Hello Everyone! ~

So I know its been awhile since I have updated my stories (No Shit Sherlock)

But I do have an explanation for part of the reason why there has been no updates. My dad's computer is broke. The one I been using for awhile. Now it's getting fixed right now.

It needed a new keyboard and touch pad. And a hard disk. For my computer is just needs a hard dick which i didn't turn in to get fix yet.

Second Reason is I lost interest. Just got cable finally but record button no work so I'm gonna go start watching it probably this weekend. Cause I still do love the show just haven't seen it since season 1.

So I will be updating when I get computer back which will probably be the 18th of October.

But I do need answers from you guys. Please review on this story if you want it updated.

I'm posting this on all my stories so please review on the ones you want me to do.