Judy Hopps sat alone in the living room of her apartment. She took this moment to realize how much better her current apartment was than the one she had when she first came to the more metropolitan areas of Zootopia. Today she didn't have work and was relaxing in her apartment. Nick was going to come over but he wasn't hear yet. Judy wondered if maybe it was to early for him to start his day but then she remembered that nick had set up the time schedule for when he was going to come over, so he must have figured he wouldn't be tired or busy. As Judy was sitting there she heard a click at her door and nick walked in.

"sorry I'm late, I overslept" Nick said. Judy looked at a nearby clock.

"Still an improvement" Judy said as nick walked over and sat on the couch with her. Judy noticed he was dressed in his trademark green flower shirt.

"Same shirt" Judy jokingly said.

"No, different shirt, same style". Judy couldn't really blame him. She wasn't sure what clothes were in his closet but most of his wardrobe must have been green flower shirts. In addition to the few other shirts she saw him wear occasionally, and the red suit he wore when they had a date night.

"So are we planing on doing anything whiskers?" Nick asked. Judy thought for a moment

"I haven't considered going anywhere"

"We could go to the beach, after all it is a hot summer day"

"The beach is closed, they're building up the sand dunes". Nick remembered he saw an announcement that said there would be trucks bringing sand to the beach.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, so I guess we just relax hear"? Judy shrugged.

"I guess" she said. Then they both sat quietly watching the tv. The discovery channel was on, and there was some add for a show about people searching for gold in remote areas of the world. Nick was glad they were watching the discovery channel rather than the news, because the news would just spit out issues about someone's lost child or something about a convertible that had crashed through traffic cones in a construction site. Nicks stomach growled and Judy looked at him.

"Yeah I didn't eat breakfast" Nick said

"well you can get something out of my kitchen" Judy said as Nick got up. That's when Judy realized she was also a little hungry so she also got up and walked into the kitchen. Nick opened the fridge and inside he saw some carrot cake that Judy was probably planning to eat after dinner. But besides that there was nothing much in the fridge.

"Want an apple"? Judy asked.

"Sure". Judy tossed an apple to Nick, grabbed one for herself and then then went back to sitting on the couch. Nick took a bite of his apple and then started talking to Judy.

"So cottontail, anything new"? He said with a full mouth.

"Not much" Judy responded also with a full mouth. Then she looked down and saw a spider crawling around on her knee. Judy let out a Yelp and brushed the spider off, where it crawled into a vent near the floor. Nick covered his mouth and laughed.

"Looks like you got an eight legged surprise" he said. Trying not to spit out the apple he was eating. Judy felt her face get hot but she decided not to say anything. It was just Nick being himself. Nick swallowed and put his arm around Judy, which made her feel better.

"So I guess for the moment it's just a relax at home kind of day" Nick said. Judy leaned against nick.

"Yeah I guess it is"