Everyone in the Great Hall sat in shock as it was announced that Harry Potter had commited suicide.

The hall was silent save for Hermione's sobs and others whimpering.

Dumbledore continued, "Attention, I have one last wish from Harry. He would like a recording to be played to you all."

The students and teachers sat up in anticipation, hoping for an answer as to why Harry would do this.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Harry Potter, oops, was Harry Potter," he let out a bitter laugh, "I would like to list a couple people who pushed me over the edge. Hope you remember that you killed me for the rest of eternity."

People looked around in confusion and certain people paled.

"Number 1, Severus Snape." Snape sat in shock. "Thank you for endlessly bullying me and making my life hell. Im sure my mum would be proud of you protecting me."

"Number 2, Albus Dumbledore. Thank you for constantly manipulating me and trying to control me. So much for that prophecy."

"Number 3, Ron Weasley. Thank you for pretending to be my friend and for those lovely bouts of jealousy you seem to be prone to. You're not getting shit from my will."

"Number 4, Ginny Weasley. Thank you for dosing me with love potions and pretending you care. You'll never be Lady Potter-Black."

"Number 5, Molly Weasley. Thank you for making me think of you as a mother and creating marriage contracts to get my money. Burn in hell, bitch."

"Number 6, Draco Malfoy. Thank you for bullying me and annoying me until I wanted to strangle you. Your existence is pointless."

"Number 7, Lord Voldemort. You dont get a thanks. Fuck yourself."

Everyone sat, tears pooling for Harry, and realisation at what he suffered. Dumbledores eyes were outraged at what Harry revealed and stood up but the tape wasnt done.

"Heres a lil' bonus for you all. To Hermione Granger. The most beautiful, wonderful person I know. Theres a surprise at Gringotts for you. You kept me sane all these years. I love you."

Hermione let out heart-wrenching sobs as she ran out the hall.

"Good riddance, world."

The tape stopped.

Authors Note;

Sorry for not updating The Real Lily Evans but i have had this in my mind for a while. Sorry for the unexpected Weasley bashing but i was in the mood. Thanks for reading!

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