll get out of here and get that wand," he exclaimed, making the workers cheer loudly.

Jayla looked at all of them worriedly. What had she gotten herself into?

Malrie sank in her seat. This place was so boring. The grown ups kept talking about the Isle and trades with the other kingdoms and she could really care less.

She decided to get up and explore the castle. She had lived in a castle her whole life but this castle seemed even bigger than the one she lived in.

She heard a noise coming from the garden so she decided to check it out. It sounding like singing. She peeked from behind a tall hedge a saw a short blonde girl eith unusually long hair. It went down to her back.

The girl turned and stopped in her tracks when her eyes landed on Malrie. "Um, who are you?"

Malrie moved slowly from behind the hedge. "My name is Malrie," she stuck her hand out.

The girl gave her a skeptical look. "My name is Rachael. My mom used to have really long hair so that's why I have it."

Malrie nodded with interest in her eyes. "My mom has purple hair so that's why my hair is purple."

Racheal gasped. "So it's not dyed?" her voice was filled with amazement.

Malrie shook her head and smiled. "I have two friends with eeird colour hair as well. One of them has really dark blue hair and the other has white hair." She started thinking about her best friends. Especially Dylan. Malrie had felt something more for Dylan but couldn't quite explain it.

"Wow, I wish my hair was cool like yours," Racheal pouted.

Malrie scoffed. "Are you serious? You hair is super cool! It's really long and I don't know anyone else with hair like that."

Racheal giggled and so did Malrie. Soon, Mal walked into the garden. "There you are Malrie! I've been looking everywhere for you! Come on we have to go prepare for the party." Mal grabbed her daughters hand and the two rushed away.

Malrie waved to the other girl, hoping to see her at Malrie's coronation.

So that's the chapter. Not alot happened and that's because this was a filler chapter. The next chapter will be quite eventful so stay tooned ;3
